"Hello everyone, my name is Shu Haifeng!" Look, this boy is fair and delicate, tall and thin, and very handsome! When he was 16 years old, he sat in front of the piano with pianist Lang Lang. As his fingertips danced on the keys, a powerful "Hungarian Dance No. 5" resounded throu

2024/06/2522:21:33 psychological 1707

 “Hello everyone, my name is Shu Haifeng!” Look, this boy is fair and delicate, tall and thin, and very handsome!

 html When he was 116 years old, he sat in front of the piano with pianist Lang Lang. As his fingertips flew on the keys, a powerful " Hungarian Dance No. 5" resounded throughout the audience, and the audience All immersed in it.

 He is a core member of the "Lang Jiajun" and the winner of the top ten "Good Youth of the New Era" award in Nanshan District, Shenzhen in 2021...

 Haifeng has many auras! I'm afraid no one believes that he is actually a "star treasure"! Fate gave Shu Haifeng insurmountable suffering, and he played the music of life with black and white keys.

This time we specially invited Haifeng’s mother to share Haifeng’s growth with parents. Haifeng’s mother said that she hopes Haifeng’s story can inspire everyone, and also hopes to help more special families!

Oral description & video | Haifeng’s mother

Editing & typesetting | Hi Naoren

"Hello everyone, my name is Shu Haifeng. I am 16 years old and a high school student. I was diagnosed at Shenzhen Children's Hospital when I was 3 years old. For autism , the degree is moderately typical..."

Haifeng stood on the podium, with his back straight, word by word, firmly and confidently told the judges in the audience about his 16 years. bit by bit.

 No.1 Confirmed!

When he was 3 years and 2 months old, Haifeng was diagnosed with autism.

My grandma, who had experience in early childhood education, was the first to notice something was wrong with Haifeng.

According to Haifeng’s grandmother:

He doesn’t play with other children, and he doesn’t listen to the teacher’s instructions in the early education class. He runs around in class and can’t sit still, and he always pushes and pulls drawers at home...

At first, Haifeng’s mother thought it was normal for her children to be naughty and mischievous at a young age. But it wasn't until that day that grandma took Haifeng to the hospital for a check-up alone. Haifeng's mother learned of the jaw-dropping result during a phone call from the doctor.

In 2008, Haifeng’s mother took Haifeng to Qingdao to receive intervention treatment from the institution. intervention is very effective. Haifeng’s mother learned many intervention techniques and practical methods from rehabilitation therapist .

"When my children were in class, I would sit down and take notes in a notebook. I would record the questions asked by the teacher, communication methods, expectations, times of reinforcement, including some movements and expressions... I recorded about a dozen books. But none of us were very adaptable to the northern climate, and Haifeng almost contracted pneumonia, so we persisted for almost a year," said Haifeng's mother.

Organizational intervention was very effective and gave Haifeng’s mother hope, but relying solely on institutional intervention was definitely not enough, so she quit her job and devoted herself to Haifeng’s rehabilitation training.

After returning to her hometown, Haifeng’s mother chose to go to the institution for half a day and intervene at home for the other half. ’s intervention at home is mainly for generalization, including taking him out for a walk in the park, chatting, heart-to-heart talk, etc.

"At first, Haifeng's speech expression was weak, so I took him to do imitation exercises dozens and hundreds of times; he had poor hand strength and often curled up, so I took him step by step for training during the day and let him sleep at night. , I gave him a hand massage. "

" "Haifeng is not interested in detailed courses, so we will start with the piano that he is interested in and intervene... Wherever it is not working, we will specialize in it. Especially in the middle and late stages, we will Children's intervention must be based on the actual situation of the child.

Parents must not be careless about this. Some basic functions are universal, but every child's situation is different, so we must observe carefully and follow the instructions. It’s not advisable!” Haifeng’s mother said meaningfully.

 No.2 Getting to know the piano

Looking back on Haifeng’s past, the piano has become the core element that connects everything in the past 12 years.

Although Haifeng started learning piano when he was 4 and a half years old, his weakness in his fingers still did not improve until he entered elementary school. When he met a "strong man" teacher who was 1.8 meters tall at Sichuan Sound Elementary School, everything changed. .

