Abstract: In 2021, the number of people with diabetes in China is 1.408 million, and there are 300 to 500 million people with prediabetes. Lao Hu is 68 years old this year and has a history of diabetes for 8 years. He has gone through four stages of sugar control and has accumula

2024/06/2919:53:33 regimen 1504

Summary: In 2021, the number of people with diabetes in China was 1.408 million, and there were 300 to 500 million people with prediabetes. Lao Hu is 68 years old this year and has a history of diabetes for 8 years. He has gone through four stages of sugar control and has accumulated many personal feelings and insights. He said that he should write down these feelings and experiences and share them with sugar lovers.

Abstract: In 2021, the number of people with diabetes in China is 1.408 million, and there are 300 to 500 million people with prediabetes. Lao Hu is 68 years old this year and has a history of diabetes for 8 years. He has gone through four stages of sugar control and has accumula - DayDayNews

On March 22, 2015, according to the arrangement of Dean Wang, Lao Hu was admitted to the top three hospital of the local Mining Bureau. Director Li of the Department of Endocrinology and Dean Wang of the unit were college classmates, so they gave special care and arranged a private room for Lao Hu.

After Lao Hu completed the hospitalization procedures, he went through the diagnostic process, blood tests, urine routine , electrocardiogram, etc., all were checked. After three consecutive days of testing, fasting blood sugar was above 310, and postprandial blood sugar was above 12.

Director Li said: "Master Hu, you are a patient with type 22 diabetes. There is no doubt that you are a patient. I will give you a good treatment. First, take insulin aspart to lower the blood sugar level, and then adjust other body indicators."

From March 22 to April 4, Lao Hu was hospitalized for 14 days, and his blood sugar level entered a stable stage. His fasting blood sugar was 5.7 the day before discharge, 11.2 at lunch, and 6.1 at dinner. On the day of discharge, the fasting blood sugar was 6.5, the fasting blood sugar at lunch was 6.7, and the blood sugar two hours after dinner was 6.9. Lao Hu is particularly satisfied with these test results, and the hospitalization treatment achieved ideal results.

On the day Lao Hu was discharged from the hospital, Director Li prescribed insulin aspart as an injection and acarbose tablets. Lao Hu said to Director Li: "Director, can you not give me an injection? I rely on medication to control it. I'm afraid of and !"

Director Li smiled and said: "Brother, injections are most effective according to your situation. All medicines are available. Side effects, injections have no side effects, so just give them injections! Insulin aspart is an ultra-short-acting injection. Inject it three times a day before meals, 12 to 16 units each time. You can adjust the unit amount according to the effect of sugar control; and then three The first bite before a meal, take a piece of acarbose "

Abstract: In 2021, the number of people with diabetes in China is 1.408 million, and there are 300 to 500 million people with prediabetes. Lao Hu is 68 years old this year and has a history of diabetes for 8 years. He has gone through four stages of sugar control and has accumula - DayDayNews

Since March 2015, Lao Hu has become a veritable diabetic patient, and taking insulin aspart has brought him endless benefits. trouble. Injections at home are okay, but when people go out for meetings, visits, studies and other activities, insulin has to be taken with them wherever they go. Taking insulin with them on business trips has become the standard for Lao Hu.

Lao Hu is a very face-loving person, and he is also a person with extremely strong self-esteem. He said you can't inject yourself into the stomach in front of everyone!

He talked about his difficulties: "We usually have a group dinner at a meeting, with 10 people per table. When others sit down to toast and eat vegetables, I am like a thief, secretly running to the bathroom to take insulin, for fear that others will see it. Yes. Sometimes I have to lie and say that I need to relieve myself, but if I do it every day, I can’t just relieve myself! I feel it’s a loss of face and dignity!”

Abstract: In 2021, the number of people with diabetes in China is 1.408 million, and there are 300 to 500 million people with prediabetes. Lao Hu is 68 years old this year and has a history of diabetes for 8 years. He has gone through four stages of sugar control and has accumula - DayDayNews

Old Hu told two stories: One of his sugar friends didn’t care and didn’t hide it. , a dozen people were at the dinner table for toasts, and this diabetic friend took out the insulin needle tube and plunged it into his stomach. Then he pulled out the needle tube with one hand, picked up the liquor with the other and drank it in one gulp. He was injected and drank at the same time, which made everyone laugh. It was a very embarrassing scene! There is also a diabetic patient who accidentally broke the needle into his skin while having an injection at a dinner party with friends. The meal was not finished, so he went to the hospital to get the needle.

When attending a conference, accommodation is usually arranged in a standard room or a triple room. At night, Lao Hu said that he usually waits for his roommate to go to bed, then quietly sneaks into the bathroom to get the injection. There were several outings organized by the province for study tours, and I had lunch at the buffet in the lobby. There was no restroom nearby, so I had to hide the insulin syringe in my handbag and skip the injection.

I have been taking insulin aspart for more than three consecutive years. The blood sugar control effect is good, but it also brings endless troubles to Lao Hu.

I wonder if sugar friends have also encountered these situations that Lao Hu encountered? How does it feel?

Once when he was hospitalized in Beijing, the hospital changed Lao Hu's insulin and he got rid of the trouble of taking three injections of insulin aspart a day.

Please read "Experience of Sugar Control No. 3: Recombinant Glycerine is Effective, but Ignoring Testing Causes Trouble".

(to be continued)

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