Hello everyone, I am a struggling traveler. Click "Follow" on the upper right to share my writing stories and personal growth tips with you every day. When we are twenty years old, we seem to be imprinted with many things that do not belong to us. We were forced to understand a l

2024/06/0908:16:33 emotion 1999

Hello everyone, I am a struggling traveler. Click "Follow" on the upper right to share my writing stories and personal growth tips with you every day.

Hello everyone, I am a struggling traveler. Click

At the age of twenty, we seem to be imprinted with many things that do not belong to us. We were forced to understand a lot of human ways, and we were forced to know the cruelty of reality. Along with our so-called growth, we began to feel at a loss. We want to be attached to ourselves, but find that we are still unreliable. We comfort ourselves that we are still young, but find that our friends around us are already prosperous. We want to live on our own, but find that life is far more difficult than we imagined. We want to be ourselves in the golden age, but find that the most difficult thing to do is ourselves.

Hello everyone, I am a struggling traveler. Click

When you are in your twenties, you can fight for whatever you want!

now has a direction, but it is still in the exploratory stage. I just started writing in the past six months. I don’t have many fans, but I have a lot of “things” to do. I like to be inspirational, but I am still envious of other people's micro headlines . Others follow the hot spots, but your own vertical direction is inspirational. Therefore, the question of whether to change the direction of writing has always been in my mind. To change

or not?

finally decided not to change. Be ruthless, be ruthless to yourself, and take advantage of the summer vacation to write well. The amount doesn’t have to be large, but be persistent. The content must be good and precise. Just like the sentence I heard on the bus: If I can always do things so seriously and responsibly, I will definitely be able to achieve success in the future.

is very realistic. I want to make money through writing. Xiaohongshu ended in failure. I want to make headlines. It may be difficult, but you have to persevere. If your level is not good enough, you can make it up by studying. Keep improving your skills and leave the rest to time.

Hello everyone, I am a struggling traveler. Click

In your twenties, there is no need to be confused and anxious. Have faith in your heart, work hard in the direction you want, and let time prove the rest. Introduction to the author of


is a struggling traveler and a freelance writer born in 1995. He currently makes headlines as a side job and focuses on writing and personal growth. His wish is to achieve financial independence as soon as possible.

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