Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie "The Exes 3". When I saw Wang Zi, I said: Actually, neither of you said goodbye properly. "We were together on WeChat and sep

2024/05/2200:13:33 emotion 1592

Text: Teng Xiaoqi

Pictures: All from the Internet (infringement and deletion)

The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie "The Ex 3". When I saw Wang Zi, I said: Actually, neither of you said goodbye properly.

"We were together on WeChat and separated on WeChat; it seemed like we said goodbye, but we never said goodbye properly. This is probably the most regretful thing for me."

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

Whenever something happens, I like to read a book , from e-books to paper books.

I enjoy the smell of ink in the bookstore and the immersive feeling. When

came across this book by chance, my first reaction was that there was actually a book about and Zhang Haochen's that I had not read.

spent several hours reading this book. My first feeling was that this is a book that heals regrets.

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

There are many words in the book that I think are very reasonable, which I usually want to say but cannot say. Maybe this is the difference between writers and readers.

I met this book because of my broken love, and I was slightly healed by this book because of my broken love.

said in the book, love, friendship, family, career, life... I saw many similar scenes, but also got a different ending.

I like the story of Xu Niannian and Yang Yi the most in the book. It is ordinary and so ordinary that it is enviable. But I also understood from Xu Niannian: people need to be confused.

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

Looking back on my lost relationship, it was probably because I lived too soberly, so soberly that it felt suffocating.

"When you are young, you treat people wrongly, and when you become an adult, you treat things wrongly. Time teaches us that the greatest skill is not to see ourselves clearly at all, but to be too judgmental about things."

In this relationship, I was too sober and too judgmental. I am self-centered and want to solve every problem between us, but I forget that there is no perfect love in this world, and there can be no perfect partner. The most important relationship between two people is the relationship between supply and demand, not what I say you will do.

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

I also want to understand why I am in such pain this time, even though it is only half a year.

Because I love myself so much, I feel extremely happy when I have it; when I lose it, I feel twice the pain: it’s not that I regret losing someone, but that I regret the broken habits and can’t bear the cost of rebuilding.

When I was happiest, leaving was probably the biggest blow to me; I was pushed into the abyss without any preparation or defense; I didn't even know where the problem was.

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

I reflected on it for a long time. One day I suddenly felt very sad and cried suddenly: I told myself that it would have been better if we had not let the conflict stay overnight that night. It would have been better if we had solved the problem that night... ....

But now I finally understand that there are some things in that you have to do if you think about it, otherwise it will be too late.

But everything was too late...

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

The day I really wanted to let go, I thought about the future with this person and my own future in my mind for a long time. Do I really want to continue to be so decadent? After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Instead of continuing to make mistakes, it is better to stop losses in time. So I deleted his mother and sister’s WeChat, and then I deleted his WeChat very calmly.

Of course I understand what this behavior means and I deleted them all. But I also know that the initiative has never been in my hands.

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

In the past, it was always not good to hesitate to delete the WeChat messages of elders, but it is too painful and uncomfortable, so just think that I am rude. I pressed the delete confirmation button very calmly. I didn't go to him as I imagined. I cried and begged him to delete each other with me, and told him how painful and uncomfortable I was. I just pressed the button very calmly. Delete key.

Someone on the Internet said before: The person who deleted it first was really cruel because he took the initiative to press the confirm button.

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

But they don’t know that the person who took the initiative to delete is probably more heartbroken than cruel. Because he can’t bear the pain of loss, he needs to delete everything to prove that he doesn’t care that much.

Because there is no one I can do to keep him or let him go. So I chose to format everything around him, as if I had never met him before, and live my life again.

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

I finally understood the meaning of the sentence in the book:
"A real collapse, not a violent cry, but a quiet hatred of the world."

There are no storms, no hysteria, no complaints, no The resentment just ended peacefully.

In fact, no one is wrong, it’s just that the time has come.

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

I thought of what he once said, I feel you are so lonely and I want to be with you.

"Actually, you are not lonely when you want to be alone."

Thinking back to the words he told me about breaking up, I thought of what Zhang Yixun said to Zhu Xia in the book: "I feel that I have not treated you Take good care of me. I promised to protect you from the wind and rain, but later on, I gave you everything.”

There is a long road ahead. We are still at an age where we can make mistakes, and relationships are a mutual choice. Luck is all charity.

Text: Teng Xiaoqi Pictures: All from the Internet (intrusion and deletion) The night before we separated, I cried for a long time while watching the movie

Zhang Haochen said:

Love in this world is like this.

It started when the spring forest first bloomed.

You had no intention of drafting the wind, but it happened to cause a flash flood in your former residence.

looked at each other without words at the end,

gradually drifted away and lost the book, and the mountains and rivers have not met each other since then.

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