Hello everyone. This is the Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle, and I am Sister Miaojun. The Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle is the leading cognitive neuroscience self-media in China, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of

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Hello everyone. This is the Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle, and I am Sister Miaojun. The Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle is the leading cognitive neuroscience self-media in China, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of  - DayDayNews

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This is one brain cloud scientific research circle , I am sister Miaojun

Hello everyone. This is the Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle, and I am Sister Miaojun. The Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle is the leading cognitive neuroscience self-media in China, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of  - DayDayNews

one brain cloud scientific research circle domestic leading cognitive neuroscience self-media, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of online scientific research , breaking the constraints of region and time. The "Treasure Official Account" focuses on sharing brain science and knowledge, making learning and scientific research more interesting. 345 original contents

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Fear has always been a very important emotion for us. Some friends will be frightened when going to a haunted house, but they are not so scared when watching horror movies. Are the fear emotions of the two different? ? The results of

are different!

Dr. Camerer and Dr. Mobbs published an article in "Trends in Cognitive Sciences" in 2017. They conducted research on fear emotions and found that:

Individuals' fearful emotions in real natural situations will be stronger than in hypothetical situations, There was greater activity in the region of the amygdala.

Let’s find out!



Fear refers to a strong depressive emotional experience of fear and fear when people face a certain dangerous situation and try to escape but are unable to do anything.

Cognitive psychologists want to study the difference in fear-inducing emotions in individuals in real situations and imagined situations. They use 2D pictures of wolf spiders to simulate imagined situations and 3D wolf spiders as natural scenes. The subjects observe the differences in wolf spiders in MRI equipment. state.



Hello everyone. This is the Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle, and I am Sister Miaojun. The Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle is the leading cognitive neuroscience self-media in China, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of  - DayDayNews

Hello everyone. This is the Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle, and I am Sister Miaojun. The Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle is the leading cognitive neuroscience self-media in China, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of  - DayDayNews

experiment 1

The experiment is 2 (direction: forward, backward) × 2 (emotion: threat, neutral) × 2 (animation : animate, inanimate) within-subjects design.

experiment randomly selected 25 subjects and presented 4 different types of pictures. Each picture was presented for 250ms according to different presentation sizes (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%), allowing the subjects to respond to the button presses. Reaction, record the reaction time.

In the experiment, the subjects could experience the experience of the wolf spider getting closer and closer. The researchers found that when the picture of the wolf spider got closer and closer to the subject's direction, the striped areas of the subject's amygdala and bed nucleus When activated, the amygdala rated the 2D picture of the tarantula as an emotion of fear.

Experiment 2

In order to further study the fear emotion in real situations, psychologists used 3D technology to design a more ingenious experiment.

The subjects were required to take off their shoes and lie down in the fmri to watch a real-time video of a wolf spider. The wolf spider was placed in a box not far from the subject. The box had 5 compartments. As the wolf spider moved away from the subject's feet, As it gets closer, subjects are asked to rate their fear.

Hello everyone. This is the Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle, and I am Sister Miaojun. The Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle is the leading cognitive neuroscience self-media in China, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of  - DayDayNews

Hello everyone. This is the Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle, and I am Sister Miaojun. The Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle is the leading cognitive neuroscience self-media in China, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of  - DayDayNews

The results of the study found that as the tarantula got closer to their feet, the subjects' emotions gradually turned from anxiety to fear.

Function Magnetic resonance imaging showed that when the subjects monitored the direction of the wolf spider's movement, the stripes of the amygdala and bed nucleus began to move when they were placed close to the wolf spider, and the amygdala activity became more intense.

Although the results are somewhat similar to Experiment 1, the 3D wolf spider will activate the individual's brain area more strongly and broadly than the 2D wolf spider.

Hello everyone. This is the Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle, and I am Sister Miaojun. The Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle is the leading cognitive neuroscience self-media in China, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of  - DayDayNews

How do psychologists explain such results?

Different psychologists have explained it.

James Gibson believes that individual perception is not only related to feelings, but also related to retrieval information from the outside world. The perceiver and the environment are an inseparable whole. Individuals can receive more levels of complex information in a 3D environment, so it will be better than 2D The environment produces more authentic emotions.

Colin Camerer believes that when individuals perceive 2D and 3D objects, there is not just a visual difference, but a difference in the realism of stimulus presentation.

For example, when an individual repeatedly views real 3D objects, compared with viewing 2D objects, there are different degrees of inhibition in the occipital lobe outer cortex of the brain.

And the two are not only different in depth clues, but also caused by differences in the relevant information and interactivity of individuals searching for objects.

In short, the clearer the object perceived by the individual, the easier it is to trigger the individual's emotions.



Regarding the study of the difference between imagined scenarios and real scenarios, psychology has long had a term - ecological validity.

refers to the validity of the experimental results to the same environment or the same type of subjects.

The experimental method commonly used by psychologists, although it can control many variables, has been criticized for its low ecological validity.

Therefore, the validity of psychological experiments to be extended to other groups still needs to be improved~


[1] Camerer C, Mobbs D. Differences in Behavior and Brain Activity during Hypothetical and Real Choices[J]. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2017, 21(1):46-56.

[2] Mobbs D , Yu R , Rowe J B , et al. Neural activity associated with monitoring the oscillating threat value of a tarantula[J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 2010, 107(47):20582-20586.

[3] Coker-Appiah D S, White S F, Clanton R, et al. Looming animate and inanimate threats: The response of the amygdala and periaqueductal gray[J]. , 2013, 8 (6) .621-630

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Hello everyone. This is the Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle, and I am Sister Miaojun. The Yi Nao Cloud Scientific Research Circle is the leading cognitive neuroscience self-media in China, serving the majority of psychological researchers, committed to the development of  - DayDayNews

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