Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants. "Picture" definition: Depression is a form of manic depression characterized by low mood, slow thinking,

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Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021, Chinese companies are expected to realize domestic substitution of antidepressants "Picture"

1. Overview of depression

1. Definition: Depression is manic depression A form of attack with typical symptoms of depression, slowed thinking, reduced speech and movement, and slowness. Antidepressants refer to a group of psychotropic drugs mainly used to treat mental illnesses with depression as a prominent symptom. The difference from stimulants is that they can only eliminate the depressive symptoms of depressed patients, but cannot improve the mood of normal people.

2. Risk factors: Risk factors for depression are mainly divided into external factors and individual factors. External factors are mainly the influence of natural factors and social factors. Among them, natural factors include earthquakes, floods, droughts and other natural disasters Stimulating the human mind is recognized by Chinese and Western medicine. After natural disasters, the prevalence of depression in adults is 5.8% to 54.0%. Social factors that lead to the onset of depression mainly include family life, work, study, social interaction, etc. In today's fast-paced society and the global epidemic, people are under increasing pressure to survive, and they are more likely to suffer from psychological problems. If personal psychological and physical problems are not resolved in time, they can easily lead to depression.

Risk factors for depression

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: Collection of public information

3, treatment methods

The treatment of depression is usually a combination of drug treatment, cognitive therapy , and other therapies. Antidepressants are currently the main drugs for treating various types of depression and are also an important means of treating depression. Antidepressants can effectively relieve depressive mood and accompanying anxiety, tension and physical symptoms, with an effective rate of 60%.

Depression treatment methods

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: Compilation of public information

2. Development background

1, prevalence rate

With the fast-paced development of modern society, more and more people do not pay attention to relieving the pressure in their own lives and work. If psychological pressure and negative emotions are not released, they will lead to psychological diseases in the long run. According to World Health Organization data, there will be more than 350 million patients with depression worldwide in 2021. Among them, as many as 54 million people in China suffer from depression, accounting for 4.2% of China's total population, that is, 4 out of 1,000 people. A patient with depression . The China Mental Health Survey shows that the lifetime prevalence of depressive disorder among adults in my country is 6.8%. At the same time, the prevalence of depression is 3.0%, the prevalence of dysthymia is 1.4%, and the prevalence of unspecified depressive disorder is 3.25%. .

The proportion of Chinese adults suffering from different types of depression in 2021

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: China Mental Health Survey, compiled by Huaying Industrial Research Institute

2, regulatory authorities and policies

In order to ensure the quality of drugs and the safety of patients' lives and health, my country's antidepressant industry has relevant supervision The departments include the National Medical Products Administration, which is responsible for the production standards, supervision and inspection, and enterprise registration of drugs; as well as the National Health Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the National Medical Security Administration and other departments, which jointly carry out strict supervision and management of the antidepressant industry.

Relevant regulatory authorities of the antidepressant industry

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: Compilation of public information

A survey shows that since 2000, the number of patients with depression in China has increased rapidly, but the treatment rate is less than 10%. Currently, depression has become the second largest killer of mankind. Without solving this problem, relevant national departments have successively issued a number of policies to promote the development and innovative research and development of the industry. In September 2020, the National Health Commission in the "Work Plan for Exploring Special Services for the Prevention and Treatment of Depression " required that by 2022 The awareness rate of depression prevention and treatment knowledge in pilot areas has reached 80%, the depression treatment rate has increased by 50%, the treatment rate has increased by 30%, and the recognition rate of depression by non-psychiatric hospital doctors has increased by 50%.

Relevant development policies for China’s antidepressant industry

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: Compilation of public information

3. Market status of the antidepressant industry

1, market size

With the improvement of people’s living standards, society’s correct publicity of depression and residents’ awareness of their own health People's awareness of depression is getting deeper and deeper, and their understanding of antidepressants is gradually increasing. The drug treatment of depression has gradually changed from avoiding talking about it to actively seeking medical treatment and seeking professional help. At the same time, the market size of my country's antidepressant drug industry has also continued to expand. In 2020, the market size of my country's antidepressant drugs was 10.94 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 16.01%, maintaining a relatively high growth rate.

China's antidepressant market size and growth rate from 2017 to 2020

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: Compilation of public information

2, sales

According to minenet data statistics, due to some patients turning to the Internet for medical treatment and online pharmacies to purchase antidepressant drugs and the impact of the epidemic Affected by travel and other factors, sales of antidepressant chemical drugs at the terminals of my country's public medical institutions (mainly including China's urban public hospitals, county-level public hospitals, urban community centers and township health centers) exceeded 8.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.14%.

