Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day

2019/12/1719:10:12 health 654

If you want to have good hair, you should ensure good living habits, do not stay up late, and have a balanced diet. Of course, a good mood is also very important. Today, I will tell you about the benefits of drinking a cup of soy milk every day for your hair. Whether you have hair loss, poor hair quality, or thinning hair, drinking a cup of soy milk every day is the first step in nourishing your hair.

Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day - DayDayNews


What are the benefits of soy milk for hair?

Promote hair growth

The main ingredient of hair is protein, generally speaking in our body The protein in soy milk will be provided to other organs first, and finally to the hair. Therefore, insufficient protein intake will affect hair quality and volume. The protein in soy milk is high-quality protein, which is very easy to absorb. The protein content in soy milk is more than 15%, which can effectively alleviate the hair loss caused by staying up late or malnutrition.

After soybeans are processed into soy milk, the digestion and absorption rate of protein is obviously improved, and the protein digestibility of soy milk can reach 84.9%. Combining soy milk with meat and egg foods can supplement methionine and improve the nutrient utilization of soy milk protein.

Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day - DayDayNews

What are the benefits of soy milk for hair?

Relieve male hormone hair loss

Soy milk contains a lot of soy isoflavones, its structure is similar to estrogen, which is It is called phytoestrogens and has a certain antagonistic effect on male hormones.

Because DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is the culprit of male hair loss, it is produced by the action of testosterone and type 2 5α reductase in the human body. The soybean isoflavones in soybeans are also a rare phytoestrogens, which can effectively antagonize male hormones and have a positive effect on reducing DHT content. It has a good effect on alleviating male hair loss and preventing prostate diseases. Drinking soy milk for a long time is equivalent to using natural non-side-effect "finasteride". The benefits are self-evident!

Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day - DayDayNews


Make the head darker and brighter

Beans are the most balanced foods with nutrients, especially the content of trace elements, far more than half of the home-cooked diet, while trace amounts of iron and selenium The element is precisely the essential substance for hair to maintain luster and elasticity. If it is lacking, it will not only lead to dryness, frizz, yellowing, and thinning of the hair, but also cause hair loss over time. Therefore, drinking more soy milk can not only promote human health, but also ensure hair The hair is pliable and dark in color.

Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day - DayDayNews

black and beautiful hair

slows down scalp oil secretion

Soy milk is rich in vitamin B family, which can participate in the metabolism of amino acids and fats, and can be in the body Forms niacin, which effectively achieves oil control effect. Therefore, drinking soy milk can give your hair a refreshing growth environment.

Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day - DayDayNews

Scalp oil secretion

What are the taboos for drinking soy milk?

Cannot drink uncooked soy milk

Drinking unripe soy milk may cause nausea , Indigestion, some harmful substances such as lectins can cause blood coagulation; urease toxic glycosides can hinder the metabolism of iodine, suppress the synthesis of thyroxine, and cause compensatory goiter. Only when it is cooked thoroughly can all these harmful substances be destroyed, so that the soy milk is harmless to the human body. If you experience headaches and respiratory obstruction after drinking soy milk, you should seek medical attention immediately to prevent life threatening.

Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day - DayDayNews

Soy Milk

Avoid excessive soy milk

Drinking too much soy milk at one time can easily cause protein indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Try not to add sugar to soy milk

If sugar is added during cooking, the lysine in the soy milk will chemically react with the sugar to formFructosyl amino acid, which is a harmful substance, is especially bad for children. In addition, after the organic acids in the brown sugar are combined with the proteins in the soy milk, they can produce denatured precipitates, which are not easily absorbed. So if you like sweets, you can add a small amount of sugar to taste.

Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day - DayDayNews


Avoid drinking soy milk on an empty stomach

Drinking soy milk on an empty stomach will cause most of the protein in soy milk to be converted into calories in the human body and consumed It will not fully play the role of replenishment. Therefore, it is best to eat some staple food at the same time, so that the protein in the soy milk can be fully enzymatically hydrolyzed with the gastric juice under the action of starch, so that the nutrients can be fully absorbed.

How to drink is best for hair?

Red soybean milk (soy beans + red beans + barley + red dates)

Red soybean milk contains more dietary fiber, which can lower blood pressure, lower blood fat and regulate The role of blood sugar is more prominent, it is very beneficial to the cardiovascular system, and it can diuretic, relieve alcohol, and detoxify. Barley is also a weapon against gastric cancer and cervical cancer. Therefore, red soybean milk has more obvious cardiovascular protection and is very suitable for women.

Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day - DayDayNews

Red Soy Milk

Black Soy Milk (Soybean+Black Bean+Sesame)

Black beans and black sesame are both nutritious foods in the first echelon of Ufa hair raising. The isoflavones and anthocyanins in black beans are good antioxidants. Black sesame seeds contain a lot of protein and nutrients such as lecithin, calcium, iron and chromium. Black soybean milk makes the hair black, shiny and thick, which is very suitable for people with severe hair loss. .

Mung soy milk (soybeans+mung beans+spinach)

Green soy milk squeezed from soybeans, mung beans and spinach. It has both soy products and vegetables. It is very healthy and nutritious. The fire product also has detoxification and liver nourishing effects.

Want dark, thick hair? Then have a cup of soy milk every day - DayDayNews

Mung Soy Milk

White Soy Milk (Soybean+White Kidney Bean+Peanuts)

White Kidney Bean is a kind of bean that has been fired in the past two years. Red beans and black beans are highly nutritious. They are a rare high-potassium, high-magnesium, and low-sodium food. They contain unique ingredients that can enhance disease resistance and are good for hair and body. It is very suitable for heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and high blood fat. And people with hypokalemia.

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