Coming from the countryside, I have no nostalgia or pride for the customs and customs of my hometown, because the whole village has a prevailing culture of comparison and contempt, which is far beyond ordinary people's imagination!

2024/06/1000:47:32 psychological 1606

Coming from a rural area, I have no nostalgia or pride for the customs and customs of my hometown, because comparison and contempt prevail throughout the village, far beyond what ordinary people imagine!

I still remember clearly that between 1997 and 2000, there was a motorcycle in our place that became a symbol of dignity and wealth. So families rushed to buy, first Jialing small motorcycles, then ordinary 125 motorcycles, and finally big motorcycles. If your family bought a Yamaha motorcycle, his family would buy it; your family's diamond leopard motorcycle is rare. , he also wants to buy it, even if he borrows it from relatives and friends. When every family buys a motorcycle, they deliberately serve wine and treat guests. The sound of firecrackers is deafening, which shows how much they want people to know! Every household is equipped with at least one car as standard, and some families even have several! At that time, most families still lived in mud houses, and their annual income was only a few thousand. They would do anything for the sake of face. Even if their children graduated from junior high school and wanted to continue studying, most of them were told: "Your grades are not good, why should you study, there is no money." ! But you can’t live without a motorcycle! You can see how deformed it is! Fortunately, when I was young, I loved reading and got good grades, so I was able to go to high school and college. My two brothers and one sister were forced to work after graduating from junior high school.

Coming from the countryside, I have no nostalgia or pride for the customs and customs of my hometown, because the whole village has a prevailing culture of comparison and contempt, which is far beyond ordinary people's imagination! - DayDayNews

Time came to 2006, It was popular in Murakami that every household built a small building. At this time, many families would rather bear 20 years of debt to build one or two-story small buildings! Some families are still paying back the money they spent to build houses. The consequences can be imagined. Most families have been living in poverty since then. As soon as their children reach adulthood, they are kicked out to work in Guangdong to earn money and pay off debts. Because they don't have much education, most people who go out to work can only work in factories to twist screws and earn meager wages. Some people have been working for five or ten years. In Dongguan, Shenzhen, Foshan and other places, a considerable number of them are still working in other places and do not want to return to their hometown. Why? Because there is no job to support themselves in their hometown, on the other hand, many people feel that this village has no hope. When you get older, you want to get married again, right? At this time, especially families with boys, in order for their children to get married smoothly, they borrowed money again to build a house for their children. The old debts were not paid off and new debts were borrowed. What’s even more outrageous is that for those who have girls in the family, some of them want to raise money for the boys in the family to get married, and some of them want to pay off debts, so the girls are clearly priced to be married off. Some families even arrange for the girls to marry the son of the creditor to pay off the debt. How infuriating and pathetic!

Coming from the countryside, I have no nostalgia or pride for the customs and customs of my hometown, because the whole village has a prevailing culture of comparison and contempt, which is far beyond ordinary people's imagination! - DayDayNews

Since 2014, small cars have become a means of transportation that rural families are rushing to buy. It’s not that the living conditions have become much better, it’s because if your family has it, my family must have it, lest no one in the village wants to talk to you with a smile! Buying a small car is a big deal, but the scale and grandness of the banquet is far beyond what it can be compared to buying a motorcycle during the New Year. It is as grand as a wedding. I was thinking at that time that I spent a lot of money to buy a car, some of which were bought with loans, and to put on drinks would cost several thousand to even tens of thousands. Isn’t this jumping into a pit? We are already very poor, so why bother? After all, it is still the psychology of comparison and face that makes trouble!

Coming from the countryside, I have no nostalgia or pride for the customs and customs of my hometown, because the whole village has a prevailing culture of comparison and contempt, which is far beyond ordinary people's imagination! - DayDayNews

In recent years, the trend of has not changed. A group of old men and women sit under the big tree to enjoy the cool air. The most talked about is : "Look, so and so's children are so promising. Buying a house and a car in the city, marrying a capable and wealthy daughter-in-law; so-and-so’s daughter is really lucky, marrying a rich boss.” These voices and these trends have made many young people feel bored and exhausted. I have lost count of how many of my peers cried because they were not allowed to study, how many of my peers were overwhelmed by their thoughts and went out and never came back, how many of my peers no longer have smiles on their faces!

What kind of cause, what result! Nowadays, in the village, most of the young adults are single. It’s not that they don’t want to work hard, but they have tried their best to stay alive. As for whether they can marry a wife, it’s up to God!

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