I listened to Fan Deng reading yesterday and heard another way to relieve anxiety, which is not to worry about problems that cannot be solved now. There is a little story. There was a 5-year-old girl who came home very sad one day. Her mother asked her what was wrong. She said th

2024/07/0202:20:33 psychological 1128

I listened to Fan Deng reading yesterday and heard another way to relieve anxiety, which is not to worry about problems that cannot be solved now. There is a little story. There was a 5-year-old girl who came home very sad one day. Her mother asked her what was wrong. She said th - DayDayNews

Yesterday I listened to Fan Deng read a book, and heard another way to relieve anxiety, that is, don’t be anxious about problems that cannot be solved now.

There is a little story. There was a 5-year-old girl who came home very sad one day. Her mother asked her what was wrong. She said that the dream of the little boy she liked was to be an astronaut. Her mother said, this is very good. Why be sad, the girl said, but if he and I go to space, who will take care of our children?

Although as an adult, I find it ridiculous to hear this story, but think about it carefully, whether we will also fall into this kind of similar anxiety. Many of the things we are anxious about are actually far away from us, and cannot be solved now, but right now Because it couldn't be solved, it made me more anxious and then fell into a vicious cycle. How does

change this state?

I think the first thing is to classify the things you are anxious about. If your current actions can change your state, then do it and solve the problem. By solving the problem, you can relieve your anxiety.

Secondly, if the current actions can’t solve the problem, then you have to convince yourself to let it go, focus on the future, and start solving the problem someday in the future. Then you have to calm down. People who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. In fact, appropriate Anxiety is a good thing. It can make people think more, see further, and make changes more easily. You should treat anxiety as a friend and make reasonable use of it. You don't need to be overly anxious about problems that you can't solve temporarily. It's unfounded worry. , that will only cause trouble to yourself.

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