No. 684, an original article on health by a female doctor of Peking University Medicine (this article is about 3,000 words long and takes about 10 minutes to read). According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of treating winter diseases in summer, your gout may also be t

2024/07/0118:53:33 regimen 1471

No. 684, an original article on health by a female doctor of Peking University Medicine (this article is about 3,000 words long and takes about 10 minutes to read). According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of treating winter diseases in summer, your gout may also be t - DayDayNews

Original article on health by a female doctor from Peking University, No. 684

(This article is about 3,000 words, and it takes about 10 minutes to read)

According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of treating winter diseases in summer , your gout may also be treated in winter diseases and summer , preventing recurrence

Let’s get straight to the point. Today is the first day of dog days. Let’s talk about treating winter diseases in summer, regulating gout, and preventing attacks.

According to tradition, dumplings are eaten on the first day of the lunar month, "dumplings on the first day, noodles on the second day, and pancakes and eggs on the third day." There is also a custom that when entering Futian, you must "post and post during the three days of Futian".

The TCM theory of Sanfu Tie is based on winter disease and summer treatment. So according to the TCM theory of winter disease and summer treatment, can the more than 100 million gout patients across the country use winter disease and summer treatment to regulate or prevent attacks?

Let’s first understand the traditional Chinese medicine principle of winter disease and summer treatment -

Winter disease and summer treatment refer to diseases that are prone to occur in winter or diseases whose symptoms are aggravated. These diseases can be treated and replenished in summer when the disease is relatively mild and the symptoms are alleviated. , thereby achieving a therapy that relieves attacks and even cures them.

In short, this type of disease is a disease that is "hairy in winter and absent in summer" or "heavy in winter and light in summer". This characteristic is very similar to the joint symptoms of most gout patients in the acute phase, which are "light in the day and heavy in the night". In fact, many gout patients The patient's gout symptoms also have the characteristics of "heavy in winter and light in summer".

The theory of treating winter diseases in summer is based on the saying of "nourishing yang in spring and summer, and nourishing yin in autumn and winter" in "Huangdi Neijing".

Yang - refers to the Yang energy of the human body. The "Yang energy" of a person is the total driving force of life activities. There are Yuan Yang, Wei Yang, Lung Yang, Spleen Yang, Kidney Yang, and other Yang Qi. Yuan Yang and Wei Yang Yang is the root of Yang Qi. Yuan Yang is transformed from the innate kidney essence. It is the root of the kidney and governs the pure Yang Qi of the whole body. Weiyang comes from the spleen and stomach transporting and transforming water and grain essence. It travels outside the pulse and is the yang energy that defends and consolidates the human body.

"Nourishing yang in spring and summer ", which is based on the treatment of winter diseases and summer diseases, means to make Yuan Yang sufficient and Wei Yang Qi strong, so as to achieve the purpose of "good Qi is stored in the body and evil cannot be eliminated" as said in traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, "winter diseases are treated in the summer", which belongs to the category of traditional Chinese medicine of "not treating the existing disease but treating the disease before it occurs".

No. 684, an original article on health by a female doctor of Peking University Medicine (this article is about 3,000 words long and takes about 10 minutes to read). According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of treating winter diseases in summer, your gout may also be t - DayDayNews

So "winter diseases are treated in summer", why should we "nourish yang" in spring and summer?

In the four seasons of the year, in spring and summer, Yang Qi grows, the pores of the skin tissue open, the internal organs are released, and Qi and blood tend to adhere to the human surface. Therefore, the Yang Qi in the body is not kept internally and is easy to leak out, so it is suitable for nourishing the body. Yang makes the body's Yang energy abundant, so that it can protect the Yin essence. It is the ability of the Yin essence to be stored without leaking, and to help the body's biochemistry.

As summarized by Zhang Zhicong, a medical scientist in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , "In spring and summer, yang is abundant outside but deficient inside, so it is necessary to nourish the yang that is deficient inside; in autumn and winter, yin is abundant outside and deficient inside, so it is necessary to nourish it internally. Deficient yin. "

According to the theory of syndrome differentiation of the six meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, Shaoyang corresponds to spring, the sun corresponds to summer, Taiyin corresponds to autumn, and Shaoyin corresponds to winter throughout the year. Therefore, Yang should be in spring and summer, so it should be "nourishing Yang in spring and summer, and nourishing Yin in autumn and winter."

