Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr

2024/06/1804:50:33 emotion 1985


Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people Work hard for a period of time, then travel to the end of the world with your sword, and see all the beautiful scenery in the world. Everyone's lifestyle is different, and it cannot be simply right or wrong. But who will have a better old age between those who search for things and those who enjoy themselves in time? What's better?

72-year-old Brother Liu said: "I think that my current happiness in old age is all due to my stinginess. I have brought the virtue of diligence and thrift to the extreme. Some friends even directly say that I am stingy and selfish, but I don't care. I I want to continue the good virtue of frugality to the last moment of my life.”

How stingy is Brother Liu? Let's look down together.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

The self-report of the 72-year-old brother Liu:

My name is Liu Chenggong. I was a teacher when I was young. My parents decided to become a teacher. They thought that the profession of teacher sounded good and it was an iron rice bowl. I also followed the advice of my parents. , now I only have a pension of 5,000 yuan a month.

When many people see that I have such a large pension, they think that I must be living a good life in my later years, at least not worrying about money. But in fact, I did not enjoy my later years at home, but tried my best to live as well as I could. Earn more money. This is my personality. I have savings, but I am reluctant to spend money. To put it bluntly, I am stingy.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

When I first retired, I had nothing to do at home and felt that I was still in good health, so I went to the vegetable market to buy some goods and set up a stall to sell vegetables at the entrance of our community. The house I lived in was an old house, so there was no The urban management department is in charge, which is convenient for me.

In fact, I don’t make much money selling vegetables, but I have saved my daily living expenses. I am a miser. Even if I have savings, my heart feels like bleeding every time I withdraw it. It can be said that, I am a person who can only get in and out, and asking me to spend money is like killing me. Therefore, the money I earn from setting up a stall and selling vegetables is just enough for one day's living expenses, so I am quite content.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

Although I am frugal, I also care about my body, so when I am 70 years old, I no longer want to be out in the wind and sun, but stay at home and enjoy my old age. But even so, I still have to live a good life. I am very poor, because I am really frugal, even to the point of being stingy.

In order to save some money on vegetables, I don’t hesitate to go to the vegetable market three kilometers away to buy vegetables. Because there are big stalls and many vendors, I can bargain. And I always get there at half past nine, which is when the market is. When it comes to the finishing work, many of the dishes that have been sold out will be discounted, so I can get a bargain.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

I have a senior citizen card, so taking the bus is free. Sometimes I will walk there to buy groceries, but most of the time I take the bus. I won’t embarrass myself. Walking for too long will make me tired, but I will still enjoy it. .

I also save as much as I can when it comes to dressing up. The clothes I buy rarely exceed 100 yuan. I don’t have high requirements for clothes. As long as the material is comfortable and breathable, and the price is less than 100 yuan, I can buy it. So when I buy clothes, it’s easy to buy. My tops usually cost more than 30 yuan, and pants are slightly better, which can be purchased for 70 or 80 yuan. For shoes, I usually wear sneakers, a pair of which costs 80 yuan. I can wear it for four or five years if it costs 1 yuan.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

They all say that you need to learn how to let go of things, but I will never learn how to do so. I have a lot of things piled up at home and I don’t want to throw them away. Originally, my home was small, but then there were more and more things, and I even had space to put them. Friends, come here When I was a guest at my house, I looked at the mess in the house and there was no place to put my feet. They laughed at me like I was collecting rags, but I didn't mind because I kept these things for a purpose and they would come in handy one day.

I usually pick up cardboard boxes or bottles when I encounter them on the road. I have a room dedicated to storing these things. If I encounter someone who collects rags, I can exchange them for more than ten yuan a day. I have enough money for my meal.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

Many people cannot understand my frugal living habit, but I have developed this habit since I was a child and I will never change it in my life. I was born in a rural area. At that time, it was still a mud house and the area was small. However, our family had a large population. I have three brothers and sisters. Usually, my grandparents slept downstairs, and my parents slept in the attic. We brothers and sisters only slept together. Being able to build a floor shop, under such living conditions, I know the importance of money.

Later, I got married. My wife had no job, so she was responsible for taking care of the elderly and children at home. I was responsible for all the household expenses. At the beginning, my salary could not support so many people in the family. My wife and I saved the money. It was through frugality that he raised his two children.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

Whether it was when I was a child or after I got married, I rarely ate meat. Every time I had something delicious, I would leave it to my children. Later, my two children also had families. I thought I could feel at ease. I was blessed, but I didn’t expect that my wife was paralyzed due to a stroke. I took care of her for three years. During these three years, I barely had a good night’s sleep and was on the verge of collapse every day. Later, my wife passed away. , leaving me alone.

