The 70-year-old Grandma Li came to the hospital with ease. It was not that there was something wrong with her body, but that her good friend Grandma Wang slipped in front of the supermarket a few days ago and broke her femur. She was still in the hospital just after surgery. Recu

2024/07/0115:32:33 regimen 1434

html The 170-year-old Grandma Li came to the hospital with ease. It was not that there was something wrong with her body, but that her good friend Grandma Wang slipped in front of the supermarket a few days ago and broke her femur. She was still in the hospital just after surgery. Recuperate. Seeing Grandma Li's arrival, Grandma Wang was also happy and gave Grandma Li the apples her son had given her on the table.

"Lao Wang, you fell hard this time. I'm afraid you'll have to lie down for half a year." "Who says it's not the case? Lao Li, you are so awesome. You jump around in the square every day, and you don't even fall down ten or eight times. Something happened." The two old friends started joking when they met, and Grandma Wang was extremely envious of her good friend. Everyone is seventy years old. Grandma Li likes to learn skateboarding in the square. She is full of energy. She went to the supermarket to grab discounted vegetables and even rushed to the hospital.

"Why are you so energetic when we are both seventy years old?" Grandma Wang couldn't help but ask. Grandma Li thought about it and said that maybe she just had more energy.

The 70-year-old Grandma Li came to the hospital with ease. It was not that there was something wrong with her body, but that her good friend Grandma Wang slipped in front of the supermarket a few days ago and broke her femur. She was still in the hospital just after surgery. Recu - DayDayNews

People cannot live without their essence, and people with strong essence are younger.

The ancients said that "the old evil will destroy the essence, and the poor will have a short life." The essence refers to the essence. Jingqi is one of the six qi mentioned in Chinese medicine. "Lingshu. Jueqi" says: "I heard that people have essence, qi, body fluid, liquid, blood, pulse... Each of the six qi has its own boss.

Many people don't understand what "Jing Qi Shen" means, but in life we ​​never stop talking about it. For example, when we meet an old man who is healthy and full of energy, we often say that he is very energetic and full of energy. In fact, this sentence The words cover "Jing, Qi and Shen" which are necessary for our human body.

"Jing, Qi and Shen" is the point of view put forward by the ancient Taoist Recuperate and Recuperate. The three of Jing, Qi and Shen interact and reinforce each other, which is a necessary condition for us to maintain life. . According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, "Jing" represents life, "Qi" represents the energy that sustains life, and "Shen" is the activity of life. Therefore, Taoists often say that we take the aura of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and the moon. Jing.

When the energy and spirit are sufficient, our body will be healthy, and "qi" as the energy of life is very important. Deficiency of Qi will cause weakness and aging Shortness of breath will lead to death This is the truth. . Therefore, if we want to be healthy and young, we must maintain a good mental state and abundant energy and blood.

The 70-year-old Grandma Li came to the hospital with ease. It was not that there was something wrong with her body, but that her good friend Grandma Wang slipped in front of the supermarket a few days ago and broke her femur. She was still in the hospital just after surgery. Recu - DayDayNews

Essence, energy and spirit are indispensable. How to maintain energy better

Essence is our body? It is also the origin of our life. We should not do things that harm the body if we recharge our batteries. Only by taking good care of ourselves can we maintain health. There are many things that harm the body. Staying up late for a long time can cause the body to be overwhelmed. Smoking and drinking can cause damage to the spleen and stomach, which can last for a long time. Sitting can lead to lumbar strain, etc. . If you want to maintain your body, you need to abandon bad living habits. Correct the bad habits that harm the body one by one, and cultivate your energy naturally.

Innate energy comes from parents, and acquired energy comes from parents. Food

According to traditional Chinese medicine, half of our body's Qi comes from our parents, which allows us to continue our lives. This is innate Qi, but the supplement of acquired Qi needs to be taken in from the outside world, that is, we need to eat. Reiki can harvest the energy of grains and transform it into our own essence , which requires us to have a balanced diet. When eating, we need to eat more and eat more miscellaneous foods to better replenish our energy. For example, if we eat refined rice and fine noodles all year round, we need to eat whole grains and miscellaneous beans. If we eat a lot of fish and meat for a long time, we need to supplement fruits and vegetables. If we eat glutinous rice for a long time, we need to eat more. People who eat vegetables need to supplement their diet with meat, rice and noodles. The diet should be balanced. There are no normal foods that we must not eat. However, we cannot eat too much. Unbalanced nutritional intake will naturally lead to malnutrition and physical damage.

