My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra "meat", or "meat" called excrescence, on the inner surface of the hollow organs in your body covered by mucosa, from the nasal cavity, vocal cords, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder The uterus and bladder are all places I like

2024/05/2101:13:33 regimen 1006

A confession from polyp

My name is polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra "meat", or "vegetation", which is the inner surface of the hollow organs in your body covered by mucosa. On the body, from the nasal cavity, vocal cords, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder to the uterus and bladder, they are all places where I like to grow.

Doctors name us according to the location where we grow, such as "nasal polyps", "gastric polyps", "rectal polyps", "bladder polyps" and so on. If there are more than two polyps in a certain area, it is called "multiple polyps."

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

1. I grow very slowly and hide very deeply

Generally speaking, I grow slowly and I am very hidden and will not expose myself easily.

The most easily exposed among us is vocal cord polyps. When they are as small as sesame or the size of a mung bean, they can cause hoarseness and are detected early;

nasal congestion will only occur when polyps in the nasal cavity grow to the size of peas. They are seen by doctors due to epistaxis and other symptoms;

Rectal polyps in children prolapse from the anus because of easy bleeding and expose "missing feet";

Polyps on the gastric body can grow very large without the patient feeling anything ;

Most The insidious thing is colorectal polyps , which are often distributed in multiple places and usually grow invisibly. At that time, they can "transform" into colon cancer . However, my surface is very fragile and easy to bleed. Patients will go to the doctor if they find bloody stools. The fox's tail cannot be hidden anymore, but the patient's condition is often not serious.

So don’t wait until you have symptoms to think of me!

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

2. I am actually a close relative of cancer

You see, I have caused a lot of trouble. This is nothing. What people are most afraid of is my cancer, because cancer occurs secretly. Once symptoms appear and are discovered, it is likely to be late-stage cancer with extensive metastasis. At this time, doctors are helpless to do anything to me. .

said that I am a close relative of cancer , which is appropriate.

But not all members of our family will develop cancer, and here I can reveal some of the secrets to you. For example, 95% of colorectal cancers occur when we grow up!

3. Not every polyp will become cancerous

Because after all, malignant ones account for a very small number, and benign ones account for the vast majority. Under normal circumstances, they will not pose a threat to life. Even if they become cancerous, it will take a long time.

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . Polyps that grow rapidly in a short period of time are often dangerous, and we should be alert to their canceration, especially polyps with a diameter greater than 2 cm, which should be treated as malignant;

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . Histology Polyps belonging to the adenoma type are prone to cancer. , those belonging to the inflammatory type have fewer cancerous cancers;

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . Smaller, pedunculated polyps are mostly benign and less likely to become cancerous, so you don’t have to be nervous or afraid. However, polyps with wide base and wide pedicle are often difficult to recover and can easily become cancerous.

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . Some genetically predisposed polyps, such as familial colon polyps , etc., are prone to cancer;

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . The probability of multiple polyps becoming cancerous increases. For example, if the canceration rate of one polyp is 1%, then if 100 polyps grow, the risk of canceration will increase. Just close to 100%.

4. In fact, I am most afraid of you checking

Since people know that we are "relatives" to cancer, people have become more and more alert to our polyps, and they often use rhinoscope , laryngoscope , Cystoscope , esophagoscope, gastroscopy, choledochoscope , colonoscope , etc. peek at our existence and treat us as precancerous lesions and treat us promptly and thoroughly, so that we have fewer and fewer opportunities to threaten the lives of patients. .

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

It will take 5-15 years for me to become cancer. . During this time, if you can find me and remove me, I will never have the chance to become cancer again.

I may develop cancer after you are about 40 years old, so you need to find me before I grow up and get checked before you are 40 years old.

If you don’t find me for such a long time, then I can successfully grow into a cancerous tumor.

5. If I look like this, I must have my

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . Gastric polyps removed: Most of them are removed during gastroscopy.

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

About 1 to 5% of gastroscopy patients are found to have gastric polyps, of which about 80% are inflammatory or inflammatory. Hyperplastic polyps, My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra 0% are adenomatous polyps. The canceration rate of the former is as low as about 0~5%; the canceration rate of the latter is as high as 25~50%!

Why do gastric polyps develop?

Gastric polyps are related to factors such as long-term preference for eating spicy, cold or hard foods, leftovers and pickled foods, hunger and satiety, smoking, alcoholism, Helicobacter pylori infection and other factors.

Studies have shown that about 40% of patients with inflammatory hyperplastic polyps who are simultaneously infected with Helicobacter pylori will have their polyps shrink or disappear after eradication of Helicobacter pylori. When should

be removed?

