How does forgetting work? What is it about the things we remember that prevents us from remembering them? Can things that have been forgotten be recalled through hypnosis? There are two mechanisms for how we forget, decay and interference. Forgetting decline means that over time,

2024/07/0315:08:32 emotion 1658
How does

forgetting work? What is the reason why we cannot remember the things we remember? Can things that have been forgotten be recalled through hypnosis?

How does forgetting work? What is it about the things we remember that prevents us from remembering them? Can things that have been forgotten be recalled through hypnosis? There are two mechanisms for how we forget, decay and interference. Forgetting decline means that over time, - DayDayNews

There are two mechanisms in the way we forget, one is decay and the other is interference. Forgetting decline means that over time, you can no longer remember something. Interference with forgetting means that there are new and similar things that affect what we have remembered before.

Let’s first talk about the mechanism of decline.

The loss of information from immediate memory due to changes in time is called decay. For example, a certain incident last year, a year after the fact, we have no impression of it. But what we forget has nothing to do with time. Just like a small wooden house in the forest, if it collapses over time, it cannot be said that time caused the wooden house to collapse. Due to age and disrepair, the wood became infested with insects and other changes. The same goes for our neural activity. As time goes by, the pattern of neural firing becomes more and more out of sync. The circuits get used to taking other routes and cannot remember the original route.

How does forgetting work? What is it about the things we remember that prevents us from remembering them? Can things that have been forgotten be recalled through hypnosis? There are two mechanisms for how we forget, decay and interference. Forgetting decline means that over time, - DayDayNews

So what is the interference? Our memory will be lost because the current thing is interfered by other things, so that we do not save the things that should be remembered. There are generally two modes:

One is what we want to remember now, which is affected by the previous things. Information interference. For example, a man has a new wife, but he often calls her by the wrong name. That's what bothered her about her ex-wife's name.

Another way is that what we want to remember is interfered by the information behind it. For example, because this man often said the wrong name of his current wife and was always beaten, he decided to remarry. When he found his ex-wife, he called his ex-wife by the name of his current wife.

These two kinds of interference make your memory confused and beaten. So you completely forgot that your wife was called Ma Mei.

How does forgetting work? What is it about the things we remember that prevents us from remembering them? Can things that have been forgotten be recalled through hypnosis? There are two mechanisms for how we forget, decay and interference. Forgetting decline means that over time, - DayDayNews

There is a famous psychological experiment that can prove this principle. In the experiment, the test subjects were given the names of three flowers ( rose, lotus, and chrysanthemum). After a certain period of time, the subjects were asked to recite the names of these flowers, and then they were given the names of the three flowers (apricot). Flowers, peonies, camellias ) After a certain period of time, give them the names of three more flowers (lilac, rose, plum blossom). From the first to the third time, you can also try to remember it, and you will find that your memory is getting more and more confusing. That's why they interfere with each other. But the researchers conducted a fourth experiment, and the results were different. In the fourth experiment, they were given three names of other categories (potatoes, eggplants, and peppers). As a result, the memory of these three names was not affected at all. Influence, this is called interference. In the first three experiments, our categories were similar and interfered with each other. In the fourth person's experiment, the content had nothing to do with the first three, and confusion was reduced. When the categories change, it seems like the previous confusion is gone.

Basically the reasons for memory and forgetting are clearly explained here. So when we work and study and need to use memory, how should we arrange our content to avoid interference as much as possible, enhance memory and avoid forgetting? You can reply below.

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