The dilemma of cancer patients: eating sugar "fatifies" cancer cells, and the consequences of not eating sugar are more serious

2021/04/0214:48:09 health 1080

In clinical practice, cancer patients often have various dietary restrictions and excessive dietary restrictions, especially those who dare not eat sugary foods. They are afraid that cancer cells will grow and their nutritional status will deteriorate. span6span.

Sugar-the favorite nutrient of cancer cells

The sugar mentioned here refers to monosaccharides and disaccharides , including glucose, sucrose, maltose and so on. Of course, it also includes various sweets such as fruit candies, pastries, cakes, stove candies, moon cakes, Lantern Festival, eight-treasure rice, ice cream, chocolates and other sweets made from these sugars.
The growth of cancer cells is very dependent on sugar. Studies have found that cancer cells need to take up 3 to 5 times more glucose than normal, because the glucose receptors of cancer cells are 6 to 30 times that of normal cells. In layman's terms,
cancer cells have the advantage of absorbing glucose more than normal cells.

The dilemma of cancer patients: eating sugar

Cancer cells are sweet and produce many substances that are not needed by the human body when they absorb glucose. Span4span is a representative of L-lactic acid that can help the body grow. Cancer cells proliferate, so it is very harmful to cancer patients.
The cancer cells in the body are like starving ghosts, greedy and endlessly craving more sugar. Cancer cells have a great appetite, but normal cells do not. In a healthy person, the glucose absorbed into the blood (starch can be converted into glucose) is transported to various parts of the body in a small amount, evenly and regularly, and all cells can benefit stably. But this is not the case for cancer patients. If too much nutrients are suddenly poured in (for example, a lot of glucose, sucrose, maltose, etc.), normal cells will still be decomposed and absorbed step by step.But cancer cells with a big appetite are not polite. They absorb more nutrients as fast as a hungry wolf, accelerate their growth and expand rapidly.

The dilemma of cancer patients: eating sugar

In addition, the glucose in the blood will attach to the protein to produce glycosylation protein, which reduces the protein's ability to react in the body. Sugar can also reduce the function of the immune system and increase the incidence of infectious diseases.
As modern people’s diet is already full of foods with high glycemic index, but lacks the micronutrients and minerals needed by the body, this has caused many people to suffer from diabetes at a young age, while suffers from cancer The risk has also increased

Cancer patients do not eat sugar, the consequences are more serious

Although cancer cells need sugar to survive, this does not mean that cancer patients cannot eat sugar. Sugar, fat and protein are the three basic nutrients for human survival. In other words, once the human body lacks sugar and normal cells cannot be fed, it will cause metabolic disorders of the body and a decline in immunity, which will cause cancer cells to spread. In addition, compared with normal cells, cancer cells have stronger viability and will seize the nutrients of normal cells . In other words, before the cancer cells die, normal cells die first. Even if cancer patients do not eat sugar in their diet, they only consume fat and protein. When there is no sugar available in the body, these nutrients will eventually be converted into sugar and used by cancer cells to continue to multiply and grow.

The dilemma of cancer patients: eating sugar

Therefore, cancer patients who do not eat sugar often suffer from severe malnutrition.It causes cancer cells to spread faster , which is not conducive to cancer treatment and recovery, and the quality of life is significantly lower than that of patients with a normal diet.

Balanced nutrition is the right way to eat

Because cancer is a wasting disease , need to strengthen nutrition after surgery, which will help strengthen the body, improve resistance, and help inhibit the spread of cancer cells. It is also conducive to postoperative wound recovery . Whether it is protein, fat, vitamins, dietary fiber, or sugar, you must eat some, but don't overdo it to ensure a balanced diet and not picky eaters. For example, appropriately increase the intake of high-quality protein, including milk, lean meat, beans, etc., and at the same time eat as much fresh vegetables and fruits as possible to supplement vitamins, and change the taste to a light diet with less salt and sugar. For preserved fruits and candies Consumption of high-sugar foods should be restricted.

The dilemma of cancer patients: eating sugar


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