How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter!

2020/12/0420:52:05 food 1660
What vegetables do

eat in winter? The most common vegetables in the house in winter are radish and cabbage. In my impression, Chinese cabbage and radishes are the most commonly eaten at home in winter. They are durable, cheap and nutritious. Although the price of radish and cabbage is cheap, its nutritional value is really high. Eating more in autumn and winter can enhance immunity. The practice is also diverse.

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

Carrot cabbage keeps safe

Today I will share a few dishes about radish cabbage, simple, easy to cook and nutritious. stewed with cabbage and tofu is a common dish for every family here, it is delicious and warm! I've eaten the dishes, should I have some soup? Don't worry, here is an arrangement for you- fried egg and shredded carrot soup ! Warm your heart and stomach. Such a match is absolutely amazing!

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

happy to eat

[Ingredients needed]

stewed tofu with cabbage: tofu, cabbage, vermicelli, egg, edible oil, garlic, onion, dried chili, vermicelli, light soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, balsamic vinegar, salt, sugar

Fried egg and shredded radish soup: white and fat radish, eggs, cooking oil, salt, white pepper, shallots, wolfberry


Cabbage stewed tofu:

1. The cut tofu is topped with egg liquid and fried until golden on both sides

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

Fry the tofu

2. Heat the oil, add minced garlic and dried chili and stir fry

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

in the pan

3. Add the chopped cabbage and stir-fry, add the fried tofu, soaked vermicelli, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon Soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, a little salt, a little water, cover the pot and simmer for 5 minutes, sprinkle with chopped green onion,

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

is fresh and delicious

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

fragrant and delicious

fried egg shredded carrot soup:

1. Grate into filaments, heat the pan with oil, pour shredded radish, stir fry, and serve. Set aside

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

crystal shredded radish

2. Pick up the pan again, brush the oil, fry several eggs, add appropriate amount of hot water, pour the shredded radish and cook together. Cook until the soup becomes milky white, at which time the shredded radish has softened

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

crystal fried egg

3. Add a small handful of sweet goji berries, shallots, salt, and white pepper to taste.

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

is so fresh

How to make radish and cabbage delicious? It turns out that the trick is so simple, I'm greedy for these two dishes in winter! - DayDayNews

is so fresh

ps : There are children who don’t like radish at home. This delicacy can be arranged. It is a good way to let children eat white radish!

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