Text: Narcissus in the Pond Picture: From the Internet When I was teaching in my hometown, I had a colleague at that time. Her partner’s grandmother was naturally her grandmother. As a granddaughter-in-law, we were as close as our own grandparents. , get along naturally and harmo

2024/05/2521:01:33 emotion 1207

Text: Narcissus in the Pond

Picture: From the Internet

When I was teaching in my hometown, I had a colleague at that time, her partner’s grandmother—naturally, she was also her grandmother. As a granddaughter-in-law with her, she was like a biological grandchild. They are so close to each other and live in harmony naturally. The old loves the young and the young respects the old.

Text: Narcissus in the Pond Picture: From the Internet When I was teaching in my hometown, I had a colleague at that time. Her partner’s grandmother was naturally her grandmother. As a granddaughter-in-law, we were as close as our own grandparents. , get along naturally and harmo - DayDayNews

is already over 80 years old, and my colleague’s grandma is still carrying a wash basin to wash clothes in the small river that runs through the ancient town not far from my house. The terrain there is a bit strange. If you want to go down to the small river, you often have to go down a slope from a high road to the small water at the bottom of the river to wash your clothes.

Although the water in the river was often very clear at that time, and people on the riverside even washed vegetables for the first time in the river, my colleague’s grandmother, as an old lady with small feet and already very old, wanted to Going down from the high slope to the bottom of the river is not an easy task.

My colleague’s grandma always looks neat and energetic. He has dark red skin, natural and neat teeth, and a banana curl hairstyle that was often worn by the elderly at that time on the back of his head. It's rare to lose weight with old age.

Colleagues have always respected and envied her as a grandma, and the old lady has never been lazy. One summer day one year, she came home from school and found that her grandma was not there, the washbasin was not there, and the clothes she and her kindergarten daughter had just changed out the day before and had not had time to wash were also missing, so she naturally came to my door. came to pick up her grandma from the creek.

She held the washing tub in one hand and supported her grandma with the other hand. While walking up the high and steep slope, she smiled and said to her grandma: "Hey, grandma, you can't come here again. You are already eighty For a person who is many years old, if someone accidentally falls or bumps into someone, good or bad, I dare say it is to wash clothes for my grandson, wife and great-granddaughter, then I don’t call me Isn’t that embarrassing? Everyone laughs when walking on the street!” Her grandmother smiled as if it had nothing to do with her and said, “It’s okay, it’s not like you don’t know about my body!” "When I was young..."

When talking about her grandmother's young days, her colleagues were even more impressed with her. More than once, when she was in the office and everyone wanted to relax after class, she told a few anecdotes about her eighty-year-old grandmother to several female teachers. She laughed until her stomach hurt and laughed until everyone followed her. Er wiped tears.

It turns out that when my grandma first got married, my grandpa, who had a bad temper, would hit her if he said something inappropriate. He didn’t need any reason, he just wanted to hit her.

In the eyes of her grandfather, a woman is just a pig or a horse, which she can ride on and beat whenever she wants. Her grandpa spanked her for the first time, but her grandma let in. Her grandpa spanked her for the second time, and her grandma endured it. When her grandpa spanked her for the third time, her young grandma didn't cry or say anything. She used force and struck with a palm. He went over and "cut off" her grandfather's right arm in one stroke.

Her grandfather was in so much pain that he immediately looked for teeth all over the floor. In extreme surprise, she grinned and opened her eyes as wide as bells. She quickly knelt down and called her grandma "aunt" and begged for mercy.

But her grandmother did not agree to her grandfather immediately. Instead, she asked her grandpa to sign with his left hand and pledge to never hit her again. She could point out any mistakes and correct them; she could tell him the truth she didn't understand; she could teach her the things she didn't know. Yes, hitting people is wrong. If he doesn't admit this and doesn't sign on the paper, then his arm will continue to "droop" like that.

In the end, there was no other way, so her grandfather had no choice but to do as her grandma said. Even when the sun came out from the west, her grandfather never thought that he would marry such a powerful wife, but she kept it secret!

Haha, what a relief!

From then on, the couple talked harmoniously and did things in a thoughtful manner.But a traditional man is a traditional man after all. When he could not be beaten again and again, and he did not dare to fight again, a man with a bad temper, a love of drinking, and a love of gambling died at the age of fifty-six.

Later, her grandmother held up the facade on her own, raised three sons and one daughter, and started a family. Which child is at fault? Her grandmother is sitting majestically on the "Grand Master's Chair", and her children and grandchildren are kneeling down together - even though they can work day and night and only know how to work, at critical moments they are able to pick it up and put it down. They all accepted her instruction, but she never beat them.

So their family, now thirty people in number, is thriving! The first two sons have retired, and two of them have retired from leadership positions in the work unit. Before retiring, he should not be greedy or greedy. He should be respectful to everyone, old and young, and his father should be kind and his son should be filial. Four of the five grandsons have gone to college. This was in an era when thousands of troops were crossing the single-plank bridge.

My colleague said: For all her life, the only person she admires is her daughter’s grandmother!

It turns out that her grandma is not from an ordinary family. Her parents' family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine. Her father owns a traditional Chinese medicine shop and inherits the traditional Chinese medicine tradition from her grandfather and other ancestors, including massage, acupuncture, and massage.

Her grandma was smart and secretly learned tuina and massage when she was a daughter. Later, her grandfather beat her, one at a time, two at a time, not three. In the end, she fought back with all her strength, safeguarding her own rights as a traditional family-loving woman. Rights and basic dignity.

As a woman from the old times, this is what she was taught by her most primitive family: not only does she treat illnesses and save people, she is a master of medicine, but she is also a noble character who is knowledgeable and courteous, honest and kind, generous and tolerant, but not afraid of rape.

colleague spoke cheerfully, and we female teachers listened even more cheerfully! Yes, a domestically violent man who scolds when he opens his mouth and hits when he raises his hand should be equipped with a wife who hides her secrets like this!

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