Tell jokes, I'm serious, three jokes, all classics

2022/04/1510:07:18 funny 1342

1. Strange fruit

A farmer, after finishing his work in the morning, has to work in the afternoon, so he did not go home at noon, but lay down under the fruit trees in the orchard to take a nap in the shade. A strange laugh woke up, the farmer opened his eyes and saw two monkeys squatting on the tree. The two monkeys were laughing wildly while looking at their crotch. When the farmer saw it, he realized that he had forgotten to pull the zipper of his trousers. After killing you, one monkey immediately stopped laughing, and the other monkey said: No, don't be angry, I've eaten fruit all my life, and it's the first time I found a banana and two walnuts growing together !

Tell jokes, I'm serious, three jokes, all classics - DayDayNews

2.Lovely urbanite

An urbanite takes his family to play in the countryside on Sunday. On the way to

, I happened to meet a grazing man, and I was curious, so I went to watch it.

After watching it for a while, he was confused and asked the herdsman: Brother peasant, I don't know something, can I ask you for advice?

The shepherd replied: Dare not, dare not, please speak!

City people said: I have been observing for a long time and found that your herd is very strange. Why do some cows have horns while others don't. Please enlighten me?

Shepherd Xu Daolai: There are many reasons why cows do not have horns. For example, bulls have horns and cows do not have horns. Of course, there are also bulls that do not have horns. Either they are not yet young, or they are still calves. It grows out, or because it was broken when it was racked with other bulls! Either it's the reason for degeneration...

The city people heard it and understood, pointed to one of them and asked: Then what is the reason why this cow has no horns on its head?

The shepherd said with a smile: Oh, the reason why this cow has no horns is very simple, because it is a donkey!

Tell jokes, I'm serious, three jokes, all classics - DayDayNews

3. Sentence

In the primary school Chinese class, the teacher asked the students to use the designated words to make sentences. The words given were: me, grandpa, principal, peacock dance .

Xiaoqiang made the sentence: My grandfather danced a peacock dance for the principal. The teacher said: Yes, your grandfather is very talented.

The sentence made by Xiao Ming is: The principal danced a peacock dance for my grandfather. The teacher said: Very good, your grandfather has a great face.

Xiaofang's sentence is: I danced a peacock dance for my grandfather and the principal. The teacher said that the sentence was a little awkward, but it was okay.

Tell jokes, I'm serious, three jokes, all classics - DayDayNews

Xiaoli made the sentence: I danced a peacock dance for the principal's grandfather. The teacher said: Great. Today, the students have used their brains, used their imaginations, and performed well. Among them, Xiao Li's sentences are the best, and the sentences are smooth and realistic. Let's give Xiao Li our applause.

At this moment, Xiaogang suddenly stood up: Report to the teacher, I also made a sentence. The teacher said: Oh, the sequence of words has been used once, and you can still make up sentences. Come, read it to everyone.

Xiaogang said loudly: The principal danced a peacock dance for grandpa and me.

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