Are people who are too thin suitable for fitness? What do people who are too skinny eat for fitness?

2019/11/1306:10:07 lose 689

Are people who are too thin suitable for fitness? What do people who are too skinny eat for fitness? - DayDayNews

People who are too thin are too suitable for fitness. Fitness for thin people can make men stronger and women fuller.

The key for thin people to gain weight lies in absorption. Some thin people eat a lot but do not absorb well, so they are not easy to gain weight. In addition to the long-term metabolism, consumption is greater than absorption or equal to absorption. This is long The reason for not being fat. Our goal is to change it, improve absorption, and change metabolism. This is a system, so don't expect to change it in a short time. how to change? Exercise through muscles.

1, Muscle exercise can make muscles and diaphragm produce corresponding movements, deepen and speed up breathing, massage the digestive system, and improve gastrointestinal peristalsis and secretion functions, and enhance appetite and absorption. , To achieve the purpose of getting thinner and getting fat.

2, Muscle exercise can increase capillary density, promote blood circulation, increase nutrient transport capacity, increase muscle fiber growth, and increase weight. At the same time, muscle exercise can mobilize long-term lack of exercise muscles to re-grow and gain weight.

3, Muscle exercise can effectively improve the quality of sleep. Insufficient sleep and poor sleep quality are one of the important reasons for body thinness. Muscle exercise can link nerve fatigue and tension and improve sleep quality. Sleep is an important means of body recovery. Among the factors of muscle growth, training is one aspect and recovery is the key. Recovery is mainly nutrition and sleep. It can be seen that sleep is very important.

What should people who are too skinny eat for fitness?

Are people who are too thin suitable for fitness? What do people who are too skinny eat for fitness? - DayDayNews

1, For breakfast, you can choose 2 eggs and a glass of milk, eat an egg or a piece of cake around 10 o'clock, lunch is mainly carbohydrates, in the afternoon Eat an egg at 3 o'clock, normal family meals for dinner, and an egg, milk, bread, etc. can be eaten at 9 o'clock. Of course, the dinner can be as rich as possible to supplement the minerals and various amino acids needed for body growth.

2、Thin people can also choose muscle-building powder for fitness. It is recommended to consume a small amount in the initial stage. The training intensity is not enough in the initial stage of fitness. Taking too much muscle-building powder will cause the burden on the kidneys. In principle, increase the dosage slowly, and make sure to take food tonic at the beginning.

3、 Fitness for thin people is especially important for diet after fitness. Half an hour after fitness, the body protein needs to reach the peak. At this time, the supplement should be mainly protein and carbohydrates should be added to prevent The body consumes protein. You can eat eggs, bread, beef, milk, and bananas after fitness. You can eat a small amount every half an hour.

Too thin people fitness misunderstanding

Are people who are too thin suitable for fitness? What do people who are too skinny eat for fitness? - DayDayNews

Misunderstanding 1: Eat more meat to grow muscles

Muscle growth requires intake Sufficient raw materials, so many people have this wrong view-"Eat more meat to grow muscles." It is true that protein is the raw material for muscle growth. In order to satisfy muscle growth, the protein intake needs to reach 1.6-2 g/kg body weight/day, but if these proteins are obtained by eating meat alone, it will be a "by-product". It may be due to excessive fat intake. In the end, the muscles did not grow but the body grew fat. Therefore, we must choose appropriate foods to supplement protein. On the one hand, we must choose low-fat meat foods in our daily diet, such as skinless chicken breast, lean beef, fish and other meats. Chicken protein is also a good choice; On the one hand, if economy permits, you can take some professional protein powder nutrition products, which can effectively help bodybuilders gain muscle without gaining fat.

Misunderstanding 2: Only focus on training but not nutrition

Many bodybuilding enthusiasts are keen to sweat in the gym, and can’t wait to do bench presses and curls as soon as they enter the gym... think the more you practice The greater the intensity, the better the effect of muscle gain, but often suddenlySeeing another key factor for muscle gain-nutrition. There is a jargon in the bodybuilding industry that “bodybuilding depends on training and half by eating”. This is indeed a popular experience. "Practicing" refers to scientific practice, and "eating" refers to reasonable nutritional supplements.

In 1965, the first Olympic Mr. Larry Scott said: "Ninety percent of bodybuilding comes from nutrition." This sentence is very reasonable. Just like people tear down low bungalows and then build tall buildings, muscle gain is also a process of destroying and then rebuilding and eventually achieving excess recovery. It is impossible to build high-rise buildings without sufficient raw materials, and it is difficult to gain muscle growth without reasonable nutritional supplements. So how is it reasonable to eat? The daily recipe for fitness trainers can refer to this formula, namely: moderate protein foods plus low-fat foods and high-carbohydrate foods.

Misunderstanding 3: The more protein you make up, the better

Some bodybuilders mistakenly believe that “since protein is an important raw material for muscle gain, the more you eat, the better for muscle gain”. Facts have proved that this is really a beautiful mistake! The protein requirement of muscle gainers is indeed higher than that of ordinary people. For average muscle gainers, 1.6-2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day can fully meet their needs. Protein cannot be used by the body. On the contrary, excessive protein is harmful from a medical point of view, and it will increase the burden on the liver and kidneys. A long-term high-protein diet will cause abnormal liver and kidney function; in addition, a large amount of protein will also produce a lot of toxic wastes in the process of metabolism, causing dehydration The acidification of body fluids makes fatigue occur earlier and weakens the training effect. Ignoring the supplement of vegetables and fruits is also a serious mistake.

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