As age continues to increase, we will find that the gap between people is getting wider and wider. Some people are getting better and better and have a bright future, while others are stuck in trouble and cannot extricate themselves. They don't know when they will see the light a

2024/06/1813:21:32 emotion 1717

As age continues to increase, we will find that the gap between people is getting wider and wider. Some people are getting better and better and have a bright future, while others are stuck in trouble and cannot extricate themselves. They don't know when they will see the light again.

In fact, all encounters in life are the result of fate. A truly wise person must know how to adapt to things, accept and make changes in a timely manner.

As age continues to increase, we will find that the gap between people is getting wider and wider. Some people are getting better and better and have a bright future, while others are stuck in trouble and cannot extricate themselves. They don't know when they will see the light a - DayDayNews

The fundamental difference between people is not IQ, EQ, or starting point. Strictly speaking, everyone’s mind is bright and full of wisdom. There is no difference at all. It is just the time for enlightenment. , it’s just different sooner or later.

Some people have good understanding and high wisdom, so the time for enlightenment is advanced, and many things seem very clear to them. And some people have less understanding and heavier obstacles, so it still takes a long time to understand. Taken together, people with high understanding generally have the following qualities. Let’s see how many of them you have.

As age continues to increase, we will find that the gap between people is getting wider and wider. Some people are getting better and better and have a bright future, while others are stuck in trouble and cannot extricate themselves. They don't know when they will see the light a - DayDayNews

First, the obstacles to what you do are generally relatively small. Most people who have a relatively smooth life have accumulated a lot of blessings and merits in their previous lives, and they can naturally accept and enjoy the blessings in this life. For example, some people have a better background, or some people have a smoother career, are relatively complete in all aspects, have relatively shallow obstacles, and have a relatively smooth life.

Of course, there are exceptions. Mencius said: "When heaven is about to entrust a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and disturb his actions. Therefore, If a person wants to undertake a major mission or task, he must go through many hardships before he can finally achieve it. Therefore, the more hardships you experience, the greater your achievements may be in the future.

As age continues to increase, we will find that the gap between people is getting wider and wider. Some people are getting better and better and have a bright future, while others are stuck in trouble and cannot extricate themselves. They don't know when they will see the light a - DayDayNews

Secondly, you have more good karma and you can get guidance and help from good friends. If people want to succeed, they cannot do without the guidance of the Master and the help of everyone. If everyone can help, things will naturally progress much more smoothly. People with high understanding will also have relatively more good karma, and they will have the opportunity to obtain the help of great good teachers. Guidance, when you encounter difficulties, most people will come to help and rescue you, which is also a reflection of your own merit.

Third, believe, accept and practice, and be very diligent. A person with enlightenment has obtained good knowledge and accepted good Dharma. The most important thing is to practice it consistently. If you don’t take actual actions, don’t follow it in a down-to-earth manner, and just keep it in your heart or just talk about it, it will be of no use. No matter how highly qualified you are, no matter how many people help and guide you, if you don’t work hard, you will have wasted a great opportunity.

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