Being alone - picture source from the Internet, intrusion and deletion If you are a highly sensitive person who successfully grew up and took advantage of your uniqueness, then you are a hero. The world is constantly trying to convert highly sensitive people, calling them introve

2024/06/2103:32:32 emotion 1998

Being alone - picture source from the Internet, intrusion and deletion If you are a highly sensitive person who successfully grew up and took advantage of your uniqueness, then you are a hero. The world is constantly trying to convert highly sensitive people, calling them introve - DayDayNews

Being alone - picture source from the Internet, intrusion and deletion

If you are a highly sensitive person who successfully grew up and took advantage of your uniqueness, then you are a hero.

The world is constantly trying to convert highly sensitive people, calling them introverts, weirdos, nerds, sociopaths, etc.

Because of these tags, most sensitive people try to be everything but themselves. Some people succeed, but for most people it's always difficult to claim that they love loud noises and their constant need to feel ecstatic. This can be tiring for sensitive people.

The truth is, sensitive people are special. Their natural preference for solitude, calmness, and introspection is what soothes them best, as they need to think deeply in order to do extraordinary things.

Are you one of them?

If you are, don't feel pressure to change yourself. In a noisy and highly distracted world like ours, we need more people who appreciate focus and depth. That said, this is the best sign that you're a highly sensitive person.

You appreciate your alone time

There is a difference between just spending time alone and enjoying being alone.

If you like to be alone, then you are already in the minority. Why? Most people would rather inflict pain than sit with themselves. Research shows this.

A group of people were asked to choose between loneliness and electrocution. guess what? They chose electric shock.

This research may surprise many people at first. How would you choose to be shocked rather than left alone? But don't be so quick to assume you won't do the same thing.

Think about it. Most people already choose pain over boredom in one form or another. It doesn't have to go through the shock alone.

When you choose to go out with your depraved friends instead of enjoying your own company at home, you choose pain over loneliness.

When you are addicted to tobacco and alcohol, you will choose pain over solitude simply because you have a lot of time alone. We do this in a number of ways, electric shock is probably the least harmful (psychologically).

So, if you like to be alone, you have something that most people don't. It means your mind works differently. Only a well-organized person can endure loneliness. You are special.

Don't believe the lie that loving being alone makes you some kind of sociopath or weirdo. This is not true. In fact, most of your critics will do anything to maintain the same level of composure as you.

They are often extremely creative people

A big part of creativity comes from hard work. But let's face it. If you can't stand loneliness, if you can't handle boring drudgery and pain, you can't master anything.

Robert Greene said it best in his remarkable book Mastery,

"Most people don't have the patience to focus on the subtleties and details that are the essence of their work. They are eager to create an effect and create a sensation."

Great thinkers, writers, mystics, poets, songwriters, etc. are often people who like to be alone. Carl Jung often took several days off to develop his ideas, especially around the time he discovered analytical psychology.

Bill Gates is famous for his Think Weeks, two weeks of the year he spends in his cabin.

Being creative requires more effort. You have to know how to be alone. As a creative genius, Nikola Tesla once said,

"Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born. That is why many of the wonders of the earth have their origins in humble circumstances." ”

You’ll find inner matters more satisfying

Most people can’t handle reading because they find it boring. Anything loud, fast, intoxicating, etc., makes them feel alive.

But the problem with such people is that they start to rely on external sources to feel good. Leave them to themselves and they will do anything to keep themselves distracted (or unconscious).

A sensitive person does not need to be high all the time. They find peace satisfying. Conscious activities such as reading, listening to slow music, meditating, and spending quality time with family make them feel energized.

According to psychotherapist Tom Falkenstein, one of the defining characteristics of sensitive people is their depth of processing. For this reason, they tend to favor philosophical and spiritual ideas.

If you are this kind of person, you may feel stressed by the things around you. The media can make you feel like you're uncool—or not alive—if you're not dancing in a club to loud music.

don't fall for this.

The truth is, we all find different things satisfying. If glamor and loud music suit you, great. But if you're a sensitive person, don't assume that someone who's always hyperactive is better off than you.

You Have Few Friends but Deep Friendships

Sensitive people have difficulty forming friendships, in part because they prefer time alone. But the main reason for this is that sensitive people are looking for something profound when entering into a relationship.

Whether it's a romantic or casual friendship, they don't rush things; they take their time to let you in. But when they let you in, you can be sure they'll have your back.

This is the main reason why sensitive people have a hard time moving on after a breakup. First, they consider all the emotional investment they put into the relationship, and then they consider how to start the process over again.

They are selective about who they allow into their lives. It's not because they hate people. They're just more sensitive to the drama of toxic people.

Little things often catch your attention

One of the benefits of being a highly sensitive person is that you have aesthetic sensibilities, according to psychology professor Susan Whitbourne. So a beautiful piece of art or a good song will often touch people deeper.

When you have a peaceful heart, certain little things that people often overlook stand out to you. Things like the bright colors of the sky, the mountains, the feeling of the cool breeze on your skin, etc.

Additionally, sensitive people tend to be more empathetic. They're likely to pick on people's emotions. They are more likely to cry when they watch a sad movie. Sadly, some people like to have this empathy used against them.

Sensitive people also tend to see through people's intentions. They are very attentive. Besides the fact that they feel your energy, there are certain gestures that most people don't notice that they catch because of their concentration.

Final Words

Being a highly sensitive person has its drawbacks, and it certainly remains a challenging thing for most people.

For example, a highly sensitive person may feel isolated. Trying to fit in can lead to internal conflict and loneliness.

Also, people often want to take advantage of sensitive people. Some people just like picking them out. This is why they often fall victim to bullies.

But without shortcomings, there is no personality. The bottom line is, being a sensitive person is not a curse. It’s a unique personality that you can learn to harness.

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