Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One, "New Dating Era" which brings parents, relatives and friends on blind dates, or the new dating model "Let's Fall in Love", etc. The ratings of programs such as "Seni

2024/06/1103:10:32 emotion 1334

Various types of dating programs are emerging in society nowadays, whether it is Jiangsu Satellite TV 's "If You Are the One", " New Dating Era " which takes parents, relatives and friends on a blind date, or the new dating model " Let's Fall in Love ", etc. .

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

Elderly Dating

The ratings of these programs remain high, and they also show us various new forms of young people dating.

The guests had a blind date on stage, and we had fun watching it on TV. Of course, there is also a very interesting dating program that is even watched by all ages - Elderly Dating.

The relationship between the elderly and young people is naturally different from that of young people. After all, young people do not understand the responsibilities of marriage and have relatively little life experience. Many elderly people have been married at least once, or have been widowed or divorced. After experiencing various situations in life, they are more cautious about the choice of their partner.

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

Today we are going to learn about a guest on the elderly blind date— Zhou Xiuling. Let’s take a look at how the elderly date and find their significant other. It may also provide some inspiration to young people.

html According to 158-year-old aunt Zhou Xiuling, her conditions are pretty good and her life is stable and comfortable. Zhou Xiuling earns 2,450 yuan a month and owns a 78-square-meter house.

It seems that the young Aunt Zhou takes good care of herself, because she has nothing else to do. She studies and cares for herself on weekdays, and follows the trendy content of some short videos to learn grooming skills.

It can be said that although Aunt Zhou is not young, she relies on maintenance and fitness. From the appearance point of view, she is much younger than her peers. She is also content to live alone, and her life is ordinary and stable.

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

Someone may want to ask, where is Aunt Zhou’s wife?

As early as fifteen years ago, Aunt Zhou's wife had been in poor health. Later, she became seriously ill and could not afford to be ill. My family spent all their money on treating my wife. Aunt Zhou had no choice but to work everywhere in order to heal her boss and to make a living.

Unfortunately, Aunt Zhou's hard work and love could not save her husband's life. Her wife still died of the pain, leaving only Aunt Zhou and her children, living a hard life.

Aunt Zhou also thought about remarrying when she was poor, but at that time, many people were unwilling to find a woman with children, thinking that children were a burden.

Aunt Zhou cannot give up her child. After all, after the death of her wife, the child is her heart and soul, and it is also the sustenance of her longing for her wife.

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

With her son going to school, the family’s livelihood fell on Aunt Zhou alone. Aunt Zhou works several jobs every day so that she and her children can live well. Life is getting easier little by little under Aunt Zhou’s hard-working hands.

After all the hardships, happiness comes

The son has gradually grown up, started a family, married a wife and had children, and no longer needs the mother's hard work. In order not to disturb her son's life, Aunt Zhou moved out to live alone. The originally fulfilling days suddenly stopped being busy, and Aunt Zhou felt very uncomfortable.

Aunt Zhou feels bored when she lives alone. In addition to passing the time on her mobile phone, she does everything alone. She eats alone, walks alone, exercises alone, and even talks to others when she encounters something. None of the people.

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

Therefore, living alone made Aunt Zhou feel more and more lonely and wanted to find someone to spend the rest of her life with. However, there are too few ways for the elderly to get married in society. They can only rely on matchmaking from relatives and friends, and Aunt Zhou has no such people around her.

Aunt Zhou also often sees local TV stations’ blind date programs for the elderly on TV. She feels that this program provides a way for the elderly to get on a blind date, and she watches every episode with gusto.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Zhou saw the man she liked on the show, and she began to miss this uncle.

This uncle is called Wang Jinhai. From his appearance and image, he seems to be honest and responsible. He loves to be tidy and cleans frequently. Therefore, the program team broadcasted Uncle Zhou’s house neatly and spotlessly clean.

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

The most important thing is that Uncle Wang is only one year older than Aunt Zhou. They are about the same age and have a common language. After meeting Uncle Wang Jinhai, Aunt Zhou even began to imagine the beautiful days living with Uncle Wang Jinhai, and the two of them would be happy.

In order to pursue true love, after much thought, Aunt Zhou signed up to participate in a senior blind date program, just to have a chance to date her boyfriend. Therefore, when signing up, Aunt Zhou asked the matchmaker to name Wang Jinhai, but not others. After contacting Wang Jinhai, the

program team also received a positive reply. The other party is also very satisfied with Aunt Zhou's conditions, and also wants to get to know this Aunt Zhou who appreciates him.

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

Fate has arrived

Therefore, under the arrangement of the program team, the matchmaker host took Aunt Zhou to Uncle Wang's house for a blind date. On the way, Aunt Zhou, who had always been calm and generous, was a little out of sorts and felt very uneasy. She was worried that her hair would be messed up and her clothes would be wrinkled along the way. The host

also kept comforting Aunt Zhou, saying everything is fine, her image is perfect, don't worry. After all, she wanted to meet the person of her dreams, and since she had been single for fifteen years, Aunt Zhou's nervousness was understandable.

After meeting, Aunt Zhou couldn't help but feel very happy when she saw that Uncle Wang Jinhai was exactly the same as on TV, keeping himself clean and tidy. Under the help of the host, the two introduced themselves.

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

The host asked Aunt Zhou to visit Uncle Wang's home. She saw that Uncle Wang's home was really spotless, neat and orderly. Uncle Wang had organized all the clutter in the house and put it in one place, and some unused items were also neatly organized. , can be said to be a little expert in housekeeping.

Aunt Zhou also visited Uncle Wang’s wardrobe, which was also spotless. After the clothes were washed, they were neatly sorted and hung on hangers. Moreover, Uncle Wang does not smoke or drink, and the air at home is very fresh, with no dust in every corner. Uncle Wang's score in Aunt Zhou's heart continues to rise.

Aunt Zhou also saw that Uncle Wang is a person who pursues life and has high self-requirements, so he can keep cleaning the house and keeping it so tidy. What Aunt Zhou admires is the character of Uncle Wang. She thinks he is a good person who can be relied on, down-to-earth and steady.

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

Uncle Wang also has an attic in his home. In order to further inspect Uncle Wang, Aunt Zhou also wanted to see the health condition of the attic and see if it was also so clean. Uncle Wang enthusiastically took Aunt Zhou to visit the attic. Although there were some debris in the attic, they were arranged in an orderly and neat manner.

After they were satisfied with their living habits, the two began to talk straightforwardly about each other's financial status.

Regarding money, the two of them have the same values. There will be no financial disputes in the future, which can be regarded as solving the biggest problem.

If two people are suitable, Aunt Zhou does not want to simply live together. The elderly should also have a sense of ritual and legitimacy. Therefore, Aunt Zhou felt that if the two of them felt that it was suitable after getting along, they could get the certificate.

Nowadays, various types of dating programs are emerging in society, whether it is Jiangsu TV's If You Are the One,

The last blind date ended after exchanging phone numbers. I believe that in the future, the cheerful Aunt Zhou and the honest and silent Uncle Wang will definitely have good results and lead to a beautiful marriage.

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