The 1.9-meter fitness muscular man is not as good as the average man after he stopped practicing for 3 years

2019/11/0318:20:08 lose 1078

The reason why someone can become a muscular man through fitness is that in addition to their own day and night fitness training, they also need to maintain a good diet and self-disciplined lifestyle. And those professional fitness and bodybuilding players, You may also need the help of some fitness supplements or other technological products.

The 1.9-meter fitness muscular man is not as good as the average man after he stopped practicing for 3 years - DayDayNews

And in today's more and more convenient age of fitness, it does not seem to be difficult to become a muscular man. There are countless bodybuilders through their own efforts and finally become A muscular man, but life can’t be all about fitness. There are still many problems. There are always various reasons that will cause you to stop your fitness life. Then when a fitness muscular man stops fitness training What will it be like afterwards?

The 1.9-meter fitness muscular man is not as good as the average man after he stopped practicing for 3 years - DayDayNews

Today we are talking about a fitness muscle man with a height of 1.9 meters. After stopping training for 3 years, this fitness muscle man is called Bu Xiangui. He has done A professional fitness model for a while, has also achieved good results in bodybuilding competitions, coupled with his height and tough appearance, the local popularity in Korea is still very high.

The 1.9-meter fitness muscular man is not as good as the average man after he stopped practicing for 3 years - DayDayNews

His muscular body belongs to the kind of tall and lean type, which is the type that best fits the aesthetics of people at the moment, but during a fitness training, because of serious injuries, Bu Xiangui’s Achilles tendon He was injured by a fracture. This injury made him have to stop fitness training and heal his injury. This was a full three years of training. He has not undergone any fitness training for three years. His body is very fat and he is not even as old. Ordinary people.

The 1.9-meter fitness muscular man is not as good as the average man after he stopped practicing for 3 years - DayDayNews

And because of the big changes in his body shape, he was ridiculed by many people, and he was determined to regain his figure, and he has a fitness foundation. In the first month of fitness, he lost a full 20 kilograms of body weight, and the change in body shape was also very obvious. When he saw Bu Xiangui again half a year later, his body shape returned to his previous peak state.

So even a professional fitness model, after stopping the fitness training, the body will gradually lose shape, when you stop the fitness training, it means that your muscles will gradually shrink and lose shape. If you don’t pay attention, the fat will increase very quickly, and even get fatter faster than ordinary people.

The 1.9-meter fitness muscular man is not as good as the average man after he stopped practicing for 3 years - DayDayNews

This is because the body has a kind of physiological inertia. When you stop fitness training for a while, the muscles will think that you no longer need it, then it will slowly Atrophy, in order to keep the body active, like many professional athletes after retirement, the body will gradually become blessed.

And for our ordinary bodybuilders, you will feel the muscle changes after you stop training for a week. After you stop training for a month, you will feel that the muscle dimension is significantly reduced. The longer the time, the more muscle atrophy will be. .

So fitness still cannot be stopped. Once you stop, it means that your previous hard work will be wasted. Of course, it cannot be said that it is all wasted. When you start fitness again, your fitness foundation can still add to you A lot of help.

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