I once read an article that said: "When you are eating delicious food, you can always think about it, or you may be greedy. Observe before eating, think while eating, and simmer after tasting. Food is your natural instinct. Chew quietly and gently. Aftertaste, extraordinary charm

2024/05/1609:20:34 food 1250

once saw an article that wrote: "When it comes to delicious food, you can always think about it, or you may be greedy. Observe before eating, think while eating, and simmer after tasting. Food is your natural instinct, chew quietly, and gently The aftertaste is extraordinary. Eating is a kind of happiness, tasting is a kind of fun, and the spicy, salty and sweet flavor of the transparent ink is a pleasure for those who eat it. Those who know how to eat will find peace of mind. "Taste it carefully and feel deeply!" Food has now become a part of our lives. Life should be walked slowly and lived slowly. Life does not need gorgeous clothes or sweet words. What life needs is to eat three meals a day and live in an ordinary way. Finish every day. Each of us has our own living habits. In order to meet everyone's different dietary needs, we select different dishes to share with you every day, and let's cheer for a wonderful life every day!

Stir-fried duck with ginger

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: 700 grams of fresh duck; 200 grams of pork belly; 200 grams of ginger; fresh red pepper; onion; cinnamon; a little dried chili; tea oil; soy sauce; salt; cooking wine;

Method 1. Wash the duck After cleaning, chop into small pieces, and cut the pork belly into slightly thicker slices; cut the ginger and fresh red pepper into large slices at an angle, and tie the green onion into knots and set aside;

2. Heat the tea oil in the pot, first put the duck feet and duck Fry the tongue, then pour in all the remaining duck pieces, stir-fry together to release the oil, and cook with a little cooking wine;

3. Add dried chili peppers and a little cinnamon and stir-fry for a while, add the pork belly and continue stir-frying; add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and stir-fry evenly , then add water to just cover the duck meat, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for half an hour;

4. When the soup is almost dry, add young ginger and fresh red pepper and stir-fry together, add salt to taste, and stir well ; Add green onion knots before serving and stir-fry a few more times.

Green pepper sausage

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: 200 grams of green pepper; fat intestine 200 grams, appropriate amount of oil; 1 tablespoon of spicy bean paste; 1 gram of salt; 0.5 teaspoon of sugar; 1 teaspoon of light soy sauce; 0.5 teaspoon of oyster sauce; 15 grams of red pepper; 15 grams of garlic


1. Stew the fat intestines in advance and cut them into small pieces

2. Cut the green and red peppers into hob cubes and dice the garlic.

3. Heat the pot and stir-fry the garlic

4. Add the green and red peppers and stir-fry them until they are raw. Add a little salt to cook them. There is a base of flavor, then take it out and set aside

5. The remaining oil after frying the green peppers can be used to stir-fry the spicy bean paste

6. Braised pork intestines Stir-fry again

7. Stir-fry the green and red peppers that were fried before. You can try it at this time Taste it, and add light soy sauce, sugar, oyster sauce and other seasonings according to your favorite taste

sesame soy sauce wheat vegetables

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: lettuce 300 grams garlic 40 grams, sesame paste 1 tablespoon pepper salt appropriate vinegar 20 grams pepper powder half a teaspoon 15 grams of light soy sauce oil spicy seeds 1 tablespoons of sesame oil 1 tablespoon of chicken essence appropriate amount of water


1. Cut off the roots of lettuce.

2. Wash and dry with water and set aside. Cut into pieces as long as the little finger;

3. Peel 40 grams of garlic. About (according to personal preference, you can add less garlic if you don’t like it, but it is recommended to eat more in summer to increase resistance to garlic sterilization)

4. Chop the garlic into mince, find a small bowl and pour in a tablespoon of sesame paste, add a tablespoon of sesame oil and stir evenly ;

5, then add 15 grams of light soy sauce and 20 grams of vinegar and stir evenly (stir while pouring, do not pour it all at once)

6, then add cold boiled water according to the consistency, and drain the sesame paste until it can flow when scooped up with a spoon

7, finally add Chop the minced garlic, (add oily spicy seeds according to personal preference) and finally pour it on the lettuce.

Stir-fried cabbage with thousands of sheets

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: cabbage leaves, thousands of sheets, corn oil, ginger, pepper, salt, light soy sauce, chili oil, garlic.