No. 684, an original article on health by a female doctor of Peking University Medicine (this article is about 3,000 words long and takes about 10 minutes to read). According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of treating winter diseases in summer, your gout may also be t - DayDayNews

So, winter diseases are treated in summer, why choose the dog days of summer?

To put it simply, in the dog days of summer, people are particularly prone to sweating profusely, which consumes yin fluids. "Yang adds to yin, which is called sweat." This means that in the dog days of summer, sweating will damage both yin and yang.

Yan Yonghe, a physician in the Song Dynasty, wrote in " Yan's Jisheng Prescriptions ": "The heat will damage the qi but not the body." The depletion of yin fluid in the human body can be replenished with liquid, but the depletion of yang qi cannot be replenished. , which will make the human body's yang energy weak.

Besides, in the hot summer, people prefer cold food, cold drinks, cold beer, and stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, which can lead to the depletion of yang energy. At this time, the heat in the sky and the heat in the earth intersect, and the human body's yang energy evaporates accordingly. The circulation of qi and blood is strong, the meridians are open, the skin is loose, the pores are open, and the cold evil can take the opportunity to invade the body without breaking out.

Therefore, the dog days are also the best time to restore human body's yang energy. We can also use the strong yang energy in nature to help the body's yang energy rise, replenish deficiency, support yang, suppress yin and dispel cold, so as to make the human body's yang energy sufficient. , so that it is not easily injured by severe cold in winter, and achieves the purpose of strengthening the body, dispelling evil, preventing and curing diseases.

Analyzed from the perspective of the internal organs, the kidney is the root of Qi, the spleen is the source of Qi, and the lungs are the master of Qi. The lungs, spleen, and kidneys are closely related to the formation and movement of Qi. Deficiency of Yang Qi first leads to deficiency of the body's Yuan Yang. Yuan Yang depends on the water and grain essence of the spleen and stomach biochemistry for nourishment, and it also needs sufficient Zong Qi to support it. Therefore, if the spleen and stomach are healthy, transportation and transformation will be normal, which is beneficial to nourishing yang. Therefore, the treatment of winter diseases in summer is usually based on dialectical treatment with traditional Chinese medicine that strengthens the spleen and replenishes qi. The function of the spleen and stomach is restored, the biochemistry of Yuan Yang is sufficient, and the Wei Yang is strong, so that "the healthy qi is stored in the body and the evil cannot be eliminated."

In summer, when the human body temperature is high and the body's yang energy is strong, methods of warming and replenishing yang are given at this time. For weak lung qi, deficiency of both the spleen and lungs, deficiency of both lungs and kidneys, deficiency of spleen and kidney yang, and qi deficiency Patients with phlegm obstruction and other diseases can use traditional Chinese medicines such as nourishing the lungs and strengthening the spleen, warming the kidneys and strengthening the yang, and warming the meridians to remove evil and cold air from the body, adjust the body's yin and yang, and achieve a balance between yin and yang, so that the body can recover after years of disease.

From the perspective of regulating yin and yang of the internal organs, isn’t treating winter diseases in summer exactly the principle of traditional Chinese medicine in treating gout?

No. 684, an original article on health by a female doctor of Peking University Medicine (this article is about 3,000 words long and takes about 10 minutes to read). According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of treating winter diseases in summer, your gout may also be t - DayDayNews

Which diseases are suitable for "winter disease and summer treatment"? Can gout attacks be treated or prevented?

From the above analysis, it is not difficult to see that winter disease is a cold syndrome, or a disease caused by dampness, or deficiency and cold, and it can also be a disease that is not restricted to the season.

means that as long as it is cold syndrome, damp-cold, phlegm-damp, spleen and kidney deficiency and cold, etc., it does not necessarily have to occur or worsen in winter. As long as it meets the characteristics of these diseases, it can be treated in the dog days or spring and summer. , can prevent attacks or prevent frequent or aggravated attacks in autumn and winter.

From this point of view, gout, especially cold syndrome with meridian obstruction, gout with cold syndrome - cold-damp obstruction type, phlegm-damp obstruction type, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold , and spleen and kidney yang deficiency are all possible and more suitable. It is better to take comprehensive care in the non-acute phase.

In addition, just like the indications of Sanfu Patch in traditional Chinese medicine, such as chronic bronchitis, asthma , obstructive emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic cough, rhinitis , sinusitis , chronic pharyngitis , Frequent colds, chronic spleen and stomach diseases due to chronic deficiency and cold, diarrhea caused by spleen yang deficiency, polyuria due to kidney yang deficiency, frequent urination, tepid limbs, liking warmth and fear of cold, aggravating the cold, and other diseases can be treated in winter and summer. .

