So crayfish can do this? So crayfish can do this?

2020/03/1016:20:04 food 2135

Crayfish practice analysis, the suggestion to cook crayfish in summer is recommended to save

So crayfish can do this? So crayfish can do this? - DayDayNews

garlic lobster method

Preparation: lobster 1000g, garlic crushed 150g, sugar 50g, salt 10g, MSG 15g, chicken essence 15g, garlic oil 30 grams.

wild mountain pepper (crushed, add water) 5 grams of rapeseed oil, chicken fat (soy oil can be substituted) 1. Wash the lobsters, drain them, and fry them in 80% oil and fry them into red. Remove for use (you don’t need to fry)

2. Cut the garlic paste for later use (must be operated in an aluminum pan, not easy to turn black) 3. Put rapeseed oil and chicken oil in the pan to heat 80% of the garlic paste and saute until fragrant. Add wild pepper and add water, cover the lobster with water, and seasoning. Boil for 10 minutes, add garlic oil and garlic spice, close the pot and it will be

Note: Garlic lobster can be cooked with butter, vegetable oil, white soy sauce, and beer to taste more fragrant and better.

So crayfish can do this? So crayfish can do this? - DayDayNews

spicy lobster recipe

Preparation: 750g lobster, 15g garlic seeds, 10g chives, 15g ginger, 10g sugar, 10g salt, 15g monosodium glutamate, 20g chicken essence

spicy 15g, pepper 20g , 15 grams of rapeseed oil 15 grams of

lard, 80 grams of spicy sauce, 5 grams of sesame seeds

5 grams of coriander, 15 grams of pepper oil, 20 grams of cooking oil, the degree of spiciness is determined by

local taste

1, shrimp Wash and dry, put in 80% oil and fry into red. Remove and set aside. 2. Cut green onion, garlic seeds into two, slice ginger

3, put rapeseed oil, lard, spicy sauce, spicy sauce in the pot Add appropriate amount of water to the pot and boil for about 1 minute. Use a colander to remove impurities. Add the lobster and seasoning and cook for about 10 minutes. When the soup becomes thick, add a little cooking oil and pepper Serve with oil and garnish with coriander.

So crayfish can do this? So crayfish can do this? - DayDayNews

Spicy lobster recipe

Preparation: 750g lobster, 15g garlic seeds, 10g chives, 15g ginger

sugar 10g, salt 10g, MSG 15g, chicken essence 20g

chili 15g, thirteen spices 15 grams of powder, 15 grams of rapeseed oil 15 grams of

lard, 5 grams of cooking ingredients, 50 grams of bean paste, 5 grams of sesame seeds, 5 grams of

coriander, 15 grams of spicy oil, the degree of spiciness can be determined according to local tastes

1 Wash the prawns and dry them, put them in 80% oil and fry them into red. Remove and set aside

2. Cut the green onions, cut the garlic into two, slice the ginger

3, put the rapeseed oil, lard, soy sauce in the pot, Sauté the spicy powder until fragrant, add appropriate amount of water to the pot

, boil for about 1 minute, use a small sentence to remove impurities,

put the lobster and seasonings and cook for about 8-10 minutes, and wait for the soup to thicken, add less

Xu sesame oil, spicy oil, the ingredients can be put on a plate, and garnish with coriander.


So crayfish can do this? So crayfish can do this? - DayDayNews

13-spicy lobster method

Preparation: 750 grams of lobster, 15 grams of garlic seeds, 15 grams of green peppers, 10 grams of shallots 15 grams of

15 grams of ginger, 30 grams of sugar, 10 grams of salt, 15 grams of MSG, 20 grams of chicken essence , 15 grams of thirteen spice powder, 5 grams of Chinese pepper, 5 grams of chili powder, 15 grams of rapeseed oil, 15 grams of lard, 2 grams of cooking ingredients, 60 grams of bean paste, the spiciness can be determined according to the taste of the locals

1. Wash the prawns and dry them, put them in 80% oil and fry them until they become red. Then remove them. Cut the onion into sections. All the garlic seeds are 2 sliced ​​ginger

. Put the rapeseed oil in the pot and heat up, add the onion and garlic , Ginger slices, pepper,

bean paste, chili powderSaute until fragrant, and then add an appropriate amount of water to the pot. Add all the seasonings, cook for about 10 minutes, add the thirteen spice powder and other soup to thicken, add a little sesame oil, thirteen spice cooking oil, and the cooking ingredients green pepper to serve.

chili powder ratio: dried bell pepper Powder (fragrant)

dried millet chili powder (spicy, strong)

ordinary long dried chili powder (playing red)

salt and sugar ratio: 1:2 adjust the amount of sugar according to local tastes

batch production Method: Put the crayfish into 80% oil and fry it red, pick it up, put the water in the pot and cover

over the lobster, add green onion, ginger, salt, pepper and boil for 3 minutes to turn off the heat, soak in salt water

Brewing time: green shell Shrimp 4, 5, 6 money 10 minutes

7, 8, 9 money (above) 15 minutes

red shell shrimp 5, 6, 7 money 15 minutes

7, 8, 9 money (above) 20 minutes-25 minutes

So crayfish can do this? So crayfish can do this? - DayDayNews

Kimchi Lobster Practice

Preparation: 750 grams of lobster, 80 grams of garlic seeds, 20 grams of minced wild peppers

30 grams of yellow lantern pepper. 3 bell peppers, 50g sugar

10g salt, 15g monosodium glutamate, 20g chicken essence, 60g white vinegar 60g

big red vinegar 60g, garlic oil 30g, white pickle 40g

sour radish 40g, cucumber chunk 40 G

1, wash the shrimps and drain them dry, put them in 80% oil and fry them into red, remove them for use

2, chop the garlic seeds (must be operated in an aluminum pan, not easy to turn black)

3, put rapeseed oil in the pan, Lard, minced wild mountain pepper, yellow lantern pepper, large

minced garlic and stir fry until fragrant, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, boil for about 1 minute, put

into the lobster and seasoning and cook for 8-10 minutes until the soup becomes thick , Put a little

garlic oil, kimchi, pickled radish, cucumber on the plate, and coriander embellished

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