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

Who needs to be screened?

Gastric polyps mostly appear in people over 50 years old. It is recommended that people over 50 years old undergo fecal occult blood and gastroscopy . Even after polyp removal, gastroscopy must be reviewed every 1 to 2 years.

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . Intestinal polyps: It is found that

Intestinal polyps mainly include inflammatory and adenoma . Most of the former will not become malignant, while the latter has a higher probability of malignant transformation. According to statistics, 80 to 95% of colorectal cancers evolve from intestinal polyps step by step. This process may take 5 to 10 years, so we have a lot of time and opportunity to discover and remove it!

Why do intestinal polyps develop?

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

Common causative factors include: genetics, high-fat diet, low intake of fruits and vegetables, smoking, obesity, lack of physical labor, etc. When should

be removed?

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

Who needs to be screened?

It is recommended that healthy people start to undergo colonoscopy at the age of 50. If the results are normal, they can be tested again after 5 years.

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . Gallbladder polyps : Be careful about true polyps

Gallbladder polyps are divided into true polyps and pseudopolyps. pseudopolyps are cholesterol polyps, which tend to appear in groups. Most of them are less than 1cm in diameter. They are just cholesterol crystals . has basically no possibility of malignant transformation .

and true polyps include gallbladder adenoma, adenomyoma, inflammatory polyps and adenomatous hyperplasia. Among them, gallbladder adenoma is the most dangerous . Although the incidence only accounts for about 4% of gallbladder polyps, However, the canceration rate is about 30%, and they generally like to fight alone.

Why do gallbladder polyps develop?

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

Common pathogenic factors include: liking greasy food, such as hot pot, barbecue, egg yolks, animal offal, etc.; irregular diet, such as skipping breakfast, eating one meal after one hungry meal; often staying up late and irregular life; and having a family genetic history. wait. When should

be removed?

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

Who needs to be screened?

It is recommended that people over 40 years old undergo abdominal B-ultrasound screening every year. has no high-risk factors, polyps are less than 1cm, and patients younger than 50 years old should have a review of ultrasound every 3 to 6 months. If the results continue to be good, it can be changed to review B ultrasound once a year.

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . Nasal polyps: Pay attention to prevent recurrence after surgery.

The risk of cancer of nasal polyps is much smaller than intestinal polyps and gastric polyps. However, if nosebleeds are frequent and the patient is older, a small number of them may become cancerous. Nasal polyps can cause a lot of trouble to people, because they usually grow in the sinuses, which can hinder sinus ventilation, leading to nasal congestion, dizziness, tinnitus, memory loss, and even cardiovascular disease.

Why do we have nasal polyps?

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

It is generally believed that chronic infection and allergies are the main causes of nasal polyps. In recent years, it has been found that nasal polyps may also be related to aspirin intolerance and endogenous asthma. When should

be removed?

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra . Vocal cord polyps: After good rest, they usually disappear.

The canceration rate of vocal cord polyps is relatively low. The canceration of vocal cord polyps often occurs suddenly and occurs unconsciously. Hoarseness is the most direct manifestation of vocal cord polyps. The size of the polyps determines the severity of the hoarseness. In mild cases, there is only a slight change in the voice, while in severe cases, the hoarseness is obvious and even difficulty in speaking.

Why do vocal cord polyps develop?

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

Common causative factors include: improper pronunciation or bad pronunciation habits; upper respiratory tract inflammation such as acute, chronic laryngitis; long-term tobacco and alcohol stimulation; overwork, staying up late to form a sub-health state, etc. When should

be removed?

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

6. I will resurrect, you should check regularly

My vitality is extremely strong. Although you removed me, your living habits have not changed, your internal environment has not changed, and the soil suitable for my growth is still there, and I will still be there. Take root, sprout, and come back from the ashes! Therefore, even if you cut me off, you must abide by the doctor's instructions and have regular check-ups.

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

Finally, what I want to say is that since I am a "relative" to cancer, you can't take it lightly. You should treat me as a pre-cancerous disease. I should be operated on in time and reviewed regularly to avoid " "Long nights and many dreams" developed into cancer.

Painless gastrointestinal endoscopy diagnosis and treatment center

Department phone number:

Zhu Junfeng (chief physician, deputy director): 13503909091

Zhao E (head nurse): 15137701329

Department Location:

No. 1018, Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City, the First People's Hospital of Wolong District, Nanyang City The third floor of the east building of the hospital

Arrival bus:

You can reach it by taking bus lines 1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, 31, 34, and 39 in the city.

My name is a polyp. In fact, I am a piece of extra

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