6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder

2020/07/2108:50:06 lose 2665

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Cat Fitness!

Lead: recently met a lot of netizens to ask the teacher in private to ask the cat fitness:

  • waist disc herniation can do squats, deadlifts?
  • What actions can relieve or correct lumbar disc herniation?
  • What stretching actions can be done for lumbar disc herniation? What actions can aggravate symptoms?

Since there are not a few patients who ask such questions in private messages, Teacher Mao Fitness feels that it is necessary to do an article on how to exercise for patients with lumbar disc herniation, hoping to help such patients.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

cat teacher fitness deliberately checked a lot of information, and found that many research and investigation data show that now lumbar intervertebral disc herniation has become the "new favorite" of modern people, it is no longer the patent of middle-aged and elderly people, and many young people People are also troubled and tortured by it; according to statistics, as many as 80% of people in the country will suffer from low back pain during their lifetime, and lumbar disc herniation is one of the common potential problems. [1], the most common disc herniation It often occurs in the lower back (lumbar spine) and involves displacement of the disc material beyond the disc space. [2]

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

below cat teacher fitness from "what is lumbar disc herniation" to "lumbar disc herniation feasible and exercise to avoid training" and other 6 major aspects to share, the article length is long, netizens who urgently need to know the training actions You can pull it directly to the end of the article.

1. What is lumbar disc herniation?

2. Causes of lumbar disc herniation.

Three, the symptoms of lumbar disc herniation.

Fourth, exercise recommendations for patients with lumbar disc herniation.

Five or six stretching actions to relieve lumbar disc herniation.

Six or seven exercises for patients with lumbar disc herniation to avoid training.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

What is lumbar disc herniation?

(1) The anatomical structure of the spine.

The spine is composed of a series of irregularly shaped bones. These bones are called vertebrae. According to different positions in the spine, the vertebrae can be divided into 5 categories:

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  1. The first 7 vertebrae at the top of the spine are called cervical vertebrae (C1~C7 ), these iliac bones form a flexible frame to provide support for the head so that the head can move freely. The 12 vertebrae below the cervical spine
  2. are called thoracic vertebrae (T1~T12), which are located in the upper and middle back. The thoracic vertebrae move together with the ribs to form the posterior anchor of the thorax. The five vertebrae below the thoracic spine are the lumbar spine (L1~L5). The lumbar spine is the largest bone in the spine. The reason why the lumbar spine is often painful is because these vertebrae bear most of the body's weight.
  3. The sacrum is a triangular bone located just below the lumbar spine (children will have 4 to 5 pieces). The bottom of the
  4. spine is the tailbone (or tailbone), which consists of 3 to 5 bones.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

(two) what is the lumbar intervertebral disc? Z2z

  • has been explained above: the 5 vertebrae below the thoracic vertebrae are the lumbar vertebrae (L1~L5), the lumbar vertebrae are the largest bones (vertebrae) in the spine, and the part between the vertebrae and vertebrae is the intervertebral disc, which is composed of fibrous cartilage. In order to buffer, the vertebrae will not rub against each other and the back can be moved.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • The intervertebral disc has a tough outer ring, called annulus ; inside the annulus is a soft gelatinous substance, called nucleus pulposus .

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

(3) What is a lumbar disc herniation?

The vertebrae located at the lumbar spine (L1~L5)The intervertebral disc is under external pressure or under long-term and frequent action:

  • lumbar spine will tilt forward, then the vertebrae will press the intervertebral disc (one or more) forward, when the intervertebral disc exceeds the normal range, the back of fibrous ring Protruding backward, causing the back of the fiber ring to become thinner.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • As the compression time increases, the fibrous tissue of the damaged annulus becomes weaker.
  • nucleus pulposus will also dry out and lose its elasticity. As the disease worsens, the nucleus pulposus will push the annulus fibrosus outward, causing intervertebral discs to bulge out .

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • As time increases, the nucleus pulposus continues to push outward, forming disc herniation , then disc prolapse , and finally disc free.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • Intervertebral disc herniation refers to the rupture of the gelatinous material through the outer layer of the intervertebral disc and presses on the spinal cord or spinal nerves, causing symptoms, including back pain and other related symptoms, making daily activities difficult. [2]

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

causes lumbar disc herniation. There are many reasons for lumbar disc herniation caused by

, some of the common causes include:

