These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people

2021/03/2201:18:09 health 1438

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews

Although the occurrence of various diseases has been getting younger and younger in recent years, most of the diseases are still concentrated in the middle-aged and elderly people. Among them, "cardio-cerebrovascular diseases" are the most representative, such as myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, etc.

The occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is based on the stenosis and blockage of blood vessels.

Do not pay attention to eating habits in daily life, and large intake of high-fat, high-salt, high-sugar and other foods can accelerate the process of vascular aging, stenosis, and blockage.

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews

So, what are the manifestations of vascular stenosis?

1. Chest tightness, shortness of breath

Many people have night chest tightness and shortness of breath , being awake experience, will link it with respiratory diseases. In fact, if your heart beats suddenly at night and you are awake, it is probably caused by coronary artery stenosis and hardening .

Coronary artery stenosis, blood circulation is affected, can cause myocardial ischemia, hypoxia , cause chest tightness, heartbeat disorder, angina pectoris and other symptoms.

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews

2. Cold hands and feet

If the temperature is low and you have not done a good job of keeping warm, it is normal to have cold hands and feet, but exclude the above reasons.Frequent cold hands and feet are likely to be caused by poor blood circulation.

The hands and feet are located at the end of of the body. Once the blood vessels are narrowed, the blood flow slows down, and the hands and feet are the first to be affected, and the local temperature of decreases performance.

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews

3. Drooling during sleep

Suffer from sleep apnea, oral disease, drooling symptoms may occur frequently, but if you drool frequently recently, 12 , And regardless of the sleeping posture, the saliva flows in the same direction , which is probably caused by the large cerebrovascular stenosis , blockage.

Cerebral vascular stenosis, the blood supply of central system will be affected. If innervates facial nerve activity center , there will be unilateral drooling symptoms.

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews

4. Numbness and cramps in hands and feet at night

As mentioned above, the limbs are located at the end of the body. At night, the blood speed of the human body will slow down. If the blood vessels are narrowed, blood circulation will be further affected. It can cause ischemia and hypoxia of the limbs, nerve function abnormality,As a result, symptoms such as limbs numbness, weakness , and leg cramps appear.

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews

Do the following 3 points in life to prevent blood vessel stenosis and blockage:

1. Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water to dilute the blood, and reduce the viscosity of the blood. Promote blood circulation. In addition to drinking plain water, you can also drink some green tea . The tea polyphenol in green tea has the function of cleansing blood vessels. Drinking it regularly is beneficial to blood vessel health.

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews

2. Adhere to appropriate exercise

Adhere to exercise, which can promote blood circulation, enhance cardiopulmonary function, maintain a healthy weight, prevent obesity, three highs and other chronic diseases Occurrence, thereby avoiding blood vessel stenosis and blockage.

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews

3. Eat more vegetables and fruits

The narrowing of blood vessels has a lot to do with high blood lipid levels in the body. Therefore, everyone should avoid excessive intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods in their diets, and eat more fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber ,Strong11strong can reduce the blood cholesterol content and prevent the emergence of chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia and hypertension .

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews

Once a blood vessel is narrowed or blocked, it can affect the normal operation of the body.

If you have the above symptoms in your life, you should pay enough attention to it, go to the hospital in time, and control your condition through daily life conditioning, medication, etc., to avoid further damage to the blood vessels and cause irreversible consequences.

Of course, if you don’t have the above symptoms, it means your blood vessels are healthy, which is worthy of congratulations, but you should also pay attention to healthy lifestyle habits, take good care of your blood vessels, and let yourself have a high-quality life.

These 4 changes may remind you: blood vessels have been blocked! Don't neglect middle-aged and elderly people - DayDayNews


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