Without the persuasive teachings of the past, Haifeng’s piano practice has become full of “risks”. Because, as long as Haifeng's fingers can't stand upright on the keys, he will inevitably face reprimands from the teacher, and sometimes even get beaten.

Just like that, Haifeng cried and played at the same time. In the blink of an eye, 6 months passed, and ’s black and white keyboard ushered in Haifeng’s “ finger dance ”.

In fact, Haifeng’s mother has never had extravagant expectations for Haifeng’s piano performance. On the contrary, Haifeng has almost strict requirements for his piano practice.

It is Haifeng’s promise to practice piano for one hour every day. It was with such perseverance and perseverance that Haifeng passed the Level 10 Piano Test, and the following year passed the King's Music Theory Level 5 examination with an excellent score of "91 points".

God rewards those who work hard, and fate brings a greater opportunity to the Haifeng family.

 html When he was 19 years old, Shenzhen Langlang Music World attracted the attention of the Haifeng family.

Interview, assessment, performance!

Haifeng passed five levels and defeated six generals, and successfully entered the world of Langlang music to study.

Subsequently, after repeated training, performances, and polishing, Haifeng successfully attracted the attention of pianist Lang Lang with his strength. From then on, he began his "entertaining life" of touring and participating in program recordings.

In the "Lang Family Army", piano skills are the only hard power, so it is here that Haifeng found a world that truly belongs to him.

Haifeng followed Lang Lang on tour, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala recording stage for two consecutive years, received scholarships, and participated in major youth competitions. Haifeng lived a prosperous life in the "Piano World".

Regarding Haifeng’s performance, Lang Lang also gave a very high evaluation:

“Haifeng plays the piano very well and has won many international awards. He is an autistic teenager and his fighting spirit makes him People are particularly touched.”

Therefore, when talking about Haifeng’s future, Haifeng’s mother said:

“We don’t think much about learning. The gap does exist, and we don’t want to embarrass our children when it comes to piano. He is also interested. He also said that he wants to become a "pianist", so we are willing to let him try more and develop in this area.

No.3 Face up to the condition, family intervention

This year, Haifeng is already a 17-year-old energetic boy!

Parents must also want to know about Haifeng’s recovery. In the video, we can also see that Haifeng has goals and goals. Dreams are also very loving. But when it comes to life, Haifeng's derivative relationship (rft) is lacking, that is, he cannot understand the relationship between characters.

  And the fine movements of his hands are still not flexible enough. Who can imagine a grade 10 piano student. Experts, can they be stumped by buttons?

There are still many problems, but as we have said before, there is a long way to go to intervene. Haifeng’s mother and Haifeng are still on the road of intervention, and they are moving forward!

Because of themselves! I have been caught in the rain, so I also want to hold an umbrella for others.

During his most difficult time, Haifeng’s family also received help from others, and now Haifeng’s mother also hopes to pass on this warmth.

Therefore, at the end of the interview, she also shared her experience for the parents of young stars:

1 We must have confidence in our babies

We must have confidence in our children. Just like Haifeng, he can always exceed my expectations for him. What we have to do is to lay a good foundation for our children, and then believe that they can do it.

 2 Face the illness and don’t feel sorry for yourself.

Haifeng was told a lot of gossip when he was a child, but there is no way. Anyone who has taken care of children can tell the difference at a glance.

So when Haifeng was 12 years old, I showed him my disability certificate . I hope that not only I can face it, but also the child himself can understand his own situation. The purpose of recognizing reality is not to feel sorry for oneself, but to think about how to go in the future. Excellence must be defined by one's own efforts, rather than following what others say.

 3 Institutional and family intervention

  Institutional and family intervention should be split 50-50 and cannot rely entirely on institutions. Children are your own, even if you play games with your children, this is still an intervention.

The second step is to formulate intervention goals based on the child’s “shortcomings”. The situation of every autistic child is different. Parents must have their own thinking and focus in order to choose a path that is most suitable for their child.

| Finally: In the process of communicating with Haifeng’s mother, what we felt was the calmness and calmness after going through the storm. Whenever she mentioned her son, her words were full of pride and determination. Haifeng’s mother used her 13 years of perseverance to prove to us that on the road to recovery, the company and encouragement of family members are the best “good medicine”, and parents are the best “good doctors” for their children.

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