  1. Spinal wear: Lumbar disc herniation is usually caused by excessive use of the spine every day, resulting in lumbar wear or deformation, because the role of the intervertebral disc is to absorb distortion, walking, and bounce If the impact is caused by exercise for a long time, the annulus fibers (tough outer disc layer) may become weak, and the nucleus pulposus (jelly-like inner layer) may begin to pass through and become a herniated disc.
  2. injuries: external injuries (such as car accidents), sudden external force exerts too much pressure on the intervertebral disc; or abnormal twisting and incorrect lifting of heavy objects can also cause intervertebral disc herniation.
  3. Obesity : Being overweight will not only cause significant pressure on the joints, but also increase the risk of intervertebral disc herniation.
  4. Smoking: nicotine restricts the blood flow of the intervertebral disc, making degeneration worse and hindering healing. The degenerated intervertebral disc is not as soft as before and is easier to tear, which can also lead to a herniated disc.
  5. Heredity: A study showed that families with a history of lumbar disc herniation are more likely to have a disc herniation.
  6. Frequent driving: Sitting in the seat for a long time, and the vibration of the car engine will increase the pressure on the intervertebral disc and spine.
  7. sedentary: sedentary and incorrect sitting posture is a major cause of lumbar disc herniation in modern people, so regular exercise is a good way to prevent lumbar disc herniation.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

Lumbar disc herniation:

  • low back pain (usually the first symptom)
  • leg pain (up and down) [1] [5]
  • leg numbness or tingling z11[5]zzzzzzz832z
  • zzz
  • zz
  • z11 The pain will increase when [5]
  • Restricted trunk flexion [1]
  • Sciatica

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • Important reminder: An extremely rare symptom of lumbar disc herniation is loss of bowel or bladder control, which is more likely to indicate latent control Serious problems: Cauda equina syndrome, which is caused by compression of spinal nerve roots, is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate attention. [5]

exercise recommendations for patients with lumbar disc herniation.

Patients with lumbar disc herniation are most concerned about how to choose exercise.Those actions can relieve lumbar disc herniation, so the action will aggravate the disc herniation. Here are some suggestions summarized by cat teacher fitness :

  1. avoid choosing any posture that will produce forward flexion (round) lumbar spine: everyone already knows the waist from above Intervertebral disc herniation is caused by bending the vertebrae forward, squeezing the intervertebral disc, causing the nucleus pulposus to squeeze the fibrous annulus backwards, so try to avoid the upper body bending forward.
  2. Avoid heavy weight and use the spine to stabilize or exert strength in fitness exercises : Heavy weight will increase the pressure on the lumbar spine and make the intervertebral disc between the vertebrae more stressed, which will aggravate the lumbar disc herniation.
  3. choose the action of lengthening the spine: lengthening the spine will bring space between the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, increase blood flow, and stretch the spine muscles that need to be stretched.
  4. need to enhance core strength: is a strong, barrel-like abdominal core muscle group, which is the best way to stabilize and maintain the spine, but do not choose sit-ups (because sit-ups cause the lumbar spine to bend forward).
  5. select the lumbar spine backward bending and stretching action: lumbar spine bending and stretching action just after the formation of lumbar disc herniation is the opposite.
  6. Perform gentle stretching exercises on the lower body. : In the case of lumbar disc herniation, the soft tissues around the iliac area will be tight and unbalanced, causing the gluteus to be weak, and the gluteus is the main supporting muscle of the body. , It will compensate the lumbar spine and in turn increase the pressure on the lumbar spine, a vicious circle.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

6 stretching actions to relieve lumbar disc herniation.

According to the above recommendations for patients with lumbar disc herniation to choose training actions, cat teacher fitness shares the following 7 exercises that focus on alleviating or reducing pain [5]. This set of exercises

includes many "extended" exercises and core stability exercises (core stability exercises have been shown to reduce back pain [3] [4]).

(1) Spinal decompression:

spinal decompression is the first thing to treat a herniated or bulging intervertebral disc, because it actually forms a space between the vertebrae, thereby reducing the pressure on the intervertebral disc.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

Use a single rod or ring (or anything that can be hung on it), let the body "hang", let the body relax, hold for 30 seconds, and then do 3 times.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

(two) standing stretch:

standing stretch can help you twist (hunch back) every day, because most intervertebral disc herniation is caused by poor posture and repeated bending of the spine (especially bending when the posture is poor), so This stretch helps to push the disc back to the middle position.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • Stand in a good posture for this exercise, placing your hands on both sides of your lower back. With the help of both hands,
  • pushes the pelvis forward and stretches the spine backward.
  • stretches along the neck, facing the ceiling.
  • do 10 per group, 3 to 4 groups.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

(3) Cobra posture (lumbar extension):

Cobra extension helps push the intervertebral disc fibrous annulus and nucleus pulposus to the center of the intervertebral disc, thereby improving the healing effect. The purpose of repeated lower back extension is to "focus on symptoms" This basically means that the pain from the affected leg to the foot should return to a position closer to the lower back, thereby reducing the pain.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • lying prone on the floor.
  • Then slowly push up the elbows while keeping the hips in contact with the floor. Keep
  • for 10-15 seconds.
  • slowly backStarting position.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

