1) Why did the "broken mirror" get back together? In the past month, Wei La Psychology has received many emotional requests from classmates. Some broke up in tears, some had unsuitable personalities and found reasons for divorce, and some even ruined their relationships. Some eve

2024/06/1023:02:33 psychological 1833

1) Why "Broken Mirror" Reunion

In the past month Wei La Psychological has received many emotional requests for help from students. Some broke up in tears, some had unsuitable personalities and found reasons for divorce, and the three were destructive. Emotionally, many of them have family emotional relationships that are not handled well. Weila Psychology also replied to most of the students one by one. After all, the original intention of Weila Psychology was to help more people solve their emotional confusions. As flesh and blood, we don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable, and no one wants to feel so uncomfortable. It would be great to be happy. ! But things do not go as smoothly as imagined in our minds, especially in terms of relationships. After all, many emotions occur and exist from our birth to our death. In 2017, Wei La Psychology conducted an interesting experiment. People’s first reaction is affected by the environment, and this reaction will affect you for a long time. The specific experimental process is like this. We quickly asked the third person without preparation: "Do you think you are a happy person?" At this time, the third person may pause before answering you. question, but more people choose to joke before formally answering this question!

1) Why did the

(2) Let the thoughts be reunited

No matter what the other party's answer is, he will express this emotion in the final answer or conversation. For example, if I ask you now, are you happy? Your answer is definitely: Yes! Then many happy things will quickly flash in your mind, making your whole mood of happiness soar, and even a little excited, and you can't wait to share the happiness with the other person right away. But if you answer in the negative, then many things that make you unhappy will flash in your mind at this time. The opposite emotion will be very disappointing, and this emotion will stay with you for a while before disappearing. Maybe when we first asked the question, you would think that this was obviously a routine, but after the entire experiment is over, you will find that any answer you give is just the beginning of the routine, which is scary if you think about it carefully. So can we control this first reaction? Of course not, but it can be alleviated. It is very fast for a person to consume some negative emotions after calming down. So the title of the article is also called Let the thoughts be reunited !

1) Why did the

(3) Reunion Wei La’s Psychological Magic

In fact, we also encounter these things in our daily lives. Some are verbal guidance, some are behavioral guidance, and some are caused by the environment. Self-guided. In fact, it is very troublesome for us to fall into this emotional whirlpool, because you don't know where your emotions will take you?

(4) Reunion Wei La’s psychological magic crack

When we fall into the emotional whirlpool, first of all, don’t panic, don’t let some negative emotions affect yourself. Once it affects you, you will feel that everything is not going as you want, and you will not be able to do anything. . We should try our best to let our thoughts go ashore, get on the normal track, and wake ourselves up from another perspective. You are the best! Happiness is given by oneself, sadness and desolation are also given by oneself, why not be better to yourself? When you don't know why your emotions are so rough, you should find out the reason as soon as possible instead of blindly blaming yourself or the other person. When you can't understand why the other person treats you like this, you may be able to understand why the other person treats you like this by thinking about the problem from the other person's perspective.

(5) Let the emotional life be reunited

It is not impossible to repair the originally broken relationship again, nor is it like telling others that the repaired relationship will not be as good as before. In fact, it is all your own thoughts. It leads you to think this way, but the reality is not like that. Maybe you are cautious in repairing your relationship, fearing that the slightest movement or words will hurt the other person, but the other person may think the same way.When this barrier is broken through a healthy and effective communication between the two parties, your relationship will not only be reconciled as before, but even better than before, becoming sweeter, happier and easier to get along with!

(Total) Reunion Magic

The solution to any emotional problem lies in communication, so what kind of communication is effective? Wei La psychology cannot be generalized. After all, everyone's personality, environment and problems are generally different. However, be careful not to rely on the guidance of some online articles. Most online articles only say a few things and do not provide details. Even if the details are in place, it may not be practical for you. Using the wrong techniques will only make your problems more complicated.

Wei La Psychology ·Today’s sharing topic Emotional Magic Makes Thoughts Reunite That’s it for breaking the mirror . If you think the article is good, please remember to give the author a follow. Of course, if you still don’t understand, you can ask Wei La Psychology directly!

Wei La Psychology , the vane in the emotional field!

1) Why did the


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