1. Cut an appropriate amount of cabbage leaves into wide strips.

2, half a thousand sheets, cut into thin strips.

3. Heat an appropriate amount of oil in a pot, stir-fry ginger, garlic, dried red pepper and Sichuan pepper until fragrant.

4. Add 1,000 pieces of washed cabbage and stir-fry twice, pour half a spoonful of water and cook for a while.

5. Season with appropriate amount of chili oil, salt and light soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat and serve on a plate.

Twice-cooked winter melon

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: 400g winter melon, 1 green pepper, 2 red peppers, appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 5 ml shallots, 2 green onions, white sugar, 2g Magic Kitchen Broth Seasoning 1g


1. Peel and remove the flesh of the winter melon, and wash it Cut into strips.

2. Put it into boiling water, blanch until soft, remove and drain and set aside.

3. Wash and cut green peppers and red peppers into shreds. Wash and cut green onions into sections.

4, put bean paste, light soy sauce, and sugar in a bowl to make a sauce.

5. Put the pot on the fire, pour the oil and heat it until it is 40% hot. Add the green pepper shreds, red pepper shreds and green onions and stir-fry until fragrant.

6. Pour in the sauce and stir well.

7. Pour in winter melon strips and stir-fry gently.

8. Add the Magic Chef broth seasoning.

9. Stir well and turn off the heat.

10. Remove from the pot and plate, and enjoy.

Crystal Cake

I once read an article that said:

1. Prepare the ingredients.

2. Weigh clear powder , corn starch and white sugar into a bowl.

3. Slowly add appropriate amount of hot water and stir to form a dough, then pour in white oil .

4. Knead into a smooth dough after cooling.

5. Divide the dough and filling into equal portions.

6. Take a small amount of dough, place the filling in it and wrap it up.

7. Knead into a semicircle and smooth.

8. Place the dough into the moon cake mold , with the dough seal facing outwards, and press the mold out of the cake.

9. All done and arranged neatly.

10. Steam in a steamer for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

11.Plate and serve.

Stir-fried fungus and celery

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients Fresh fungus (dried fungus can also be soaked); celery; garlic slices

Method Tear fungus into small pieces

Cut celery into inch-long sections

Boil water in a pot, and blanch the fungus after boiling it

Other Heat oil in a pan, sauté garlic slices until fragrant, add celery and stir-fry until it changes color

Add fungus, season with salt and sesame oil, cook for one minute

Fungus Stir-fried meat slices with lettuce

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients fungus; lettuce; pork; red pepper; wild mountain pepper pickled pepper; starch; salt; light soy sauce; ginger

Method 1. Wash the fungus, soak it and tear it into pieces and set aside for later use. Slice the lettuce for later use. Shred the ginger, slice the pork, add starch, shredded ginger, salt, and a little light soy sauce and marinate for later use.

2. Heat the oil in the pan, add the meat slices and pickled peppers and stir-fry briefly. Add the lettuce slices and salt and stir-fry lightly. Add the fungus and stir-fry until mature. Add a little wet starch to thicken and turn off the heat. ~

Steamed Pork Ribs with Pumpkin in Black Bean Sauce

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: Pork Steak; pumpkin; garlic; tempeh ; light soy sauce; salt; sugar; cornstarch; chicken essence;

Step 1. Cut the ribs into small sections and mix with minced garlic, tempeh, light soy sauce, salt, sugar, cornstarch, oil, and chicken essence Marinate evenly for a while. The amount of cornstarch should not be too much, otherwise it will not taste good.

2. Peel and cut the pumpkin into cubes and place on the bottom of the plate.

3. Arrange the ribs on top of the pumpkin. After the water boils, steam for 20 minutes.

Sweet and sour grunt fish

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients Longli fish fillet; tomato sauce; white sugar; salt; apple cider vinegar; white Pepper; egg white; cornstarch; white sesame seeds

How to make diced Longli fish fillet

Fish fillet Add salt, pepper and egg white and marinate for ten minutes

Pour corn starch into the fish fillet

Dip the fish fillet in starch

Pour Put it into the oil pan and fry until crispy. Take it out

. Over high heat, pour the fish fillets fried for the first time into the oil pan and fry them for the second time.

