For boys, the age of 30 is the period when their careers have just stabilized. Boys who think of marrying later and having children later have just started a family and started a business. Summer vacation is coming, and Mr. Zhang stayed up late and worked overtime for 4 consecuti

2024/07/0115:35:33 regimen 1001

htmlThe age of 130 is a period for boys when their careers have just stabilized. Boys who think of marrying later and having children later have just started a family and started a business.

Summer vacation is coming. Mr. Zhang stayed up late and worked overtime for 4 consecutive days, sleeping less than 4 hours a day.

Originally wanted to take his children to the amusement park before waiting for them to attend cram school. However, accidents always happen suddenly. Just when the family was preparing to go out to the amusement park, Mr. Zhang suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

When the ambulance received Mr. Zhang, he was already wet and cold. His heart rate reached 135 beats/minute . After taking vasopressor dopamine his blood pressure was barely maintained at 72/50mmHg. There was a possibility of shock at any time.

At this time, he is racing against death. If he can outrun death, Mr. Zhang will still have a chance to rescue him. Otherwise, even all-out rescue will not help.

For boys, the age of 30 is the period when their careers have just stabilized. Boys who think of marrying later and having children later have just started a family and started a business. Summer vacation is coming, and Mr. Zhang stayed up late and worked overtime for 4 consecuti - DayDayNews

Unfortunately, no matter how fast the ambulance drove, it could not outrun death. Before he could get to the operating table, Mr. Zhang had already lost his heartbeat. After persisting in resuscitation for an hour, Mr. Zhang still could not be saved from death. Take it back.

During the rescue process, the nurse had a preliminary understanding of Mr. Zhang’s living situation and physical condition. Mr. Zhang is usually in good health and has no chronic diseases or genetic history.

However, Mr. Zhang is a designer by profession and often works overtime and has less time to spend with his family every day, so he wanted to use the summer vacation to spend time with his family. Stayed up late for several nights in a row, which led to a sudden myocardial infarction.

In fact, sudden death is very close to us. It often happens around us, but we just don’t pay attention to it.

Therefore, we have been emphasizing that young people should not let these four things ruin their health.

1Don’t stay up late

The main reason for sudden death among young people is staying up late. If you sleep for too short a day, your brain will be in a state of excitement for a long time, and your body will gradually become uncomfortable. Staying up late for a long time will increase the body's consumption of oxygen and blood, which can easily lead to symptoms of hypoxia and ischemia, leading to sudden death.

For boys, the age of 30 is the period when their careers have just stabilized. Boys who think of marrying later and having children later have just started a family and started a business. Summer vacation is coming, and Mr. Zhang stayed up late and worked overtime for 4 consecuti - DayDayNews

2Don’t overwork

The body’s endurance is limited. If you are overtired for a long time, it will cause abnormalities in the nerves and excessive energy consumption in the body. At this time, hypoglycemia and hypotension will occur, which will lead to Electrolyte imbalance affects heart rate and induces myocardial infarction.

3Don’t sit still for a long time

Move around more when you have nothing to do, don’t sit still for a long time. If you don't exercise for a long time, it will affect the blood circulation in the body and make the blood concentration in the body become viscous. If you get up too hard or move suddenly, blood vessels may be blocked, leading to sudden death.

4Don’t smoke and drink.

Try not to smoke and drink. Cigarettes and alcohol not only damage the health of the lungs and liver, but the carbon monoxide in the smoke and the alcohol in the wine can also affect the health of blood vessels. In particular, the carbon monoxide produced after burning cigarettes will combine with the hemoglobin in the blood vessels, causing hypoxia and inducing myocardial infarction.

For boys, the age of 30 is the period when their careers have just stabilized. Boys who think of marrying later and having children later have just started a family and started a business. Summer vacation is coming, and Mr. Zhang stayed up late and worked overtime for 4 consecuti - DayDayNews

The above four factors are the main causes of sudden death. I hope you can try to avoid these four things and reduce the frequency of sudden death.

In fact, although myocardial infarction is relatively dangerous, if it occurs and is not sent to the hospital in time, it will be life-threatening. But if it can be sent to the hospital in time, it can still be rescued.

What are the symptoms before myocardial infarction?

The heartbeat will suddenly accelerate

If the heartbeat accelerates in a non-exercise state, you need to be more vigilant. It may be caused by insufficient blood and oxygen supply to the heart, which is very likely It can induce myocardial infarction

Symptoms of chest tightness and difficulty breathing

When myocardial infarction occurs suddenly, chest tightness will appear, as if a stone has been placed in the chest, affecting breathing.

The phenomenon of profuse sweating

During a myocardial infarction, the blood in the body will become thicker, which will affect the circulation of blood pressure. When the circulation of blood pressure in the body slows down, symptoms of profuse sweating will appear.

You can do some self-examination at ordinary times. If the above three symptoms appear after you often stay up late or do not exercise, you need to be more vigilant. While you are still conscious, dial 120 in time to give yourself more time for rescue.

For boys, the age of 30 is the period when their careers have just stabilized. Boys who think of marrying later and having children later have just started a family and started a business. Summer vacation is coming, and Mr. Zhang stayed up late and worked overtime for 4 consecuti - DayDayNews

If you search for news related to "sudden death" on the Internet, you may find that most of the people who die suddenly are between the ages of 20 and 35.

Here comes the question, why do young people tend to be the victims of sudden death?

Compared with middle-aged people, today's young people are under great pressure in life and work.. At work, leaders will constantly exert pressure, and they also have to bear the responsibility of their own family and everyone, and the burden on their shoulders will also increase. After a busy day, I drag my tired body back home and just want to lie in bed and rest and don't want to exercise. As time goes by, most young people are now in a state of " sub-health" .

In addition, young people nowadays have many bad habits. Smoking, drinking, overeating, and unhealthy late-night snacks have become the norm. In the long run, cardiovascular health has been overdrawn, thereby increasing the risk of sudden death.

Overall In other words, the reason why sudden death is more likely to occur among young people is entirely because young people have higher rates of bad habits.

Summary: You only have one life, don’t use your life to make money. Even if you don't think about your own health, you should think about your parents, family, and children, and don't wait until a tragedy happens before you regret it.


[1] A 29-year-old man suffered a sudden myocardial infarction! He is under great pressure at the end of the year. See a doctor as soon as possible if these symptoms occur·Global Network·2022-01-13

【2] Eight signs predicting myocardial infarction·People's Daily Online·2019-02- 25

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