At the beginning, I felt lucky and felt that my wife's departure was a relief for my wife. But as time went by, I felt very lonely. Every time I came home and looked at the dark room, I would think of When my wife was still alive, even though she was paralyzed in bed at that time, at least there was someone to chat with me after I came home every day. If my wife was still around, I wouldn't be so lonely.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

But people still have to look forward. Even if I miss my wife again, she will never come back. But it is too pitiful for me to be alone, so I want to find a second wife to spend my old age with.

I met Xiaochun after being introduced by a friend. She is three years younger than me and lives with her son. She doesn’t get along well with her daughter-in-law, so she wants to find a wife to move out with so that she doesn’t have to look after her son. The face of the daughter-in-law changed.

I'm quite satisfied with Xiaochun's appearance, and according to Xiaochun herself, she doesn't have any bad habits. She usually likes to plant flowers and grass, tidy up the room and clean the house. This is exactly the standard of a good wife and mother. Moreover, Xiaochun also has a pension, which is a little less than mine, 3,000 yuan a month. She also said that if I am willing to live with her, then the living expenses can be AA, and she will never take advantage of me.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

I was quite touched when I heard this. There are very few women who are so diligent nowadays. I told Xiaochun about my stinginess, but I didn’t expect that Xiaochun didn’t care at all, because she is usually very diligent and frugal, and she said the same thing. Some things are cheap and some are expensive, so you must choose the ones that are high-quality and low-priced. She also said that whatever you eat will be digested in the end, so there is no need to buy something so expensive. When buying clothes, you should shop around to find the one that suits you best.

Xiaochun and I were very compatible with each other, so not long after we started dating, we got married and she moved in with me. I thought the couple would definitely have quarrels, but I didn’t expect Xiaochun and I to be very compatible. , to this day, we rarely quarrel.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

I used to have a lot of old clothes piled up in my house, and it was difficult to even walk. After Xiaochun came over, he helped me sort them all. The whole room looked much neater. Xiaochun even left a phone number for collecting rags. , as long as the cardboard boxes and bottles at home are full, a phone call can free up space. Moreover, Xiaochun will not throw away my things without authorization. She will discuss everything with me. If I say that I can keep things that are still useful, Xiaochun will respect my wishes, and she will not ridicule me.

Xiaochun and I have a combined pension of 8,000 yuan. Our monthly expenses are usually controlled at around 1,000 yuan, and we can still save 7,000 yuan every month. This makes me very happy. After all, we have If I have a deposit, I have the confidence. If I get sick in the future, I can rely on myself instead of praying for help from my children. I am very lucky that when I got married with Xiaochun, not only did my life become better, but also the money I saved There have also been more.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

I didn’t know how to cook before. I had porridge and pickles every morning. But since Xiaochun came here, although the dishes are still stale, Xiaochun always makes them very delicious. She also buys a lot of discounted fruits. and eggs, which are very nutritious to eat every day. Xiaochun said that saving is a good thing, but there must be a limit. The health always comes first, otherwise all the money saved will be spent on the hospital.

I particularly agree with Xiaochun’s words, so I also follow Xiaochun’s example. Every time I go shopping, I always buy some seasonal fruits. I will still grab vegetables when I see them on sale, but I will never buy stale vegetables. , because it has no nutritional value.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

Xiaochun and I don’t want to visit relatives, and we rarely interact with our friends in the past. Some friends even invited me to dinner and asked me to make an AA deal, but I didn’t want to go because favors are the most expensive. We eat and drink, and people have to give red envelopes when there is a happy event. In order to avoid these embarrassments, Xiaochun and I have reduced our social interactions.

There are old people around me who work harder than me. They are all very old, and they have found a job as a security guard, with a salary of 2,000 yuan a month. I really can't understand it. Neither Xiaochun nor I have any plans to continue working. At our age, it’s time to enjoy life for a few more years. As long as we live a frugal life, the pension is actually enough. Need to worry.

Introduction: Many people think that life is short, so they should continue to have fun and not live up to this short time. Some people live frugally and frugally all their lives, just to buy a house for their children, and some people work hard. After a period of time, I will tr - DayDayNews

Xiaochun and I both like to save money, because savings are our confidence. If we get sick in the future, we, the old couple, can pay for it ourselves without having to ask others. This also gives us the confidence to not look at the faces of our children. , so I believe that being stingy in your later years is the magic weapon for a happy old age.

Do you think Brother Liu is really diligent and thrifty, or is he stingy? Welcome to leave a comment and express your views.

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