Remove the fish fillets for the second time and set aside.

Use starch and tomato paste. Mix cornstarch, sugar, and apple cider vinegar into a bowl of juice, pour it into a pot, stir-fry over low heat, add an appropriate amount of water to boil into a thick sauce

Pour into the fish fillet, mix quickly, and serve. Finally, sprinkle with white sesame seeds and garnish with mint for decoration

Braised fish

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: One sea fish, 50 grams of pork belly, one tablespoon of vegetable oil, appropriate amount of salt, 2 green onion sections, 3 slices of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, one tablespoon of soy sauce, one tablespoon of cooking wine .

How to do

1. Remove the intestines from the sea fish, clean it, cut the onion into sections, slice the ginger and garlic, and cut the pork belly into strips.

2. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the wok, add onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Add pork belly and stir-fry.

4. Stir-fry the pork belly until the oil turns golden brown, then add a tablespoon of soy sauce.

5. Simmer the pork belly in soy sauce for a while until the aroma comes out.

6. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot. The amount of water should be enough at a time, and add a tablespoon of cooking wine.

7. Add the fish, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to medium to low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

8. Add appropriate amount of salt to taste, reduce the soup over high heat, and then serve.

Pork belly and braised tofu

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: 400g white tofu, 50g pork belly, 20g rural chopped chili, 50g fish soup. 5 grams of salt, shredded ginger, celery, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence


1. Heat the pot, then put the rapeseed oil in the pot until the oil is red. Fry the tofu in oil until golden brown, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

2. Put the pork belly into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant, add shredded ginger, chopped chili pepper, salt, MSG, chicken essence and other seasonings for seasoning.

3. Pour the fish soup that has been cooked in advance into the pot and simmer for two minutes to absorb the flavor. Add celery, plate and serve.

Cabbage and Tofu

I once read an article that said:

1. Prepare ingredients: 1 piece of cabbage, 2 pieces of tofu.

2. Wash the cabbage and cut into small pieces. Drain the water and set aside.

3. Heat the pot, add oil, cut the tofu into small pieces, fry in the pot until both sides are , turmeric, . Set aside.

4. Heat the pot, add oil, add cabbage and stir-fry until mature.

5. Add tofu and stir-fry together, add appropriate amount of salt and a little chicken essence. Cook for 1 minute and serve.

Shredded taro

I once read an article that said:

1. Peel the taro, wash and cut into strips

2. Pour oil into the pot and heat until 50% hot. Add the taro and fry slowly over low heat

3. Remove and place on oil-absorbing paper to control the oil

4. Place in the pot Add water and sugar and slowly simmer over low heat

5. There is a change

6. You can see that the color has become darker

7. This color is almost the same

8. Pour in the fried taro and stir quickly to let the sugar water hang on the taro evenly

9 . Spread a thin layer of oil on the plate in advance, and it’s ready to serve.

Cabbage stingheads

I once read an article that said:

1. Prepare materials for later use

2. Shredded jellyfish Pour out the water in the package, add shredded cabbage

3. Add minced garlic, coriander, and soy sauce

4. Add salt, white vinegar and sesame oil

5. Add chicken essence, mix well and serve on a plate.

6. A delicious cabbage stew is ready.

Pork belly stewed with white radish

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: 1 pork belly, 1 green radish, appropriate amount of salt and MSG A little ginger, an appropriate amount of dried chili, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, an appropriate amount of green onions

Method 1. Put the pork belly in a pot with cold water, add green onion and ginger to the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, add the cooking wine, continue to boil for 2 minutes, remove the blood foam, Remove and rinse, cut into mahjong pieces and set aside

2. Wash the green radish and cut into cubes the same size as the pork belly and set aside

3. Heat the pot, add the pork belly, stir-fry over medium heat to make the oil

4. Add the ginger and garlic Sauté with dried red pepper until fragrant, add cooking wine, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, stir-fry until browned.

5. Add hot water just enough to cover the meat and a few grains of rock sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes.

6. Add radish cubes and continue to simmer until radish is cooked

7. Add appropriate amount of salt and MSG to taste, reduce the juice over high heat, and sprinkle with chopped green onion before serving.

