I don’t know if you have noticed it, but nowadays, more and more people have stomach bloating and discomfort, and their bowel movements are irregular. The first part is dry, and the next part is thin.

2024/07/0121:48:33 regimen 1015

In this article today, I want to talk to you about indigestion.

I don’t know if you have noticed it. Nowadays, more and more people have stomach bloating and discomfort, and their bowel movements are irregular. The first part is dry, and the next part is thin. It is the so-called stool that is dry first and then becomes loose.

Let me share with you a case in detail.

There is a patient, female, 48 years old.

Since a few years ago, I have had recurring upper abdominal discomfort and pain. In the past month, it has gotten worse. The entire stomach, chest, and even the abdomen and back became bloated and stuffy. It seemed like there was some anger being held there and it couldn't be let out.

In addition, this person also belched frequently, and his stool was dry at first and then became loose. The feeling of having a bowel movement is sticky and never refreshing. Her stomach always grumbles

. She has been treated with Western medicine all year round. This time she wanted to try Chinese medicine and found me after seeing my video.

I don’t know if you have noticed it, but nowadays, more and more people have stomach bloating and discomfort, and their bowel movements are irregular. The first part is dry, and the next part is thin. - DayDayNews

looked at her tongue coating , checked her pulse , and found that the patient's pulse was stringy, her tongue was slightly red, and there were cracks on her tongue. After careful questioning, I learned that the patient does not like to drink water now and will feel uncomfortably bloated after drinking it.

After learning about these situations, I gave her a prescription

Platycodon, Citrus aurantium , Wuyao , Bergamot , Bupleurum , areca nut, Rapeseed seed , Tangerine leaves , Orange Skin, Green Calyx Plum , Malt , Lily , Poria , Zhigan Cao

Note: Everyone’s situation is different. To prevent everyone from using the wrong amount, the gain will outweigh the gain. The number of grams will not be written here. Friends in this area can give specific diagnosis.

After using a few pills, her symptoms improved significantly. With a few additions and subtractions of the prescription, and follow-up care, the patient's symptoms were all normal.

I personally think that this patient's problem represents real life. , the true situation of many people. Although we can't talk about it being so serious, the essence of the problem is the same.

This is the imbalance of the liver and spleen.

I remember when we were studying Chinese medicine diagnostics, the teacher said all day long: "You must remember that if the stool is dry first and then loose, it is spleen deficiency . Sometimes dry and sometimes thin, it is liver stagnation ." This may not be 100% accurate, but in most cases, it makes sense. For the patient in the medical case above, the reason why her stool was dry at first and then loose was indeed due to spleen deficiency.

Look, this person has belching, inability to eat, rumbling in the abdomen, and the stool is dry at first and then becomes loose. This is obviously a sign of spleen deficiency. With spleen deficiency, why does the stool become dry first and then become loose? The spleen cannot be transported and transformed, so the stool is thin. Spleen deficiency, large intestine conduction is not smooth, so patients may have dry stools. This kind of chaotic situation can occur in a short period of time in a patient with spleen deficiency.

Of course, in addition to these, you will also find that the patient has distension and pain in the upper abdomen, and when he goes to the hospital, the chest and back are also distended. What does this mean? She has liver stagnation and qi stagnation. Qi stagnation and are not good, so the patient becomes bloated.

Also, this patient’s tongue was red and cracked. This shows that the patient has begun to develop heat due to qi stagnation.

Of course, the patient's stringy pulse indicated that she was still suffering from qi stagnation at that time. What should

do at this time? It promotes qi and soothes the liver, strengthens the spleen and replenishes qi, nourishes yin and clears away heat

I don’t know if you have noticed it, but nowadays, more and more people have stomach bloating and discomfort, and their bowel movements are irregular. The first part is dry, and the next part is thin. - DayDayNews

Let me analyze this prescription for you. There are many soothing liver and regulating qi products. For example, Bupleurum, Citrus aurantium, Wuyao, Bergamot, Betel nut, Platycodon, and Orange leaves.

Rapeseed seed, orange peel, and green calyx plum are used to regulate qi and stomach. Use 20 grams of Poria cocos to strengthen the spleen and replenish qi.

Wheat germ can not only soothe the liver, but also harmonize the stomach.

Lily is used to nourish yin and improve patients' yin deficiency condition.

Look, this is the basic idea of ​​medication, it is very simple.

Generally speaking, this recipe is to soothe the liver and regulate qi, harmonize the stomach and strengthen the spleen. Among them, soothing the liver and regulating qi and regulating the stomach are the most important.

If in our daily life, we also have symptoms of qi stagnation such as abdominal distension, stomach distension, chest tightness , flank and rib swelling and pain, and at the same time, the stool is irregular, first dry and then loose, and the stool is irregular. To take shape, we must consider the uncoordinated relationship between liver wood and spleen earth.

Of course, those with spleen deficiency may not necessarily have liver stagnation and qi stagnation.It's just a simple spleen deficiency, abnormal transportation and transformation, and the stool is dry at first and then becomes loose. Shenling Baizhu Powder and other prescriptions can deal with it

I don’t know if you have noticed it, but nowadays, more and more people have stomach bloating and discomfort, and their bowel movements are irregular. The first part is dry, and the next part is thin. - DayDayNews

That's it for today's sharing. If you have anything you don't understand, you can leave me a message or call me. Comment area

PS: Some articles and pictures are from the Internet and will be infringed and deleted. The various treatments and prescriptions involved are only for information sharing and do not serve as medical advice, recommendations or guidelines. If you have any discomfort, please consult a professional doctor for diagnosis.

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