If you think I’m in good shape, then I’ll tell you, it’s all the result of exercise

2021/10/1305:28:02 lose 2438

Nature is a magical place. Sometimes I get used to the hustle and bustle of the city. I escape the city and come to nature. Even if I drink a bottle of mineral water, I feel refreshed!

If you think I’m in good shape, then I’ll tell you, it’s all the result of exercise - DayDayNews

Sometimes the troubles come from work, family, life, between girlfriends, between friends... countless trivial things, cut constantly, and messy, but come When you go to nature, you will find that all this has become so small.

If you think I’m in good shape, then I’ll tell you, it’s all the result of exercise - DayDayNews

I like to wear headphones and listen to music sometimes. Especially listening to the joyful sports music, the whole person feels fresh and refined!

If you think I’m in good shape, then I’ll tell you, it’s all the result of exercise - DayDayNews

Some experts say that exercise has a lot of benefits, and I think it makes sense when I listen to it: Experts say that exercise can enhance physical fitness and reduce the chance of illness.

If you think I’m in good shape, then I’ll tell you, it’s all the result of exercise - DayDayNews

At the same time, it improves the function adjustment of the nervous system, improves the defiance, reaction speed, and improves the quality of sleep.

If you think I’m in good shape, then I’ll tell you, it’s all the result of exercise - DayDayNews

Even some patients with severe insomnia can not take a lot of medicine, but through exercise, the insomnia is cured.

If you think I’m in good shape, then I’ll tell you, it’s all the result of exercise - DayDayNews

In addition, exercise is also conducive to the growth of human bones and muscles, making people 6-9 cm taller than normal.

If you think I’m in good shape, then I’ll tell you, it’s all the result of exercise - DayDayNews

I also think that exercise is my indispensable thing over the years!

If you think I’m in good shape, then I’ll tell you, it’s all the result of exercise - DayDayNews

I don’t care, anyway I like sports!


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