What is the standard weight for women after 45? Reminder: It’s not good to be too thin if it meets the standard

2020/12/1119:00:21 lose 1578

   For most women, who doesn't want to have a good figure? Good figure, high rate of turning heads when walking on the road, even if you wear a very plain clothes, you can also line it up, and if you are obese and cannot wear the clothes you want to wear, you may often be teased by your friends, although Unintentional, but the listener deliberately felt very uncomfortable in his heart, so he labelled himself fat. For women after 45, how much weight is the standard? Reminder: Just meet the standard, it's not good to be too thin, see if you meet the standard? If it meets the standard, the body will be healthier, and aging will be slower. It is worth congratulating.

   What is the standard weight for women after 0145?

   A person's standard weight can be expressed by the relationship between height and weight. You can calculate your own BMI index. It is an important standard for measuring and reflecting a person's health. It is universal in the world. The specific calculation method is to divide the weight (kg) by the square of the height (m). BMI between 18.5-24 is our country's reference standard. On this basis, a 10% fluctuation up and down is normal. If it is less than 18.5 Thin, if it is greater than 24, it is overweight. There is another calculation method for

What is the standard weight for women after 45? Reminder: It’s not good to be too thin if it meets the standard - DayDayNews

  . For women, subtract 70 from height (cm), and multiply the number by 60%. The final value is the standard weight. Similarly, it is normal to fluctuate by 10%. For example, for a 46-year-old woman with a height of 1.6 meters, her standard weight should be: (160-70)*60%=54, which is 108 kg.

   If you are over 45 years old and your weight is within the standard range, congratulations. If you exceed the standard, but not much, it is understandable. After all, when women reach this age, their metabolism is slow, and they will gradually enter menopause. Because of the rapid decline of estrogen, people are more prone to get blessed. It is recommended that female friends do not over demand themselves, and that the weight meets the standard is fine, too thin is not good.

   After 0245 years of age, if a woman's weight is not up to the standard and she is too thin, it may bring two health risks:

What is the standard weight for women after 45? Reminder: It’s not good to be too thin if it meets the standard - DayDayNews

   The first health risk is osteoporosis: middle-aged women, the body function is gradually declining, and the bone is also losing , For menopausal women, bone loss will be faster. Generally speaking, too light body weight means that you usually eat less, take in insufficient nutrition, and are prone to lack of protein and calcium, which will reduce the bone density and and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

   The second health risk is gallstones: it is too one-sided to say that it is difficult for a daughter to buy old and thin. Middle-aged women are too thin, have insufficient body energy, insufficient fat reserves, and consume too fast, which will affect liver function and cause bile. Excessive secretion, gradually accumulating in the gallbladder, will increase the chance of long stones over time.

What is the standard weight for women after 45? Reminder: It’s not good to be too thin if it meets the standard - DayDayNews

   It is recommended that women who are too thin after the age of 45 should eat a reasonable diet, have a variety of foods, eat three meals a day on time, and do not blindly diet to lose weight. It is not the thinner the healthier, the older you are, in fact, being slightly fat is healthier Weight.

   For women who are overweight, they must be properly controlled to avoid obesity. Obesity will also increase various health risks, such as three highs, cardiovascular disease, and affect the image. Usually, you have to control your mouth and open your legs. If you stick to it, you may lose weight.

What is the standard weight for women after 45? Reminder: It’s not good to be too thin if it meets the standard - DayDayNews

   Through the above understanding, you must already know how to calculate your standard weight, you might as well do the calculations to see if your physique meets the standard? If it meets the criteria, let’s have fun. You will look younger and healthier if you are in good shape. If you fall below or exceed the standard, you will be adjusted in time.

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