Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc

2024/06/2919:59:32 regimen 1808

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What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle?

Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (Quadratus Lumborum) discomfort. Poor posture can also put stress on these muscles.

The quadratus lumborum muscle can also become overactive when the surrounding lumbar and pelvic muscles that provide stability to the lower back are weak. In other words, the QL muscles compensate for other muscles that are not working properly. But over time, this compensation can lead to tightness or pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle.

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

(picture from the Internet)

To prevent tight QL muscles from affecting your quality of life, incorporating QL exercises and stretches into your daily routine can improve flexibility and relieve lower back pain.

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews Quadratus Lumborum Stretches and Exercises

QL Exercises and stretches are both important parts of building a healthy lower back. Strong muscles help support your spine, while flexible muscles allow for better movement, so be sure to include both in your exercise routine.

The QL stretches and quadratus lumborum exercises below will help you tone and lengthen stiff side muscles, release tension in your lower back, and strengthen your core. By doing these QL-strengthening exercises every day, you'll build core stability and keep your lumbar area loose and supple, reducing your risk of pain or injury.

Action 1: Sit and extend your knees

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

. Sit on the floor, straighten your left leg and bend your right knee.

. Grasp your right knee with your left hand to stabilize yourself, and then slowly extend your right arm to the left side of your head.

. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, taking slow, deep breaths, aiming to sink deeper into the side stretch with each exhale.

. Repeat on the other side.

Movement 2: Extended Side Angle Pose

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

. Start in a low lunge position with your left foot forward.

. Place your hands on the floor beside your left foot.

. As you exhale, lift your right arm off the floor toward the ceiling while rotating your torso and pelvis to the right.

. Extend your right arm to the top of your head and feel the lengthening on your right side.

. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Action 3: Side lying dynamic quadratus lumborum stretching

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

. Sit down with your knees bent.

. Place your left hand on your side and swing your legs to the right.

. Lower to your left elbow to lie on your left side.

. Stretch your right arm above your head while relaxing your head toward the floor. Simultaneously lengthen your right hip toward your feet for a deeper lateral stretch.

. Hold in the end range for a moment, then use your core muscles to help you return to center and repeat.

. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch to the other side.

Movement 4: Standing Quadratus Lumborum Stretch

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

. Stand approximately 2 to 3 feet away from a wall so that you are standing vertically.

. Reach your hands toward the wall.

. Gently push your hips away from the wall, feeling a deeper stretch along the outside of your torso.

. If you can, bring your outside leg over your other leg (towards the wall) and push your hips further away from the wall for a deeper stretch.

. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Action 5: Glute Bridge

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms on the floor.

. Tighten your pelvis to support your core and press through your feet to lift your hips until they are aligned with your knees. Squeeze your buttocks at the top.

. Maintain the posture and take three deep breaths, then relax.

Action 6: Plank

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

. Start in a quadruped position with shoulders stacked on wrists and hips stacked on knees.

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews. Brace your core, lift your hips, and extend your legs behind you. Your body should form a straight line from head to toe. Squeeze your glutes and quadriceps to engage your lower body.

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then release.

High planks force you to recruit muscles throughout your body, including your QL. This QL exercise trains core and pelvic stability, which is necessary when performing sports or daily activities involving balance.

Action 7: Superman

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

. Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched above your head.

. Brace your core and lift your head, arms, and legs a few inches off the floor. Keep your arms and legs straight and your upper arms aligned with your ears.

. Hold for 3 seconds, then release.

Action 8: Side plate

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

. Lie on your right side and stack your right hip directly on the upper left side. Place your right forearm on the ground, making sure your elbow is directly under your shoulder.

. Keeping your hips and shoulders straight, lift your hips off the ground until your body forms a diagonal line from head to toe. You should feel your right oblique muscle engage.

. Hold the target for 30 seconds, then release and switch sides.

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Evaluation experience price: 9.9 yuan (the first ten can receive it for free)

Note: Get a limited-time evaluation discount experience via private message. The first ten people can get it for free. What causes tightness and pain in the quadratus lumborum muscle? Like any other muscle, overuse, stress, and strain can cause QL muscle (quadratus lumborum) disc - DayDayNews

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