Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her

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Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews

Goethe once said: "To understand women is to understand the truth of history. If you want to know a certain era deeply, you have to understand the women of that era." I very much agree with

. The man who writes about history can not show the woman. However, when writing about women, men will definitely appear. The protagonist of the story that

tells you today is a Renaissance supporter who is famous for his beauty.

Her name is Lucrezia Borgia, the illegitimate daughter of Pope Alexander VI of Rome, and the sister of Caesar. Caesar is the one who says "become Caesar, or do nothing." The reason why

has attracted attention in history is of course related to her father and brother, but the claim about her incest has never been a rumor without any basis.

Actually, as a daughter and younger sister, she is just a pawn of her father and brother. She has been engaged many times and married three times. She seems to have never had any ambitions, and she has never used the power of her father and brother to shape herself. The life she wants is just to have a true lover and be a happy little woman.

is also out of her wanting nothing. She was not behind in her family. She finally got rid of her tragic life, became herself and gained happiness.

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews

Tell her story below. 01

Lucrezia was born near Rome in 1480. Her father is a cardinal and her mother is his mistress. She has three siblings, two older brothers and one younger brother.

Lucrezia was sent to her father's cousin to raise her.

She has been very beautiful since she was a child, with blonde hair and big gray-blue eyes. Her father loved her very much, she had a very good relationship with her brother, and she had a very happy childhood.

She has also received a good education. In what we say today, she is a talented girl who is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and speaks several languages. When

was 12 years old, her father was elected Pope of Rome. She moved to the palace near the Papal Palace with her two mistresses. Through the secret passage, her father could come and go as he pleased.

She gets along well with her father's mistress. The senior Roman prostitutes at her father's dinner party are frequent visitors, and her father does not shy away from bringing his daughter to attend.

This is exactly how her father educates his daughter.

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews


was very beautiful when she was a child, and she is even more beautiful when she grows up. Contemporaries of

said when describing her appearance, “The figure is moderate, the figure is graceful... a head of golden hair, gray eyes, big lips, white teeth, and plump breasts are as white as jade.”

Born in an ordinary wealthy family, you may be like ordinary people in the future, marry someone who loves her, have a few children, and live a happy life.

However, was born in the Borgia family, which was one of the most famous noble families in the Renaissance, second only to the Medici family.

Since her father became the pope, her life is destined to be a victim of politics.

At that time, there was the Turkish Empire outside Italy, and Spain, France, and Germany were gradually becoming stronger. In Italy, all major forces like Milan, Naples, Florence, and Venice want to suppress the power of the Papal State.

Therefore, the beautiful Lucrezia has become a weapon for father and brother.

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews


In fact, long before Lucrezia's father became the pope, she was used twice by her father and begged for two marriages. As soon as

turned 12, she was betrothed by her father to Giovanni Sforza, Duke of Pesaro, who was the illegitimate son of the Duke of Milan, two rounds older than her.

Because she was too young, her father asked for a wedding in the spring next year, and she would officially marry one year later. He also proposed to implement a white marriage. The so-called white marriage means that the husband and wife cannot live together during this period. ceremony.

She is the daughter of the Pope. The dowry of is very rich, and she is young and beautiful. After hearing the news, the Kingdom of Naples rushed to propose marriage to the Pope. Giovanni was worried that such a big piece of fat would not be eaten. Not only did he agree, but he also wanted to get married right away.

Just like that, in the spring of the second year, Lucrezia married Giovanni.

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's wedding, she stayed with her father's two mistresses as usual. A year later, according to the original agreement, she wanted to go back with her husband, but it was delayed by the French invasion of Italy for a year.

So, when she was 15 years old, she returned to Pesaro with her husband, along with her two mistresses who lived with her father.

Compared with Rome, Pesaro is like a country. Her father’s two mistresses could not bear the monotonous life there and went back early. She stayed in Pesaro for two years until her father got rid of the threat of France. Accompanied by her husband, he returned to Rome.

At this time, her father began to win over Naples, and her marriage with Giovanni was useless.

Therefore, her father blatantly divorced the two.

However, Giovanni disagreed. Furthermore, divorce is not allowed by the Catholic Church. In order to make the divorce of a daughter legal and legal, it is necessary to find theoretical support.

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews

just like that, a year later.

In the end, her father forced Giovanni to admit that it was because of his own incompetence that the two never conquered the house, so the divorce was legal . In exchange, she did not need to repay her huge dowry. Z2z

publicly admitted to being impotent and humiliated Giovanni. As a counterattack, accused Lucrezia of incest with his father and brother.

is from this time, rumors about her began to continue. What

wants to say is that not long after the divorce farce started, Lucrezia went to the monastery without saying hello to her family. Her only contact with her father was a young and handsome boy named Perotto Calderon.

came and went, she and Perotto fell in love, she was pregnant, and the people in their family were very angry, especially her brother Caesar. Not long after, the body of Perotto and a maid appeared in the river. Three months later, she gave birth to a boy. The marriage of

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews

brother Caesar


was part of her father and brother's great career. So after the divorce, the 18-year-old Lucrezia married Alfonso, the concubine prince of Naples.

