Please choose a word from "Singing over wine and the geometry of life" to see who your noble person is: A. To B. Wine C. When D. Song E. People F. Life G. Geometry H. How analysis: A. Popularity index: 60%.

2024/06/2119:14:33 psychological 1194

Please choose a word from "The geometry of life when drinking and singing" to see who your noble one is:

Please choose a word from

A. To

B. Wine

C. When

D. Song

E. People

F. Health

G. Ji

H. He

Please choose a word from


A. Popularity index for

: 60%. The word "right" means gain, which means that your recent interpersonal relationships are not bad. This small gain is mainly for the interpersonal relationships at work, because after the word is broken down, the left side of the pen has the appearance of "you", and the right side has the character "you". Stopping with the word "inch", your interpersonal skills will once again be implemented in the workplace, while other aspects need to be strengthened.

popularity index: 70%. The word "wine" is bordered by water. It can be said that you have a wide range of friends and good reputation in terms of popularity. However, you also have strict standards for choosing friends, so not many people can become your close friends. If you are not clear about it, you must prevent villains from secretly sabotaging it, and don’t let yourself get into trouble!

C. When

popularity index: 80%. The word "dang" reminds you to clearly distinguish the difference between a noble person and a bad friend, just like a field can bear fruit but also be overgrown with weeds, so you will face a choice, so please use your wisdom and discernment to make yourself stronger in interpersonal luck. One hundred percent luck.


Male friends will be great nobles. Popularity index: 100%. Choosing this word means that your relationship will be taken care of by male friends, elders and even lovers in the future, because this word has "ge" made of two "ke"s, which represents male friends who are older than you; and " "Qian" is the ending of the word "Xin", which means happiness and joy, so choosing this word has a perfect interpersonal relationship!

Please choose a word from

E. People

are either popular in red or green. Popularity index: 40%. The word "人" represents change. Your interpersonal development this year will be either excellent or extremely poor. Be careful of others slandering you. Because adding one to a person means "big", one person is the only one who is big; adding two means "heaven" or "yao". The sky is high and unattainable, and the yao represents that evil things will happen, so we have to Defend.

F. Students

will reap rewards if they work slowly. Popularity index: 50%. This word means that as long as you work hard, you will definitely gain something. Because this character starts with "ox" and ends with "earth", you may have to pay attention and help to others in the early stages of interpersonal relationships. Then naturally, others will remember your kindness, and when you are I will try my best to help you when you need help!

G. A few

care too much about other people’s feelings. Popularity index: 30%. This word implies that you must pay attention to your emotions. You may be very concerned about what others think of you, and you may even worry about gains and losses for fear of being excluded. Because the word "ridicule" is added to the word, and "hungry" is added to the word "food". From a literal point of view, it feels like it is not true, and your interpersonal luck is really not optimistic.

H. Both

are suitable for both movement and silence, and are very popular. Popularity index: 90%. The word starts with "人", which means you have many friends, and ends with "一", "口", and "丁", implying that you like to be alone, but if others need your help, you will They will not fall behind others, so they are quite good in interpersonal relationships, so they will have good luck in interpersonal relationships in the future.

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