Hand-Shred Eggplant

I once read an article that said:

Method 1. Wash the eggplant, remove both ends, and cut into pieces. Evenly cut into long pieces

2, put the eggplant into a steamer and steam over high heat for 10 minutes

3, pound the garlic

4, mince the green onion and ginger, millet pepper cut into rings

5, make light soy sauce, vinegar, salt and sugar to make the sauce

6, steamed After the eggplant has cooled slightly, tear it into long strips and place them on the plate.

7. Pour the prepared juice on the eggplant. Place chopped green onion, minced ginger, minced garlic, and millet pepper on top of the eggplant.

8. When the red oil in the pot is heated to 80%, pour it on the eggplant. Serve hot and mix well

Egg Burrito

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: flour, starch, water, salt, eggs, green onions, sesame , oil;

Method: 1. Mix flour, water, starch, salt and appropriate amount of salad oil. Stir evenly until there are no lumps of flour (adjust the amount according to personal needs.The consistency of the batter can also be adjusted according to personal taste);

2. Pour a little oil into the pan, then pour the batter, turn the pan or use a spoon to spread it into dough;

3. After the dough is solidified, cover the dough with egg liquid, shake the pan or Use a spoon to spread the egg liquid evenly, sprinkle with chopped green onion and sesame seeds;

4. When the egg liquid is about to solidify, roll up the cake. Be sure to roll it up when the egg liquid is not completely solidified, so that it can be rolled into shape;

5. Roll After starting, fry over low heat again. When the egg roll turns golden brown, cut it into pieces and put it on a plate.

Braised pig's trotters

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: 750 grams of pig's trotters, 13 grams each of salt and green onions, 8 grams of ginger, 25 grams each of sesame oil and cooking wine, 5 peppercorns, 50 grams of rock sugar, and 1,300 grams of sugar.


1. Shave and wash the pig's trotters, chop off the claw tips and split them into two halves. Boil them thoroughly and put them into cold water.

2. Crush ginger, green onions and set aside.

3. Heat a little sesame oil with a frying spoon, add rock sugar and fry until it turns purple, add soup and adjust to light red.

4. Add pig's trotters, cooking wine, green onions, ginger, salt, and peppercorns. After the soup boils, remove the foam and cook over high heat until the pig's trotters are colored, then reduce to low heat and stew until the soup thickens. Serve.

Cold Shredded Potatoes

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients preparation: potatoes; chives; garlic; red pepper; vinegar; salt; sesame oil; garlic; chicken essence; pepper oil

Method: 1. Peel the potatoes, wash the chives, garlic and red pepper; First cut the potatoes into thin shreds; this step is the most critical. Soak the cut shredded potatoes in cold water for a while to remove some of the starch, which will make it more refreshing.

2. Cut the red bell pepper into shreds, beat the garlic into minced garlic, and cut the chives into sections; add water to the pot, put it into the boiling water and blanch the potato shreds slightly and take them out; soak the removed potato shreds in cold water, and the potatoes will be mixed like this Crispy, cool and refreshing. Remove the dried shredded potatoes and add shredded red pepper, minced garlic, and minced chives; pour in sesame oil, light soy sauce, vinegar, salt, chicken essence, and peppercorn oil and stir evenly.

Spicy Shrimp Steamed Pumpkin

I once read an article that said:

Material preparation: 500g pumpkin, shrimp100g, salt, oil, garlic chili sauce, cooking wine, green onion


1, pumpkin, fresh shrimp, peel the pumpkin, wash and slice, place Plate, peel off the shrimp shells.

2. Use a small amount of salt, a spoonful of garlic chili and 1 spoonful of cooking wine to marinate for a while, then put the marinated shrimp on the pumpkin on the plate.

3. Finally, add garlic chili sauce and steam until cooked, about ten minutes.

4. After taking it out of the pot, sprinkle the chopped green onions on top of the pumpkin. Take another pot, heat the oil, and pour it on the pumpkin.

Beijing sauce shredded pork

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients preparation: a piece of pork tenderloin, a green onion, appropriate amount of sesame oil, egg white, starch, light soy sauce, cooking wine, white sugar, salt

Method: 1. We rinse the pork tenderloin first and cut it into pieces Cut into thin slices and cut into strips. Then pile it into a bowl. Then add the three ingredients that are often added to marinated meat: salt, egg liquid, and cooking wine. After mixing the ingredients, let the meat marinate quietly for 10 minutes.