2017-2021 terminal antidepressant sales and growth rate in China’s public medical institutions

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: minenet, compiled by Huajing Industrial Research Institute

4. Patient portraits

1, age

In recent years, the incidence of depression has become younger. . The prevalence rate of depression among teenagers has reached 30.28%. The mental health of teenagers urgently needs social attention. The main source of pressure for teenagers is study pressure and family pressure. The prevalence rate of depression among young people aged 18-24 years old is 35.32%

The prevalence rate of depression in different age groups in China in 2022

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: "2022 National Depression Blue Book", compiled by Huajing Industrial Research Institute

2, gender

From From a gender perspective, women are more likely to suffer from depression, with 68% of them suffering from depression, which is about twice that of men. Women often face more complex psychological issues than men. The survey shows that 63% of women have suffered from postpartum depression, 20% of women have suffered from depression during pregnancy, and only 10% of expectant mothers have never been depressed. There are many reasons why women suffer from postpartum depression . Changes in social and family status, breastfeeding, family relationships, etc. are the main triggers for the outbreak of postpartum depression.

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: "2022 National Depression Blue Book", compiled by Huajing Industrial Research Institute

3, medication experience and drug purchase methods

Among patients receiving medication, "getting fat", "nausea", "hand shaking", Side effects such as "constipation" are of great concern to patients. Among the patients receiving drug treatment, 44.66% said the most unacceptable side effect was gaining weight, followed by 17.38% who could not tolerate nausea as a side effect.

Intolerable side effects for patients receiving drug treatment

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: "2022 National Blue Book on Depression", compiled by Huajing Industrial Research Institute

Since depression is a mental illness, society generally has less awareness of depression and pays low attention to it. , patients do not know enough about antidepressants. According to surveys, 47% of patients do not understand the antidepressants they take. The dosage and course of treatment of antidepressants must be strictly controlled, otherwise overdose may cause serious consequences. , Therefore, currently public, authoritative hospitals and doctors are still the first choice for treatment of depressed patients. 59.91% of patients choose to purchase antidepressant drugs in hospitals. With the development of the Internet, online medical treatment better protects patient privacy and solves the problem of travel difficulties. 27.74% of patients purchase antidepressants at online pharmacies.

The proportion of Chinese patients with depression purchasing drugs in 2022

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: "2022 National Depression Blue Book", compiled by Huajing Industrial Research Institute

5. Competitive landscape

1, market share

In recent years, the top three manufacturers of antidepressants The market shares of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals , Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals and Jingwei Pharmaceuticals all have a slight downward trend, and new products have begun to enter the market to seize market share. In 2021, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals' antidepressant market share is 11.84%, and Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals's is 7.78%. Jingwei Pharmaceuticals has a slight increase compared with 2020, and its market share is 7.50%, which is the same as Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals.

2018-2021 Market share changes of China's antidepressant drug manufacturers

Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Source: minenet, compiled by Huajing Industrial Research Institute

2, brand ranking

In the antidepressant drug brand rankings, the sales of the top 4 brands exceed 500 million yuan, Beijing Wei Pharmaceutical's escitalopram oxalate tablets had the highest sales, with a year-on-year growth of 7.6%. Sales of Hansoh Pharmaceutical 's agomelatine tablets, which ranked second, grew rapidly, with a growth rate of 65.58%. Ke Lun Pharmaceutical 's escitalopram oxalate tablets sales growth rate is 29.23%, which is also growing rapidly; Pfizer 's venlafaxine hydrochloride sustained-release capsules ranks third, but sertraline hydrochloride tablets Sales fell by 40.04%, and sales of Eli Lilly's duloxetine hydrochloride enteric-coated capsules fell by 45.91%.


Original title: The current market status of China's antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to achieve domestic substitution of antidepressants.

Terminal antidepressant drug brands in China’s public medical institutions in 2021 Source: Minenet, compiled by Huajing Industrial Research Institute

6. Development Trends

Currently, foreign companies represented by Pfizer, Lundbeck, and Eli Lilly account for about 90% of the domestic antidepressant market. % market share. Under the policy of consistency evaluation and volume-based procurement, representative Chinese companies such as Kanghong Pharmaceutical and Kelun Pharmaceutical are gradually shifting from "focusing on generics and seizing more market share of original drugs based on consistency evaluation" to "combining generics with innovative products. The transformation of "improving innovative R&D capabilities and opening up greater space for growth" is expected to replace domestic antidepressants. As the treatment rate and treatment rate for depression in my country increase, my country's antidepressant drug market will continue to expand, and the antidepressant drug market has broad development prospects.

Original title: The current market status of China’s antidepressant drug industry in 2021. Chinese companies are expected to realize domestic substitution of antidepressants. "Picture"

Huajing Industrial Research Institute’s analysis of the development status of China’s antidepressant drug industry, the industry’s upstream and downstream industry chains, competitive landscape and Key enterprises and others have conducted in-depth analysis to minimize the risks and operating costs of enterprise investment in and improve the competitiveness of enterprises; and use a variety of data analysis technologies to predict industry development trends so that enterprises can seize market opportunities in a timely manner; For more details, please pay attention to the "2022-2027 China Antidepressant Drug Industry Market Research and Investment Strategy Research Report" published by Huajing Industrial Research Institute.

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