Kidney deficiency is a big deal! In fact, it is very simple to invigorate the kidney, these three methods can be done, know and prevent

2020/06/1213:40:53 health 1902

Na found a very strange phenomenon. As long as "kidney deficiency" is mentioned, everyone will immediately think of male friends, and even automatically associate "excessive indulgence". Although indulgence is indeed one of the causes of kidney deficiency, it is not the only one. s reason.

So what other factors you don’t know can also cause kidney deficiency?

Kidney deficiency and kidney function are two different things!

There are often male colleagues who run to the toilet after sitting for less than half an hour, get up frequently, and are teased by colleagues: "This guy, isn't it because of kidney deficiency."

Kidney deficiency is a big deal! In fact, it is very simple to invigorate the kidney, these three methods can be done, know and prevent - DayDayNews

Kidney deficiency is actually a traditional Chinese medicine term, it is not only a problem with kidney function, Chinese medicine "kidney" also includes the "five internal organs" composed of heart, liver, spleen and lung , equivalent to the "five elements" in the human body. Therefore, any part of the human body may show symptoms of "kidney deficiency".

Renal dysfunction is defined by Western medicine , which generally refers to the kidney as a single organ. Nephritis, renal failure, kidney stones, etc. are all diseases of renal dysfunction . Therefore, when male friends have symptoms of "kidney deficiency" such as early X, Yang W, backache and backache, they often go to the nephrology department for examination, often unable to find the real cause.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, "the kidney stores the essence". The essence of the kidney produces kidney yin and kidney yang, and the balance of yin and yang can be maintained in the body.

If the male is weak since childhood, often Excessive indulgence, strong sexual desire induces excessive hand Y, work fatigue, etc. will cause energy loss, uncontrolled desires, and will induce prostatitis, which is the traditional Chinese medicine. Said "Kidney Deficiency" .

Kidney deficiency is a big deal! In fact, it is very simple to invigorate the kidney, these three methods can be done, know and prevent - DayDayNews

The appearance of these 5 signals in the body is a manifestation of kidney deficiency

Academician Shen Ziyin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences led his team to conduct research on human aging, and found that "kidney deficiency" is the cause The cause of human aging.

A man's "kidney deficiency" will not only affect the daily mental posture, but also damage the man's "rejuvenation". So what will the body behave in a man with kidney deficiency?

1.口盐: I have not eaten anything in my mouth, and I always feel a bit salty when swallowing. It may be a kidney problem. When kidney function and metabolism become poor, sodium in the body will increase, causing salty taste in the mouth.

2. Sneezing : There is no irritating smell, and there is no dust around, but just sneezing continuously for no reason, this is also a manifestation of kidney deficiency.

Chinese medicine believes that rhinitis is caused by the deficiency of lung qi and wind-cold multiplication. The root of lung qi lies in kidney , so when the kidney is weak, it is easy to cause repeated episodes of rhinitis.

Kidney deficiency is a big deal! In fact, it is very simple to invigorate the kidney, these three methods can be done, know and prevent - DayDayNews

3. Fatigue : The kidney is connected to other organs in the human body and nourishes other organs. If other organs have disease, it will also cause the decline of kidney function, showing Dizziness, weakness, and exhaustion.

4. Feeling fear for no reason : Kidney emoji, when a person suddenly has psychological fear for no reason and is full of fear of life prospects, it may also be caused by kidney deficiency to cause psychological changes.

5. Loose teeth : Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is responsible for the bone and the marrow is produced, and the tooth is the rest of the bone. A person's teeth are not well developed, and usually the kidneys are not good. Loose teeth, yellow and withered teeth, and atrophy of gingival flesh are mostly caused by deficiency of kidney qi. .

Kidney deficiency is not terrible, 3 ways to help you strengthen your "man power"

"Oh my God~ Will kidney deficiency affect my ability to have sex?" Kidney deficiency is not terrible. Today, Sister Na will release a few tricks to help You increase "man power".

nourishes the kidney, and the effect can be seen by improving the diet through . Yam, wolfberry, chestnut, walnut, black bean are all good kidney-tonifying ingredients, eat moreThese foods can have the effect of nourishing the kidney and strengthening yang.

The cooking method is also very simple. You only need to cook porridge with walnuts, yam, black beans, and black rice, or steam chestnuts and yam directly with water, which can have the effect of "food tonic".

Kidney deficiency is a big deal! In fact, it is very simple to invigorate the kidney, these three methods can be done, know and prevent - DayDayNews

Busy work for a long time, sedentary sitting, leading to poor blood circulation, easily lead to male kidney deficiency.

Appropriate exercise is not only good for blood flow, but also for strengthening muscles and bones, helping to adjust the body's state and enhancing immunity. Walking, jogging, swimming, and playing basketball are all good sports.

The vent of male desires should not be excessive, mature men should learn to control their desires, sexual life should be controlled , frequent "fighting" and excessive sexual behavior may aggravate prostate congestion and cause prostate inflammation .

Supplementary reading: Kidney deficiency is not a man's "patent"

Many women mistakenly believe that "kidney deficiency" is a matter of men and has nothing to do with women. But in fact, women also need to protect their kidneys, otherwise they will get old easily.

当女 Sexual long-term mental tension, emotional instability , coupled with overloaded workload or complicated housework, the situation of 力量过支 appears, kidney deficiency will follow Here comes .

Kidney deficiency is a big deal! In fact, it is very simple to invigorate the kidney, these three methods can be done, know and prevent - DayDayNews

A woman’s kidney deficiency will affect her appearance, her complexion will get worse, her skin will become rough, and her hair will show signs of premature hair loss. In severe cases, it will even lead to premature ovarian failure and libido. Decrease, breast hyperplasia, uterine fibroids etc.

"Kidney deficiency" is not only a manifestation of "kidney dysfunction", its influence penetrates the human body, so don't just target the "kidney" blindly to remedy, other organs of the body also need your care. 39健康超能团Health Science Qualification Qingfeng Project

Interaction: Which behaviors hurt the kidneys?

Reference materials

[1] "Kidney deficiency and kidney function are two different things! Men don’t blindly "tonify the kidney". Health Times. 2018-10-30

[2] "Ten Signs of Man’s Kidney Deficiency". Health News Network. 2017-08-01

[3] A woman with kidney deficiency must know 8 common senses of kidney deficiency". Global Network Health Community.2013-10-15


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