(four) cat-and-cow pose:

cat-and-cow pose is one of the most popular disc herniation exercises, . By combining two yoga postures, the cat and cow stretching exercise can relieve the pressure of the herniated disc by opening the intervertebral disc space. It can also improve the mobility of the spine, which may help relieve the pain of a herniated disc and speed up recovery.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • began to kneel, with his knees directly below his hips and his hands directly below his shoulders.
  • Now the back is flat, straight and the neck is in a neutral position.
  • Lower to cow position: exhale and push down on the spine, while keeping the shoulders and hips in the same position.
  • Push up to cat pose: Inhale and push up the spine, arching into cat pose.
  • maintain steady breathing in the cat and cow pose. Hold
  • Cat and Cow for 10-15 seconds each, and do 4 sets.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

(five) Bird Dog Pose:

Bird Dog Pose This exercise will help strengthen and stabilize your lower back and deep spinal muscles. This will help you maintain a good posture and avoid a herniated disc in the future.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • adopts a kneeling position with the knees directly below the hips and the hands directly below the shoulders.
  • Raise the left arm and straighten it forward until it is aligned with the torso; at the same time, kick the right leg to the right until it is aligned with the torso.
  • hold this position for 2-3 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the right arm and left leg. Repeat
  • alternately 10 times, do 4 sets.
  • Ensure that the head, neck and back remain neutral to minimize neck pressure.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

(6) Plank support:

this "core" exercise will help keep the pelvis in the correct position by strengthening the deep spine muscles and gluteal muscles (buttocks muscles).

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

  • At the beginning, put the forearm (wrist to elbow) firmly on the yoga mat, making sure that the elbow is directly below the shoulder.
  • Straighten your legs behind you, lift your hips away from the yoga mat, and rest on your toes.
  • Tighten the abdomen to ensure that the spine straightens naturally.
  • maintain this position for at least 20-30 seconds, then slowly increase to 3 minutes while maintaining deep breathing.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

You may choose to spend a day's rest on bed or sofa because you are worried that exercise will exacerbate the herniated disc, but this is not conducive to alleviating and reducing the lumbar disc herniation. Perform the above 6 stretching exercises and exercises for the herniated disc. Can make you proactively restore your own state, and may help reduce symptoms and increase the overall health of the back.

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

7 patients with lumbar disc herniation avoid training actions.

  • 1. Sit-ups:

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

For people suffering from intervertebral disc herniation and sciatica, this popular exercise is one of the worst exercises. The forward bending of the spine can put tremendous pressure on the intervertebral disc.

  • 2. Straight leg elevation:

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

leg elevation will put a lot of pressure on the intervertebral disc, so it is best avoided.

  • 3. Squat:

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

When squatting, part of the body's weight may be transferred to the waist, exerting too much pressure on the lumbar spine, which will aggravate the herniated disc.

  • 4.Standing hamstring stretch:

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

This stretch makes the waist round, so that the intervertebral discs in the lumbar spine are stressed.

  • 5. Deadlift:

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

For people suffering from intervertebral disc herniation, it is best to avoid this exercise, because the heavy weight will compress the spine and intervertebral disc.

  • 6. Inverted kick:

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

leg pressing exercise will make the legs close to the chest, thereby making the spine round, which is not good for people with herniated disc.

  • 7. Cycling and biking:

6 stretching exercises to relieve lumbar disc herniation, avoid 7 exercises, strengthen the lumbar spine without stepping on thunder - DayDayNews

The posture required for biking and biking is the posture of a person bending forward, which is not good for your lumbar disc herniation.


  • Understanding the anatomical structure of the lumbar intervertebral disc and what is a herniated disc can help prevent lumbar disc herniation.
  • 6 stretching and core training can relieve and reduce pain for patients with lumbar disc herniation.
  • 7 Lumbar disc herniation suffers from training that must be avoided, otherwise it will aggravate the herniation and increase the pain.

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[1] Amin R, Andrade N, Neuman B. Lumbar Disc Herniation. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2017;10(4):507-516. doi:10.1007/s12178-017-9441-4

[2 ] Schoenfeld AJ, Weiner B. Treatment of lumbar disc herniation: Evidence-based practice. Int J Gen Med. 2010:209. doi:10.2147/ijgm.s12270

[3] Yazdani A, Hesari P, Eghbali Khosro S, Anbarian M, Babaei-Ghazani A. Effects of six-week exercise training protocol on pain relief in patients with lumbar disc herniation. Journal of Analytical Research in Clinical Medicine. 2016;4(1):27-33. doi:10.15171/jarcm.2016.005

[4] Hemmati S, Rajabi R, Karimi N, Jahandideh A. Effects of consecutive supervised core stability training on pain and disability in women with nonspecific chronic low back pain. Koomesh. 2011. 12(3):244-252

[5] Humphreys C, Eck JC. Clinical evaluation and treatment options for herniated lumbar disc. Am Fam Physician. 1999 Feb 1;59(3):575-582.

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