2. While the meat is marinating, we start to prepare the sauce. Take a small bowl, add a tablespoon of sweet flour sauce into it, and then use a smaller spoon to scoop a tablespoon of white sugar. Get a little more sesame oil and the sauce is ready.

3. Cut the green onions into shreds. The finer the cuts, the better. It is best to cut only the white part of the green onion. Then spread the scallions on the bottom of the plate. Once the meat is marinated, we prepare a clean wok and pour a little more oil into it.

4. When the oil is slightly hot but not smoking, we put the shredded pork into the pot. After frying the shredded meat until it changes color, use a bowl to remove the meat. When shoveling the meat with a wooden spoon, we need to strain the soup from the shredded meat and stir-fry the sauce with the oil in the pot.

5. Pour the sauce we just prepared into the pot, quickly flip and stir-fry. When the sauce is completely stir-fried and bright, we add the shredded pork to the pot. Turn up the heat and stir-fry quickly until the sauce shrinks and spreads evenly over the shredded pork. Turn off the heat immediately, spread the shredded pork on the shredded green onions, and the dish is complete.

Taro Cake

I once read an article that said:

Method 1 Peel the taro and cut into 1cm square dices. Soak the shrimps overnight in advance, and dice the steamed bacon, bacon, mushrooms, and onions respectively.

2 Rice flour Add water and mix thoroughly; stir-fry all the auxiliary ingredients, add to the rice slurry while hot, and mix well.

3Add diced taro, add appropriate amount of salt according to taste, and mix well. Place into a container lined with drawer cloth. Put enough water in the steamer, bring it to a boil over high heat, put it in the container, set it on high heat for 20 minutes, then turn to medium heat for 1 hour. (Steaming time should be adjusted according to the size of the container)

4 Take out and let cool before slicing. Pan-fried, it tastes best with tomato sauce.

Delicious Braised pork

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: pork belly, star anise, dark soy sauce, salt, sugar, cooking wine, green onion, ginger, oil


1. Wash the pork belly and cut into pieces. Put half a pot of cold water in the pot, and add the cold water to the pot. After the water boils, simmer over high heat for two minutes, remove, rinse with warm water, and drain.

2. Heat the pot and add oil. When the oil is 50% hot, add star anise and ginger slices and sauté until fragrant. Add pork belly and stir-fry over high heat until golden butter appears on both sides of the meat. Use a spatula to scoop out some of the oil.

3. Add dark soy sauce and stir-fry for about a minute. Add cooking wine and stir-fry until fragrant. Add salt and sugar. Add hot water to cover the meat. Put a green onion knot in the pot. Bring to a boil over high heat and then simmer over low heat. Cook for an hour.

4. When the time is almost up, turn up the heat to reduce the juice, add chicken essence to taste, stir-fry for a few times, then add chopped green onion and serve.

peanuts pine nuts scrambled eggs

I once read an article that said:

1. Beat the eggs in a bowl.

2. Add a little salt and beat evenly.

3. Heat a little oil in a pan, add pine nuts and stir-fry over low heat.

4. When it just turns golden, add chopped peanuts and continue to stir-fry over low heat until golden.

5. Spread evenly in the pot.

6. Pour in the egg liquid evenly.

7. Stir-fry slowly over low heat. When the egg liquid is not completely dry, turn off the heat and stir-fry a few more times to keep it warm.

8. The method is simple and quick, and the eggs are tender and delicious.

Braised pig trotters with soybeans

I once read an article that said:

1. Wash the soybeans and soak them for at least two hours

2. Wash the pig trotters, blanch them and wash them again

3. Put a small spoonful of sugar in the pot and boil it with a little water, pour in the pig trotters, ginger and soy sauce Stir-fry evenly

4. Put soybeans at the bottom of the rice cooker, pour the pig trotters into the pot, add three to four bowls of water, simmer for an hour and then it is ready.

5. If you like it softer, you can simmer it longer and put a little more before serving. Salt and stir well.

Stir-fried cucumber and ham.