Generally speaking, if winter diseases are treated in the summer, if you want to achieve good results, you need to treat three consecutive courses of treatment (that is, you need to treat three consecutive summers). You must not feel that the improvement in winter is not obvious after the first summer of treatment, and Give up treatment, Chinese medicine conditioning is all about accumulation and requires persistence.

So, is winter disease treated in the summer really suitable and able to treat gout? How is the effect? Let’s share a medical research.

No. 684, an original article on health by a female doctor of Peking University Medicine (this article is about 3,000 words long and takes about 10 minutes to read). According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of treating winter diseases in summer, your gout may also be t - DayDayNews

Gouty joint disease can also be treated in winter and in summer! Does it make sense? In-depth interpretation of

We know that gout disease is caused by the invasion of exogenous wind, cold, dampness and heat. It is only caused by external factors. Gout is formed in the body due to insufficient congenital endowment, or acquired dampness, heat, phlegm and blood stasis caused by improper diet, old age, fatigue, etc. A physical state that blocks the meridians and joints.

Gout, why does it happen when exogenous wind, cold, dampness and heat are invaded? The essence or core is that the body is inherently weak - Yang Qi is insufficient , and gout has long affected the kidneys. It is normal for cold or yin evil to remain in the body, which is internal cold. Looking at it this way, winter diseases are mostly caused by the invasion of cold evil, while the basic cause is the obstruction of yin evil caused by insufficient yang energy in the body.

Just as gout attacks occur late at night and early in the morning when the body's yin energy is strongest, gout will also occur more frequently or worsen in autumn and winter, when the body's yin energy is strong. In autumn and winter, the human body's physique is also at a low ebb, and its ability to accept external treatment is also at a low ebb. It is the "bad period" of downwind, so it is more common for gout treatment to be ineffective in autumn and winter.

In summer, the human body's yang energy rises, the meridians are open, the qi and blood are abundant, and the energy is strong. Cold evil will lurk inward but not emerge. At this time, preventive treatments that suppress yin, dispel cold, and replenish yang energy often have good results.

Especially in the dog days of summer, the body's skin is prone to inflammation. Use acupoints to apply to gouty joints. It is easiest for the medicine to enter the meridians through the acupoints of the skin, and then reach the lesions through the meridians and Qi and blood. This can promote recovery from the disease, restore Yang Qi, and allow the patient to recover from the disease. In autumn and winter, the disease can be lower than the external cold without recurrence or with less recurrence, and the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort can be achieved.

Winter disease and summer treatment method for gouty arthritis: internal administration + external application -

External application: appropriate amounts of onion, garlic, ginger juice, , appropriate amount of impatiens juice, a little rice vinegar, a little flour, and an appropriate amount of cowhide glue. First mix the onion, garlic, ginger, impatiens juice and vinegar in a pot and heat it until it becomes thick. Add the cowhide gel to dissolve it, add the flour, stir well and boil it into a paste.

Then remove the eight centimeter square tape, stick the ointment in the center, and stick it on different acupoints according to the doctor's instructions. Change the dressing once a day, and a course of treatment is ten days.

Oral Chinese medicine prescription:

Wind-cold, damp-heat syndrome: Oral administration Licorice and Aconite Decoction addition and subtraction.

Rheumatic heat syndrome: Oral administration of the modified Shaoyao Decoction.

Liver and kidney deficiency syndrome: take Duhuo Jisheng Decoction orally.

Treatment due to phlegm and blood stasis: take Baishao Papaya Decoction orally.

Our goal is: uric acid will no longer be high, gout will not occur, and stay away from tophi .

If you have any thoughts or opinions, please leave a message in the comment area, or send symptoms and reports to help you interpret and analyze.

References for this article (pictures and texts are from the Internet, deleted due to infringement): 1. Wu Nan et al.’s article "On "Treatment of Winter Diseases in Summer" in the 13th Issue of "Chinese Medical Guidelines" in 2012.

2. Zhang Xinyi’s article "A Brief Description of Winter Diseases and Summer Treatment" was published in the 18th issue of "Chinese Journal of Clinical Research" in 2011.

3. Ma Hongzhi's article "Articular diseases can also be treated in winter and in summer" in "Journal of Drugs and People", Issue 8, 2005.

4. Guo Feihang's article "Fan Zhe's experience in treating paralysis with winter disease and summer application therapy combined with traditional Chinese medicine decoction" in Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Issue 5, 2010.

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