What's the best way for boyfriends and girlfriends to get along? I believe that for many novices in love, this is a difficult problem to solve. Because this "degree" is very difficult to master, you have to have a strong sense of proportion, otherwise conflicts will easily arise

2024/06/2719:15:32 emotion 1290

What is the best way to get along between male and female friends? believes that for many novices in love, this is a difficult problem to solve.

Because this "degree" is very difficult to master, you have to have a strong sense of proportion, otherwise conflicts will easily arise and make each other feel tired.

So, after falling in love, how to get along so that each other feels comfortable? The Men's Love Sutra teaches you three methods.

What's the best way for boyfriends and girlfriends to get along? I believe that for many novices in love, this is a difficult problem to solve. Because this

1. Give each other some space

In the process of dating between men and women, no matter how close your relationship is, you must leave some space for each other.

Don't think about controlling the other person, clinging to the other person, and not giving the other person space to be alone.

This is not a sign of loving the other person, and it cannot let you know whether the other person loves you or not.

This kind of behavior is very irrational and will make the other person feel depressed and oppressed. Over time, it will only make people physically and mentally exhausted.

The best way for a boyfriend and girlfriend to get along is to trust each other, give each other some private space, and let her do what she wants to do.

If you force the other person to stay with you for a long time, no one will be able to stand it, and sooner or later it will break out.

As the old saying goes, distance creates beauty. Giving each other some private space can increase freshness, increase chat topics, and keep your love fresh for a long time.

What's the best way for boyfriends and girlfriends to get along? I believe that for many novices in love, this is a difficult problem to solve. Because this

2. You cannot force the other person

Regardless of boys or girls, in the process of love, they like to force the other party to do something that they think is "good for her and the right thing", or to restrict certain behaviors of the other party.

For example, ask the other party not to contact other people of the opposite sex, and not to be alone with other people of the opposite sex.

In the view of men's love experience, this kind of behavior is wrong. Although you are a couple, you are not qualified to force the other party to do things you don't like, and the other party is not obligated to listen to you.

Before doing something, first put yourself in someone else’s shoes and think about what it’s like to be forced to do something.

Secondly, think about whether you can do it yourself. If you can't do it yourself, then what qualifications do you have to ask others?

In a relationship, playing double standards is disrespectful to the other party. If you are oppressed for a long time, the other party will rebound sooner or later.

What's the best way for boyfriends and girlfriends to get along? I believe that for many novices in love, this is a difficult problem to solve. Because this

3. Give first and then talk about gain

There is no love for no reason in the world. If you want to get the love of the other person, you must give first.

If you want something, you must take the initiative. It is obviously unrealistic to expect the other party to take the initiative first and then you sit back and enjoy the results.

Feelings are mutual. If you treat her well, she will feel it and will naturally reciprocate to you.

If she keeps giving and you never respond, one day she will accumulate enough disappointment and she will leave naturally.

In the same way, if you want to be respected, you must first respect others; if you want to be cared for, you must learn to care for her first; if you want to be cared for, you must know how to care about her first.

What's the best way for boyfriends and girlfriends to get along? I believe that for many novices in love, this is a difficult problem to solve. Because this

What is the best way to get along between male and female friends? The summary of is to give each other some space, do not force each other, pay first and then talk about gains. Only in this way will your relationship become more and more harmonious.

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