I once read an article that said:

1. Prepare the raw materials. Wash and peel the cucumber

2. Cut it into sections

3. Then cut it into strips. Cut the ham into strips too.

4. Cut the garlic into minced garlic

5. Put it in the pot. Add oil, and when it is 60% hot, add minced garlic and red pepper

6. Add cucumber strips

7. Stir-fry for a while. Add ham strips and stir-fry evenly.

8. Then add sugar and salt, stir-fry for a while, then take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.

Fried Crab with Green Onion and Ginger

I once read an article that said:

1. Remove the inedible parts of the crab such as its lungs and heart.

2. Cut into two halves and coat the cut with starch.

3. Cut the green pepper into strips, shred the ginger, slice the garlic, and cut the chives into sections.

4. Add the ginger, garlic and scallions into the oil and sauté until fragrant.

5. Add chili sauce and green pepper and stir-fry evenly.

6. Add crabs, pour cooking wine, add sugar, salt and a little water and stir-fry for a while until the juice is reduced. Finally add the green onion leaves.

7. Arrange on plate and serve.

Scallion oil layer cake

I once read an article that said:

1. Add yeast to hot water and knead the dough until smooth and leave it aside for half an hour.

2. Roll into thin slices, brush with oil, sprinkle with chopped green onion, pepper, cumin powder and salt.

3. Fold the slices and then roll them out thinly.

4. Electric baking pan Fry until both sides are brown

Celery fried vermicelli

I once read an article that said:

Ingredients: 1 handful of celery, 1 handful of vermicelli, 1 piece of pork belly, 1 section of green onion, 1 piece of ginger, half a spoon of salt, a spoon of soy sauce, and a little sugar.


1. Boil water in a pot, add vermicelli, cook until there is no hard core, remove and set aside.

2. Pick and wash the celery, cut into sections, cut the pork belly into strips, cut the ginger into shreds, and chop the green onions.

3. Heat oil in a pot, add pork belly and fry until it changes color and becomes oily.

4. Add onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. Add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and a little sugar for color.

5. Add celery, stir-fry evenly, then add vermicelli.

6. Mix the two ingredients and stir-fry until evenly mixed. Add half a spoonful of salt and stir-fry for 1 minute before serving.

Braised spring bamboo shoots with scallion oil

I once read an article that said:

1. Peel the spring bamboo shoots

2. Cut off the old roots of the spring bamboo shoots, wash them, then cut the bamboo shoots into thin strips and blanch them in boiling water to remove the bitter taste and drain the water

3. Cut the pork into meat At the end, add cooking wine and mix well and set aside. Wash the green onions and cut most of them into segments, cut a small part into minced green onions, wash the millet and pepper and set aside

4. Heat the wok, turn to low heat, pour in the oil, add the green onions and simmer over low heat until fragrant. .

5. Remove the green onion after it becomes dry in color, and leave the green onion oil in the pot.

6. Add the minced meat to the wok and stir-fry for a while. After the meat is fragrant, stir-fry the millet and pepper until raw.

7. Pour in the spring bamboo shoots and stir-fry for a few times.

8. Pour in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, a few drops of dark soy sauce and a small amount of salt. Add an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil. Simmer over medium-low heat for 10 minutes.

9. Reduce the juice over high heat, remove and sprinkle with green onions. At the end, add the bean sprouts in vinegar

I once read an article that said:

1. Prepare the ingredients, slice the garlic, and cut the green onions into sections with a diagonal knife.

2. Heat the oil until 60%, add the peppercorns and sauté them

3. Increase the heat and add the onions, garlic and dried chili peppers and sauté them

4. Pour in the bean sprouts and stir-fry quickly

5. Stir-fry until the bean sprouts are slightly collapsed. Add salt, chicken essence, and mature vinegar and stir-fry evenly.

6. Remove from the pot and serve on a plate. Sub-water

2. Cut the green onion into sections, shred the ginger, and reserve the peppercorns.

3. Heat the oil in the pot. Add the green onion, ginger, and peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in the soy sauce.

4. Add the beef and stir-fry until the color

5. Add more beef than is covered with it. Water and hawthorn three, bring to a boil over high heat

6. Turn to low heat and simmer for an hour and forty minutes

7. Add potatoes and salt and continue to simmer for another 20 minutes

8. Delicious potato stewed beef, a must-have for rice.

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