My excerpt (57) Richard Grieg, Philip Zimbardo, "Psychology and Life" Intimacy is the ability to make a solemn sexual, emotional, and moral commitment to others. Intimacy can occur in friendships as well as romantic relationships. It requires candor, courage, a sense of morality,

2024/06/2320:01:33 psychological 1252

My excerpt (57) Richard Grieg, Philip Zimbardo,

My excerpts (57) Richard Grieg Philip Zimbardo " Psychology and Life "

Intimacy is the ability to make a solemn sexual, emotional, and moral commitment to others. Intimacy can occur in friendships as well as romantic relationships. It requires candor, courage, a sense of morality, and often the sacrifice of some personal preferences.

Social intimacy is a prerequisite for mental health in adulthood. Social intimacy is a prerequisite for healthy living. What matters is not the quantity of social interactions, but the quality.

Gender is a psychological phenomenon that refers to learned behaviors and attitudes related to sex. Differences in culture result in differences in the extent to which gender roles are associated with daily activities and in the degree to which cross-gender behavior is tolerated.

During the 6th week of pregnancy, when the male fetus begins to produce the hormone testosterone and is identified as beginning to develop, male and female fetuses begin to show differences. Brain scans have demonstrated structural differences between the male and female brains.

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