The 70-year-old Grandma Li came to the hospital with ease. It was not that there was something wrong with her body, but that her good friend Grandma Wang slipped in front of the supermarket a few days ago and broke her femur. She was still in the hospital just after surgery. Recu - DayDayNews

"God" pays attention to the combination of movement and stillness

"God" represents the activities of life, which requires us to maintain it through exercise and rest. We all know the principle of use it or lose it. Exercising alone without rest will cause damage to the body, and resting without exercise will cause the body to degenerate. Therefore, when "nurturing the mind" we pay attention to the combination of movement and stillness. In daily life, we exercise five days out of seven days a week, leaving three days of rest to allow the body to recover and recuperate. The exercise method should not be too single. Running, jumping, playing ball, doing exercises, cycling, and strength training involve more, not only will you not get bored easily, but the exercise effect will be better. When you rest, rest well, don't have distracting thoughts and get rid of bad emotions. Go to bed before 11 o'clock every day, and the sleep time is 7 to 8 hours. It is more appropriate.

The 70-year-old Grandma Li came to the hospital with ease. It was not that there was something wrong with her body, but that her good friend Grandma Wang slipped in front of the supermarket a few days ago and broke her femur. She was still in the hospital just after surgery. Recu - DayDayNews

Our good health and energy are inseparable from exercise and recuperation, but after the age of 70, the body is not as good as before, and some of the habits we had when we were young must be changed.

After the age of 70, life changes are essential

The 70-year-old Grandma Li came to the hospital with ease. It was not that there was something wrong with her body, but that her good friend Grandma Wang slipped in front of the supermarket a few days ago and broke her femur. She was still in the hospital just after surgery. Recu - DayDayNews. Be calm and less active Liver fire

According to traditional Chinese medicine, happiness hurts sadness and anger hurts the liver. This does not mean that we are not allowed to have seven emotions and six desires. After all, we are all human beings and not gods. What needs to be noted is not to have overly excited emotions. When we are happy, we will stop smiling. When we are angry, we will ignore them. When we are angry, we will hurt the body. By ensuring that your mood is as peaceful as possible, you can reduce the risk of some serious diseases, such as heart disease, cerebral infarction, and other serious diseases that all come when your mood fluctuates violently.

The 70-year-old Grandma Li came to the hospital with ease. It was not that there was something wrong with her body, but that her good friend Grandma Wang slipped in front of the supermarket a few days ago and broke her femur. She was still in the hospital just after surgery. Recu - DayDayNews. Keep your mind clear of desires and be contented.

What I’m talking about here is actually to reduce distracting thoughts in your mind and don’t think too much about everything. Many elderly people are still busy with their families and worried despite their age. In fact, in the long run, the burden on their bodies will only become heavier and heavier. Adhering to a principle, we don't have to worry about small things, our children will naturally solve them. Big things cannot be handled by one person. The whole family should work together. Don’t put all the burden on yourself, and don’t be too anxious about it.

The 70-year-old Grandma Li came to the hospital with ease. It was not that there was something wrong with her body, but that her good friend Grandma Wang slipped in front of the supermarket a few days ago and broke her femur. She was still in the hospital just after surgery. Recu - DayDayNews

After working hard all your life, you will naturally enjoy happiness when you are old, and you will not be able to work as hard as you did when you were young. Elderly people should also learn to take care of themselves. Maintenance is not just for young people. Old people also have the right to enjoy life. Are the common maintenance methods of


We have many maintenance methods in life, such as vitamin supplements, calcium supplements, etc. In fact, when we get old, our bodies are lacking in everything, so we need to supplement everything. But in fact, there is a problem with our diet. Under normal circumstances, as long as you eat a balanced diet and eat everything, you will naturally have everything . However, because digestion ability decreases with age, sometimes things that diet cannot solve may really need to be supplemented. We should first go to the hospital for a checkup to see what our body is lacking and then take targeted supplements to be effective. Otherwise, blindly taking maintenance medicines that do not treat the symptoms is just a waste of money.

If the elderly want to resist aging, they naturally need supplements. For nutrition, we try to choose natural foods. The elderly are prone to calcium deficiency and supplement milk and lean meat. The elderly are prone to iron deficiency and eat animal livers. The elderly are vitamin deficient and eat more fruits and vegetables. A healthy and reasonable diet is actually the best nutrition for the elderly.


"Five Key Factors for Longevity" Life Times 2018-03-19

"Eat and maintain good health" People's Political Consultative Conference 2019-12-25

"The health secrets of four famous Chinese medicine experts" Guangzhou Daily 2019-08-19

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