I don’t know if you all have the same feeling. Even though you go to bed very early every day, you still feel very tired after getting up, and you may even experience back pain.

2024/07/0115:34:32 regimen 1602

“Why do I sometimes feel more tired as I sleep?”

I don’t know if you all have the same feeling. Even though you go to bed very early every day, you still feel very tired after getting up, and you may even feel sore and backache.

In fact, it is not surprising that this situation occurs. It is mainly related to our usual posture and mattress.

01 Postures

The postures here mainly include: sleeping postures and sitting postures.

· Sitting posture

Today's young people are not lazy. They don't like to move at ordinary times and would like to sit without them. Although you won't feel tired if you sit for a long time, it will affect the body's blood circulation. If you don't move for a long time, you will also feel soreness in your limbs. Over time, it will affect the health of the spine and induce cervical spondylosis . If the spine and cervical vertebra do not have a good rest at night, the pain in the waist will worsen after waking up.

I don’t know if you all have the same feeling. Even though you go to bed very early every day, you still feel very tired after getting up, and you may even experience back pain. - DayDayNews

·Sleeping positions

Common sleeping positions include sleeping on your back, sleeping on your left side, and sleeping on your right side. But there are some people who are more "unique" and like to sleep on their stomachs. Lying down properly will make your whole body feel relaxed, but it is not conducive to spinal health.

Sleeping on your stomach will affect the blood circulation of the back spine, causing insufficient blood supply to the waist, shoulders, neck and other parts. After a whole night, you will feel back pain.

In addition, some people still sleep huddled together, just like "hedgehogs", huddled together when sleeping. This sleeping position can give people a sense of security, but our spine will be in a curved state for a long time, which is not good for the health of the spine over time and can also cause back pain.

Therefore, if you feel back pain after getting up in the morning, or even feel more tired as you sleep, you can first check your usual sitting and sleeping postures. If you win the bid, it is recommended to make timely adjustments to avoid affecting the spine. healthy. If not, it may be the mattress.

I don’t know if you all have the same feeling. Even though you go to bed very early every day, you still feel very tired after getting up, and you may even experience back pain. - DayDayNews

02 Mattress

· The mattress is too soft

Today's young people prefer to "enjoy" their choice of mattresses and prefer soft Simmons mattresses. But a mattress that is too soft is not good for the health of our spine.

Because our spine is S-shaped and not straight, if we choose a mattress that is too soft, our whole body will "sink" in, causing the spine to lose support, which will lead to deformation of our spine over time. , feeling of back pain.

·A mattress that is too hard

Since a mattress that is too soft is not conducive to the health of the spine, is it better to choose a hard mattress that is more conducive to the health of the spine? No. The mattress is too hard and our body cannot lie completely on the bed.

There will also be a more prominent point on the spine, which is equivalent to a fulcrum, supporting our entire body. Originally, when you go to bed at night, your body enters the relaxation stage. If the mattress is too hard, it will cause the spine to work overtime, causing back pain when we get up in the morning and getting more tired as we sleep.

It can be seen that if you want to have a comfortable sleep, you not only need to consider your usual sleeping position, but also pay attention to the choice of mattress, and try to choose a mattress with moderate hardness and softness.

Mattress selection: Lie flat on the mattress and stretch out one hand from your back. If it can stretch out freely, it means the mattress is too hard. If it cannot be stretched out, it means the mattress is too soft. You should choose a mattress that is more strenuous but allows you to stretch out your palms.

I don’t know if you all have the same feeling. Even though you go to bed very early every day, you still feel very tired after getting up, and you may even experience back pain. - DayDayNews

Picture source: Haokan Video-Changchun Release

In fact, in addition to posture and mattress, there are also some personal factors that can also lead to backache after waking up in the morning and the phenomenon of getting more tired as you sleep, such as:

Sleeping I ate too much before.

Some people have the habit of eating before going to bed. In fact, this behavior is very undesirable.First of all, eating too much before going to bed will lead to excessive energy intake in the body, which will be converted into fat, making the body fatter and fatter.

Secondly, eating too much before going to bed will cause the intestines and stomach to work passively. However, a large amount of blood is consumed during the digestion of food. This will lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain and limbs, resulting in dizziness and sore limbs. symptoms.

Sleeping too long

Since it is difficult to ensure enough sleep time during work, many office workers like to use weekends to catch up on sleep. Some people even sleep for more than ten hours at a time. They always feel that this can supplement sleep.

However, sleeping for too long will not achieve the effect of catching up on sleep. During sleep, the body's blood circulation will slow down, causing the body to be hypoxic for a long time. At this time, the more you sleep, the more tired you will be. , feeling of soreness and backache.

If you sleep for a long time, it will affect your usual biological clock and affect your sleep quality. Therefore, it is recommended that you try to keep your sleep time at 7 to 8 hours, whether at work or after get off work.

I don’t know if you all have the same feeling. Even though you go to bed very early every day, you still feel very tired after getting up, and you may even experience back pain. - DayDayNews

Poor sleep quality

If you feel more tired after getting up in the morning and have lower back pain, it may also be caused by poor sleep quality. If the sleep quality is not good, even with your eyes closed, it will be difficult for the body to enter the relaxation stage and cannot sleep deeply, thus affecting the quality of sleep.

Because if you want to improve your sleep quality, you need to learn to relax your emotions before going to bed, and don't go to bed with emotions, etc.

In short, there are many reasons why you wake up with back pain and become more tired as you sleep. You can conduct self-examination according to your own situation to find out the reasons that affect your sleep quality, and correct them to improve your sleep quality.


【1】Why do you get more tired when you sleep? Maybe there is something wrong with your sleeping posture·Science Fiction Network·2022-07-12

【2】【Why do you sometimes get more tired when you sleep】·Changchun Municipal Committee Network Security and Information Technology Commission Office · 2022-07-10

[3] Why does the more you sleep, the more tired you become? China Weather Network · 2018-04-11

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