Aunt Li, she is 51 this year. She usually has nothing to do. Her son got married early and her grandson is in elementary school, so she doesn’t have to follow her around. Slow walking speed: 4.8 km/h, medium speed: 4.8~6.4 km/h.

2024/07/0115:33:33 regimen 1852

Aunt Li, she is 51 this year. She usually has nothing to do. Her son got married early and her grandson is in elementary school, so she doesn’t have to follow her around. When I have nothing to do, apart from raising flowers and plants, I like to go to the park at the entrance of the community to exercise, swing my arms and kick my legs. As long as it is not windy or rainy, I will walk ten thousand steps every day, sometimes more than 20,000 Step is not a problem.

Sometimes Aunt Li’s son would accompany her, but she could never keep up with Aunt Li’s pace. She would feel tired after walking halfway. Aunt Li would always say that the physical fitness of today’s young people is not as good as that of a middle-aged person like her. . I went shopping with my friends. People said that Aunt Li was energetic and young.

Just like that, Aunt Li kept walking every day, but recently she found that her legs hurt a little when walking. Aunt Li didn't take it seriously. , still insist on walking. Yesterday, Aunt Li found that it hurt when she walked slower. The more she walked, the more painful it became. In the end, the pain was so severe that she could no longer walk.

went to the hospital for examination and found that Aunt Li's knees were severely worn and there was a lot of fluid accumulation in them. The doctor said that it was probably caused by walking too much.

Aunt Li, she is 51 this year. She usually has nothing to do. Her son got married early and her grandson is in elementary school, so she doesn’t have to follow her around. Slow walking speed: 4.8 km/h, medium speed: 4.8~6.4 km/h. - DayDayNews

Aunt Li was also confused. She looked younger, so why did she still hurt her knees?

Walking is one of the forms of exercise suitable for men, women and children. Because the physical fitness of middle-aged and elderly people has declined, they are no longer supported. There are too many high-intensity exercises, so more elderly people choose to walk to keep fit.

" Nature " sub-journal "Communications Biology" once published a study involving .4 million people. The study found that the faster the walking speed, the younger the person will be . It is because it affects the aging process of the human body and is related to a substance called telomeres . The longer this substance is, the longer a person's lifespan is. What affects the shortening speed of telomere length is the speed of human cell division .

As people age, there will continue to be cells that die, but at the same time, the intact cells of the body will also begin to divide new cells, thereby maintaining the body's normal metabolism.

The results of this study of 400,000 people found that compared with people who walked slowly, people who walked quickly had longer telomeres, which means they lived longer, up to 20 years longer.

From the results of this study, we can know that walking faster every day is also beneficial. No wonder Aunt Li looks younger.

So at what speed can we call it fast?

Aunt Li, she is 51 this year. She usually has nothing to do. Her son got married early and her grandson is in elementary school, so she doesn’t have to follow her around. Slow walking speed: 4.8 km/h, medium speed: 4.8~6.4 km/h. - DayDayNews

Slow walking speed: 4.8 km/h,

Medium speed: 4.8~6.4 km/h

Fast walking speed: 6.4 km/h

3-5 times a week, about 40 minutes of medium speed is enough, you can wear it on your wrist Bring a sports watch so that you don’t have to carry a mobile phone or know your speed and distance.

Walking can promote blood circulation and prevent fatty liver , high blood pressure , Alzheimer's disease , heart disease and various cancers , etc. There are really many benefits.

What will happen to people like Aunt Li who walk a lot every day?

The authoritative medical journal "The Lancet-Public Health" published a study to give the answer. This study examined the body and walking behavior of nearly 50,000 people in four continents A survey and study of various data found that walking can indeed prolong life, but there is a degree to everything. Walking more is not always better . Exceeding the healthy number of steps will also bring adverse effects to the body, such as knee pain, knee joint wear, etc., and the benefits of longevity will not continue to increase.

Aunt Li, she is 51 this year. She usually has nothing to do. Her son got married early and her grandson is in elementary school, so she doesn’t have to follow her around. Slow walking speed: 4.8 km/h, medium speed: 4.8~6.4 km/h. - DayDayNews

How many steps do you take every day to help you live longer?

Japan's " Asahi Shimbun " has an article "Walking Can Improve Immunity" which states that a person walks 8,000 steps a day, but it is not the whole process. You must walk quickly to live longer, as long as you have Aunt Li, she is 51 this year. She usually has nothing to do. Her son got married early and her grandson is in elementary school, so she doesn’t have to follow her around. Slow walking speed: 4.8 km/h, medium speed: 4.8~6.4 km/h. - DayDayNews0 minutes of brisk walking.

" Journal of the American Medical Association " sub-journal "JAMA Network Open" published a study on more than 12,000 people and found that a person who walks 7,000 steps a day can reduce the risk of all-cause death. , but if exceeds 1,000 steps, the risk of death is no longer reduced.

The above studies were conducted on people from other countries and cannot be directly applied to Chinese residents. " Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" states that adults in our country take about 6,000 steps a day, and walking at a moderate speed is enough. A total of 150 minutes hour in a week is enough.

Walking can indeed exercise bone health, but only on the basis of a short walk. Chinese residents walk 6,000 steps a day, which can promote the body's absorption of calcium, exercise lower body muscle strength, and protect joint health. But if you take tens of thousands of steps, it may increase the burden on the joints, leading to wear of meniscus and cartilage.

Elderly people are in good health when they walk. Remember these precautions, and the benefits of walking are doubled!

Aunt Li, she is 51 this year. She usually has nothing to do. Her son got married early and her grandson is in elementary school, so she doesn’t have to follow her around. Slow walking speed: 4.8 km/h, medium speed: 4.8~6.4 km/h. - DayDayNews

Preparation before walking

Although walking is a relatively gentle exercise, it also needs to be warmed up, especially for the elderly with "stiff" bodies. . Before walking, rub the lower edge of your knees with your hands to secrete lubricating fluid in the knees to prevent wear and tear between the knees when walking. There are also swinging the legs and stretching the leg muscles to make the body more coordinated.

If you want to avoid knee pain, it is recommended to wear shoes with thick soles and soft soles, with a thickness of about 2cm, to avoid the impact of walking on the knee joints.

Walking time and place

It is better for middle-aged and elderly people to walk around 4-5 pm. At this time, the sun goes down, the sunlight is not dazzling, and the temperature in space and time is suitable. Darkness is not conducive to the elderly with deteriorating eyesight and prevents them from falling.

The location can be a park to avoid uneven places. It is best to use a plastic track like a playground. It is not only clean, is also slippery. The track is soft and does not increase the burden on the joints and alleviate the impact force.

Aunt Li, she is 51 this year. She usually has nothing to do. Her son got married early and her grandson is in elementary school, so she doesn’t have to follow her around. Slow walking speed: 4.8 km/h, medium speed: 4.8~6.4 km/h. - DayDayNews

To sum up, walking is a simple exercise, and walking properly is good for your health. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, if they walk incorrectly, it will cause some trouble to the body instead of doing any good.


1. The more you walk, the slower you die! People who walk regularly have this benefit! Original 2018-11-19 14:03 · Health Times

2. Ideal walking exercise: 8,000 steps a day, brisk walking for 20 minutes Original 2021-01-01 16:30 · Reference news

3. How many steps and how long do you walk every day to extend your life? Two new studies provide evidence. Original 2021-09-30 09:07 · Life Times

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