Alfonso is a beautiful man, they are about the same age, Lucrezia likes her new husband very much.

But the good times did not last long. Father and brother wanted to form an alliance with France. For this reason, the brother married a French princess, and Naples was at odds with France. This means that her marriage has no meaning for existence.

Alfonso was worried about his life, so he ran away. Lucrezia was 6 months pregnant. Alfonso’s letters to his wife to reunite were stopped. Lucrezia was sent by her father. When the Pope’s domain is a consul, this is nothing more than to let the world see that she can be a consul alone. After

, because of changes in the political situation, Alfonso was forced to return to Rome, where he was assassinated.

She really loves her husband. After Alfonso was injured, Lucrezia cleaned his wounds, took good care of him, and stayed by his side.

However, before Alfonso was cured, the assassination came again, this time her husband left the world forever. It is said that Lucrezia was almost mad because of her husband's death. She left Rome with her son and went to Nape Castle.

This year, she was 20 years old. Their son died 12 years later.

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews

's second husband,

, the second year of her husband’s death, her father arrogantly arranged her third marriage. This time, she is going to marry a widower, Alfonso de Este, the son of the Duke of Ferrara.

Lucrezia loves her family deeply and will sacrifice her happiness for her father and brother’s political ambitions without complaint. However, anyone with a normal mind will be disgusted by this arranged life.

does the same with her, she hopes to leave Rome.

So, when her father opened up the marriage for her, she was very actively involved.

The Principality of Ferrara sent people to investigate her life, and her father changed the child she had with the servant Pedro to her brother's child, or even her father's child.

In this way, everything was ready, Lucrezia married to the Principality of Ferrara with a huge dowry. This year, she was 22 years old.

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews

third husband


Alfonso is a maverick. He hates the court, hates banquets, does not like pomp, likes to eat alone, has a high artistic accomplishment, is interested in stringed instruments and pottery, especially likes traveling and cannons. When

traveled, the friends he made were civilians, such as fishermen, merchants, and soldiers.

So, when he hadn't had a wedding with Lucrezia, it seemed natural that he suddenly offered to meet the bride.

He told Lucrezia: "Everything in the future will be what I want." He wants her to understand that he is not Lucrezia, who is based in Borgia, but as a woman. Lucrezia. ——Quoted from "The Women of the Renaissance"

After marriage, their first child died within a month.

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews

Pietro Bembo

Soon after, the poet Pietro Bembo came to Ferrara from Venice, and the love between the two was born.

As Alfonso traveled, their feelings quickly warmed up, they wrote a lot of love letters to each other, and more of them were mentally derailed. Later generations of the great poet Byron read their love letter and praised it as the best love letter in the world. Byron also claimed to have stolen a strand of Lucrezia's hair from the library.

was married for less than two years, and her pope father died of illness. When the news came, she was distraught and her family began to decline rapidly.

After learning the news, Alfonso hurried back to Ferrara to be with her. When the king of France declared that she was not worthy of Alfonso, her husband protected her and did not let anyone hurt her.

This is Alfonso's love for her.

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews

In 1505, Alfonso's father died, he succeeded as Duke, and Lucrezia became the Duchess of Ferrara.

In Ferrara, Lucrezia sponsored artists and literati, so he was deeply loved and enjoyed a reputation as a "good duchess". After

, when Alfonso went out to travel, simply entrusted her with state affairs.

Lucrezia has lived a stable and peaceful life for more than ten years. She is no longer Lucrezia of the Borgia family, but just a kind and gentle wife.

Compared with her two ex-husbands, Alfonso loved her very much and was tolerant of her. She stopped looking for a lover and gave birth to 5 children for him until he died of premature birth in 1519 at the age of 39.

I think Lucrezia is still lucky. Although her life is short, although she has lived for the family for 23 years, she eventually met someone who truly loved her and achieved real happiness.

Lucrezia: From family pawn to happy woman, married three times, fortunately to meet someone who loves her - DayDayNews

Finally, I recommend the book "Three Thousand Years of Jerusalem". This book will also introduce the history of the family. In fact, friends who like history can start with it. This book introduces many well-known characters and history. , Well written, relatively readable.

Reference source:

"The Women of the Renaissance" Shiono Qisheng

"Three Thousand Years of Jerusalem" Simon Montefiore

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