The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy

2024/06/3008:14:32 regimen 1814

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially start on July 16th. The Dog Days last for 40 days, with 40 days of high temperatures. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments in diet. Don't be greedy for cold drinks and eat less cold drinks and raw and cold foods, which are not good for your health. As the saying goes, "Summer nourishes the body during the dog days, and winter nourishes the body during the winter." Especially for women with cold bodies, the dog days are the best time to take good care of the body. July 16th will be the first month of the lunar month. I suggest women: If you don’t have money, eat these 5 foods regularly and don’t be reluctant to part with them.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

1. Red dates

Red dates are a common ingredient. They are very good for making soup or eating as snacks. Red dates are also one of the best nourishing products for women. In the hot summer days, people will inevitably feel upset, anxious, and irritable; red dates It has the benefit of calming the mind and calming the mind. You can eat more red dates in moderation after entering the ambush, which is very good for the body, especially for female friends.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

Recommended recipe: ginger, red dates and brown sugar water

Ingredients: ginger, red dates, eggs, wolfberry, Angelica appropriate amount, a little longan, appropriate amount of brown sugar.

1. Cook the eggs in a pot of cold water until thoroughly cooked. Remove the shell from the pot and set aside.

2, wolfberry, red dates, ginger, angelica, washed longan and set aside.

3. Put all the ingredients into the soup pot, add an appropriate amount of water, cook over high heat for 10 minutes, add a little brown sugar and mix well.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

2. Ginger

As the saying goes, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer", it makes sense. Of course, people with body heat should eat less ginger. There are also tips for eating ginger in the dog days of summer. It is recommended to eat it in the morning. If you don’t eat ginger after lunch, you will easily get angry if you eat ginger at night. Ginger can dispel cold and warm the body. In the dog days of summer, the heat is on the body surface and the body is cold, so you can eat some ginger appropriately.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

Recommended practice: Ginger rice tea

Ingredients: ginger, rice.

1. For ginger, choose old ginger, wash and cut into shreds and set aside. (Don’t chop too finely).

2. Wash and drain the rice and set aside.

3, Dry pot Add rice to the pot and stir-fry until the rice is dry. Continue stir-frying until the rice turns white and then becomes slightly browned.

4. Add the shredded ginger and continue to stir-fry until the water in the shredded ginger dries slightly and the rice becomes brown. Be careful not to burn the pan. Take it out of the pot and let it cool, then seal and package it. Use it to make tea when you usually drink it.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

3. Lotus root

As the saying goes, "Men cannot live without leek, and women cannot live without lotus root." It is very good for women to eat more lotus root. Lotus root is one of the seasonal delicacies in summer. Lotus root is an aquatic food. When eaten raw, it is cool in nature. When cooked, it is warm in nature but not drying. Eating lotus root in summer can clear away heat and moisturize dryness without causing internal heat. Lotus root has a high dietary fiber content. Eating lotus root in summer can also help intestinal digestion and is a very nutritious and healthy vegetable.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

Recommended recipe: Lotus root bone soup

Ingredients: Pork bones, lotus root, and appropriate amounts of ginger.

1. Wash the pork bones, blanch them in cold water, remove, drain and set aside.

2. Peel the lotus root, wash and cut into cubes. Set aside. Wash and slice ginger.

3. Put the pork bones, lotus root and ginger into a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat, continue to simmer for 90 minutes, and add a little salt to taste.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

4. Barley

Barley is a very good dehumidifying ingredient. The dog days of summer are hot and rainy, sultry and humid. At this time, the moisture in the body is relatively heavy. You can usually eat some water boiled with barley, make soup, etc., you can It clears away heat and removes dampness, but barley is also relatively cold. You can usually dry-fry it to remove a certain amount of coldness and then boil it in soup for better results.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

Recommended recipe: Stewed crucian carp with winter melon and barley

Ingredients: crucian carp, winter melon, barley, white lentils, and eyebrow beans.

1. Wash crucian carp and set aside. Wash and peel winter melon and cut into cubes. Wash barley, white lentils and eyebrow beans and set aside.

2. Heat a pan with cold oil, add crucian carp and fry until both sides are browned. Remove from pan and set aside.

3. Put the fried crucian carp, winter melon, barley, white lentils, and eyebrow beans into a casserole, and add an appropriate amount of water.

4. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 90 minutes. Add a little salt to taste.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

5. Duck meat

It is perfect to eat duck meat in summer. It is more nutritious than pork and more affordable than beef. Duck meat is delicious, nourishing and not irritating. Duck meat is cool in nature, warming and tonic without irritating. It is suitable for most people. For human consumption, duck meat can also be eaten by people with a body that is prone to internal heat. In addition, in the bitter dog days of summer, body nourishment is also indispensable. However, it is not recommended to eat too much or too greasy. Duck meat is a good choice.

The Dog Days of 2022 will officially begin on July 16. The Dog Days last for 40 days, and there will be high temperatures for 40 days. Everyone should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and cool down when going out, and make corresponding adjustments to their diet. Don’t be greedy - DayDayNews

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried duck with ginger

Ingredients: appropriate amount of duck meat, ginger, green and red peppers, beer, and green onions.

1. Wash and cut the duck meat into pieces, blanch it in a pot under cold water, drain and set aside.

2. Wash and shred the ginger. You can use more ginger. The ginger is crisp and tender and can be eaten as a vegetable. Wash the green and red peppers and cut into small pieces for later use. Wash and slice the garlic for later use.

3. Heat the cold oil in the pan, add the duck meat and stir-fry until the water is dry. Add the onions, ginger, garlic and green onions and stir-fry until fragrant. Add light soy sauce, oyster sauce and hoisin sauce and stir-fry until the sauce is fragrant.

4. Pour in an appropriate amount of beer and cover the duck meat with a little water. Simmer for 15 minutes, add shredded ginger and colored peppers and stir-fry until fragrant, add a little salt to taste, and thicken the soup.

Lily’s food talk:

The above are 5 kinds of ingredients suitable for eating in the dog days. It is suitable to eat during the dog days, and it is healthier to comply with the solar terms. It also recommends related detailed recipes. You can save them and cook them for your family during the dog days. Entering the Dog Days, no matter you have money or not, remember to eat these 5 kinds of food regularly to spend the Dog Days comfortably.

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