[Source: Pudong Disabled Persons' Federation] 43-year-old Mr. Zeng fainted due to "heat" while installing an air conditioner outdoors. His body temperature reached 39.8°C. He was rushed to Gongli Hospital and was diagnosed with heat stroke. Fortunately, he was rescued in time and

2024/06/2904:05:33 regimen 1534

[Source: Pudong Disabled Persons' Federation]

43-year-old Mr. Zeng fainted due to "heat" while installing an air conditioner outdoors. His body temperature reached 39.8°C. He was rushed to Gongli Hospital and was diagnosed with heat stroke . Fortunately, he was rescued in time. Out of danger.

Guo Dongfeng, director of the Emergency Medicine Department of Gongli Hospital, said that the patient spent three days in the EICU before regaining consciousness. During this period, a series of treatments such as rapid cooling, fluid replenishment, anti-shock, improvement of coagulation function , and stabilization of the internal environment were initiated.

Guo Dongfeng specifically pointed out: "Heat stroke is a fatal emergency, but it is not 'exclusive' to working outdoors. It can also happen at home." This is based on the principle of heat stroke. Based on the "Illustrated Disaster Escape and Self-Rescue Popular Science Series" which won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, Xiaobu will make a simplified science popularization for everyone.

How to regulate human body temperature?

1. The human body itself produces heat:

The body's heat production mainly comes from the heat generated by metabolic activities in the body and the heat generated by muscles during exercise.

2. The human body dissipates heat mainly through the following ways:

(1) Radiation: When the ambient temperature is lower than the human body temperature, the body's heat can be naturally dissipated.

(2) Evaporation: A simple understanding is that sweating takes away heat. However, this method is greatly related to the ambient humidity. When the humidity is greater than 75%, the evaporation of sweat decreases, and when the humidity is greater than 90%, the evaporation of sweat stops.

(3) Convection: Blowing air can take away body heat, but it is not good if the temperature of the wind is too high.

(4) Conduction: When you soak in water while swimming, the body's heat is conducted to the water body.

Why does heatstroke occur?

1. Excessive heat production:

is mainly seen in people who engage in heavy physical labor, sports, military training and other activities. Drinking alcohol can also cause the body to produce more heat.

2. Excessive heat gain:

Under the influence of factors such as excessive increase in ambient temperature and poor ventilation, the body's temperature regulation function cannot dissipate heat in time, and the heat dissipation is less than the heat gain, which will cause the body to gain more heat.

3. Heat dissipation obstacles:

(1) Large-area skin burns, scleroderma and certain genetic diseases leading to a lack of sweat glands in the body will all cause a reduction in sweating, thereby reducing evaporative heat dissipation.

(2) Drinking alcohol and taking sedative drugs can cause a decrease in the nerve function related to body temperature regulation, leading to heat dissipation disorders.

(3) Excessive obesity and poor ventilation of clothes.

[Source: Pudong Disabled Persons' Federation] 43-year-old Mr. Zeng fainted due to

It can be seen that excessive heat gain from the environment, or disease leading to a decrease in heat dissipation capacity, may also lead to heat stroke or even heat stroke.

It is typical that the elderly stay at home and do not go out. For health reasons or because their sensitivity to heat has decreased, they do not turn on the air conditioner in high temperatures. They are likely to suffer from heatstroke while sitting or falling asleep.

There are also mothers who are in confinement. Due to traditional concepts, they do not turn on the air conditioner or fan during confinement. In high temperature and high humidity indoors, they are prone to heatstroke.

[Source: Pudong Disabled Persons' Federation] 43-year-old Mr. Zeng fainted due to

Guo Dongfeng specially reminded of another kind of "atypical heat stroke".

After the human body comes to a relatively high temperature environment, the body will react to the high temperature environment by sweating and rapid heartbeat. This process is called thermal environment adaptation, and normal people usually take 7-14 days to complete this process.

"If a person stays in an air-conditioned environment for a long time and does not have a process of adapting to high temperatures, once he suddenly needs to stay in the high temperature for several hours, he may suffer from heat stroke because he cannot adapt." Guo Dongfeng said, are humans natural creatures? You need to walk more in the natural environment and don't "incubate the air conditioner" too much.

How to distinguish the degree of heat stroke?

1. Signs of heat stroke:

Thirst, fatigue, sweating, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus , nausea, chest tightness , difficulty concentrating. The body temperature may be normal or elevated, but the increase generally does not exceed 38°C.

2. Mild heatstroke:

Flushing, pale, irritable, indifferent expression, nausea, vomiting, sweating, clammy skin, decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and slight increase in body temperature.

3. Severe heatstroke:

high fever, convulsions, coma and other symptoms.According to different manifestations, it can be divided into three types: heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.

Heat stroke

The most serious emergency, improper treatment may lead to death of the patient. Heat stroke is mainly divided into the following two types:

(1) Exertional heat stroke:

It is more common in healthy young people and often occurs during heavy physical labor, exercise and military training. It is mainly characterized by high fever, convulsions, coma, and increased heart rate. quick.

(2) Non-exertional heat stroke:

It is more common in the elderly, children and people with poor living conditions. Patients may have disturbances of consciousness, abnormal behavior (delirium), and seizures in the early stages, followed by high fever, coma, hot and dry skin without sweating, miosis, decreased blood pressure, arrhythmias, and shortness of breath. If it does not receive timely treatment, it can die within 24 hours.

Treatment and treatment measures for heat stroke

1. First, the person with heat stroke should be quickly moved to a cool and ventilated place, let him lie down, loosen or take off his clothes.

2. Use electric fans, air conditioners, and massage the limbs and trunk of people with heat stroke to promote circulation and heat dissipation.

3. Place ice packs on the forehead, both sides of the neck (carotid arteries on both sides) and groin areas of the person suffering from heatstroke; scrub the whole body with cold water. If possible, add a small amount of alcohol to the cold water to promote evaporation and heat dissipation.

4. After the body temperature drops to 38℃, the cooling can be appropriately slowed down or stopped.

5. If the person with heatstroke is still conscious, he can be given an appropriate amount of ice-cold salt water and refreshing drinks to replenish water and salt.

6. People with severe heat stroke who have symptoms such as coma and convulsions should be sent to a nearby hospital immediately for rescue. During transportation, be sure to provide shade for those suffering from heatstroke and take cooling measures such as ice packs.

[Source: Pudong Disabled Persons' Federation] 43-year-old Mr. Zeng fainted due to

7. If a person suffering from heatstroke experiences cardiac and respiratory arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be performed immediately. If no one can perform CPR at the scene, shout for help and call 120 in time.

Source: Pudong released

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