"Cool Summer" COOL SUMMER Since summer has entered, the high temperature warning has been flashing red again, which makes people say that it is getting hotter. Also soaring is the price of everyone's favorite ice cream, which has skyrocketed and people can't help but cry: quit! r

2024/06/2208:37:32 food 1738

"A cool summer"


Since the beginning of summer,

the high temperature warning has been turning on the red light again,

people say,

it is heating up.

Also soaring

and everyone’s favorite

The price of ice cream

has skyrocketed all the way

People can’t help but shout:

Get back! retreat! retreat!

Ice cream

is the best memory left to us in the summer

But the recent appearance of the "Ice Cream Assassin"

has made a wave of people feel "heartbroken"

So what exactly is the "Ice Cream Assassin" that has become so popular among people?

refers to those ice creams that are hidden in the freezer and look unattractive, but when you take them to pay for them, they will sting you with their price.

Today’s food selection

In order to avoid everyone being hurt by the ice cream assassin,

The editor prepares a homemade popsicle for everyone

The so-called do it yourself , plenty of food and clothing,

let the popsicles

hold up the whole hot summer for us

today’s food selection

sea salt Homemade popsicles



Hot water, sugar, Fu salt (sea salt), corn starch, lemon juice, glutinous rice flour


, Find a clean bowl and pour 200ml of hot water into it. It doesn’t have to be freshly boiled. Boiling water, as long as it is relatively hot. Because it is easier to melt salt and sugar with hot water.

, Add sea salt and sugar, stir with a spoon to completely dissolve.

, Add a little cornstarch and stir evenly. Starch is added for better coagulation, and glutinous rice flour is added, so that the sorbet tastes soft, glutinous and delicious

. After the sugar water is ready, let it cool, cover it with plastic wrap

. Wash and dry the popsicle mold in advance. In order to add a little flavor, I added some baking lemon juice to the sugar water and stirred it a few times. Then portioned into molds.

6. Insert popsicle sticks and place in the refrigerator to freeze for at least a day and night.

If you want something sweet, add some salt.

The blessing of sea salt gives the popsicle a little more salty flavor.

72 kinds of trace elements and a variety of amino acids add full energy.

adds anti-caking agent ,

natural and original taste,

you can eat with peace of mind,

stay away from the ice cream assassin, and your heart will be excited all summer.

Blessed salt, not too salty, and very fresh

Historical article

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