Starting today, we will read the book "Learn Some Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang. Today is the chapter "Chapter 2: Teach You the Psychological Effects of Managing Emotions" of the book.

2024/06/2411:36:32 psychological 1576

Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book "Learn Some Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang. Today is the chapter "Chapter 2: Teach You the Psychological Effects of Managing Emotions" of the book.

Starting today, we will read the book

Pandora Effect 1 - Controlling Our Curiosity

In ancient times, Greek there was such a myth: the god Prometheus stole the fire from the sky and quietly gave it to humans. This behavior was very angry when the main god Zeus learned about it, and finally decided to make the world unrest from now on. So he ordered his son Vulcan to make a beautiful girl out of clay and named her "Pandora". Zeus told her that she would come to the world, become a member of mankind, and live the same life as a mortal woman. Before leaving, he gave Pandora a box as a dowry and told her: "Never open this box at any time, otherwise there will be unpredictable consequences, remember!" Pandora responded: "Okay." After

came to the world, Pandora lived an ordinary life like other girls every day. But the longer time passed, the more curious Pandora became about the box, "Why can't it be opened? Is there any secret in it that I don't know about? What will be the unpredictable consequences?" Countless questions filled Pandora's head. . Later, Pandora finally opened the box, but at the moment of opening it, many bugs carrying various diseases flew out of the box. They flew around together and gradually filled the whole world. In this way, Zeus's purpose was achieved, and mankind has been full of various disasters and diseases since then.

Pandora effect: Psychologists call this kind of curiosity the "Pandora effect", that is, "you can't help but do something, and the more forbidden you are, the more you do." It is also recorded in the " Bible " that the ancestor of mankind, Eve, was warned not to eat the fruits of the tree of knowledge. However, due to the temptation of curiosity, Eve finally ate the fruits of the tree and was eventually killed. Demoted to the human world. Therefore, in psychology, the "Pandora effect" is also called the "forbidden fruit effect."

In real life, the "Pandora effect" mainly manifests as an extreme and rebellious bad psychology. When something is told "cannot be done", it often arouses people's desire to "do". Therefore, we must learn to restrain our emotional rebelliousness, and do not do things that "suffer the consequences" due to temporary curiosity and impulse. In addition, this also enlightens us from another perspective, try not to prohibit something that is "not allowed". Treating it as a "forbidden fruit" will only strengthen its attraction; but if you want the other party to do it, In this matter, you can use some tricks and use the "Pandora Effect" to stimulate their strong interest.

Starting today, we will read the book


Curiosity is the inner psychology of animals that instinctively want to add attributes of something when they are blank about all or part of the attributes of something. Manifested as: 1. Expressing special attention to some things. 2. I like to explore the psychological state of things that I don’t understand. 3. A hobby or passion for weird things.

Psychology believes that curiosity is the psychological tendency of an individual to pay attention, operate, and ask questions when encountering novel things or being in new external conditions. Curiosity is one of the intrinsic motivations for individual learning and the motivation for individuals to seek knowledge. It is an important characteristic of creative talents.

The development of social history, the invention and creation of science and technology, and the role of curiosity are also inseparable.

Marx’s curiosity played a vital role in the emergence of scientific socialism. The curiosity of the Chinese Communists created the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

When the great astronomer Copernicus was in middle school, he heard that the shadow of the sun could be used to determine time. The name of this instrument was sundial . He was very curious, so he asked the teacher about the principle of the sundial. He went home and found some scrap materials and quickly made it. He used the sundial he made to study the movement of the sun and the earth.When Copernicus grew up, he proposed the famous "Sunday theory", which overturned the erroneous view that the sun revolved around the earth, " geocentric theory ".

Newton The curiosity of childhood is a familiar story to us, and it is also the best example for educating children to grow up. The great physicist Newton was very curious when he saw a ripe apple falling when he was a child. He thought, why do things on the earth fall to the ground after losing their support, instead of falling in other directions? Later, he finally discovered the law of universal gravitation.

The ability of many of our Chinese scientists to understand and transform the world also starts from curiosity. For example, geologist Li Siguang when he was a child, he often had strange reveries by himself on some rocks of unknown origin in his hometown, and asked himself curiously, why are these solitary boulders appearing here? What force did they use to get here? Later, Li Siguang traveled all over China's mountains, rivers, and conducted a lot of inspections and research, and finally concluded that these strange rocks were glacial boulders and the remains of Quaternary glaciers. It corrects the erroneous theory of foreign scholars who concluded that there are no Quaternary glaciers in China.

Adolescents have two rebellious periods between the ages of 3-5 and 12-15. These two rebellious periods are because they are full of curiosity about the external world where they grow up and want to ask and try many things. With good guidance, curiosity becomes the driving force for learning and growth. If they are blindly suppressed and reprimanded without correct guidance, some children will really become "rebellious children" and "problem children" in the rebellious period. Take the issue of puppy love, for example. Due to the effects of sex hormones, children are full of fantasies and ignorance about sex between men and women. If they cannot be guided correctly at this time and eat the "forbidden fruit" secretly, it may have a negative impact on their subsequent life paths and cast a psychological shadow.

So we say that curiosity is a good thing. If it is well utilized and developed, it will be beneficial to personal growth, society and human progress. On the contrary, if you open the "Pandora's box", it will do the opposite and cause harm.

July 14, 2022

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