During the treatment of depression, everyone hopes to see results as soon as possible. Some patients do not see results after treatment for a period of time, their patience is exhausted, and they eventually give up treatment. In fact, in many cases, it is not that the treatment i

2024/07/0202:22:32 psychological 1171

During the treatment of depression, everyone hopes to see results as soon as possible. Some patients do not see results after treatment for a period of time, their patience is exhausted, and they finally give up treatment.

In fact, in many cases, it is not that the treatment is ineffective, it just varies from person to person. The effect is different for everyone, and the degree of obviousness of the effect is also different.

During the treatment of depression, everyone hopes to see results as soon as possible. Some patients do not see results after treatment for a period of time, their patience is exhausted, and they eventually give up treatment. In fact, in many cases, it is not that the treatment i - DayDayNews

If you have the following 8 signs,

it means that you are already on the road to recovery.

You can get out of depression if you insist on treatment!

Start eating well

Patients with depression In many cases, they are unable to eat well. They either overeat or have a loss of appetite and do not want to eat.

If during the treatment, you find that you are able to eat well every day and your weight is returning to normal, it means that the treatment is effective.

Sleep becomes better

If the patient sleeps better and the quality of sleep is better than before, it can be said to be a beneficial situation and has a tendency to improve.

During the treatment of depression, everyone hopes to see results as soon as possible. Some patients do not see results after treatment for a period of time, their patience is exhausted, and they eventually give up treatment. In fact, in many cases, it is not that the treatment i - DayDayNews

Because patients with depression are usually accompanied by symptoms of insomnia and early awakening, if their condition improves during treatment, their insomnia will improve.

Improvement of daily life ability

People with depression will have a reduced ability to live. It may be that they are tired and do not want to move in life. Even basic dressing and washing need reminders.

When they get better, you will find that your living ability has improved to a certain extent, and you can do some housework within your ability.

The physical discomfort disappears

When you are depressed, your body will have various symptoms of discomfort such as inexplicable nausea, vomiting, chest pain, back pain, stomach pain and so on.

When depression begins to ease, you will find that these symptoms are slowly reducing or even disappearing, and you no longer feel like your body is filled with lead and is in pain.

Changes in cognition

Many patients will reach a dead end when they are depressed. They will impose bad cognitions on themselves, constantly deny themselves and hurt themselves.

During the treatment of depression, everyone hopes to see results as soon as possible. Some patients do not see results after treatment for a period of time, their patience is exhausted, and they eventually give up treatment. In fact, in many cases, it is not that the treatment i - DayDayNews

After the condition improves, patients will also experience some changes in their self-perception, that is, they will begin to affirm themselves, gradually discover their own advantages, and will accept their imperfect selves without feeling that they are worthless.

Significant improvement in energy and physical strength

People suffering from depression suffer from depression, which leads to slow reaction and slow action. After depression improves, your physical condition will gradually improve, your physical strength and energy will improve, and you will be much more agile in both your actions and your way of thinking than before.

No longer fall into loneliness and despair

Many patients feel extremely lost when they are depressed, and feel that their prospects are bleak and unable to feel happiness. Now they can feel happiness, their mood is not so low, and they are no longer pessimistic and disappointed. .

No longer avoid social activities

Many people suffering from depression do not want to communicate with the people around them, avoid everyone and everything around them, and close themselves in a small space. This is also the reason why patients' depression worsens.

During the treatment process, you find that you are willing to communicate with the people around you and contact the outside world. Congratulations, your depression has begun to improve.

Through the above performance, on the one hand, everyone can compare and understand whether their condition has improved, and on the other hand, they can also simply evaluate whether their treatment methods are effective. Here, I also hope that all patients with depression can show improvement and recover soon. !

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