"My mother waits on you for confinement, helps you with your baby, and now asks you to go back and take care of her, shouldn't it?"

2021/08/1722:25:03 emotion 2385

When it comes to the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, many people will think of the sentence of seeing mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for ten years.

The so-called ten years to see your mother-in-law, ten years to see your daughter-in-law, it is a causal relationship. In the first ten years of marriage, the daughter-in-law was the most difficult time. She needed to work hard, and had to have children. She was under tremendous pressure. If the mother-in-law is willing to treat the daughter-in-law kindly and reach out to help, she only needs the daughter-in-law. The character is not bad, and they will never forget the kindness of the mother-in-law.

When the mother-in-law is old and needs someone to take care of it, the mother-in-law who has treated her daughter-in-law will not have a bad old age.

As Hu Shi once said: "If we want to harvest the good fruits in the future, we must work hard to plant new causes now. One seed by seed, there must be a harvest full of warehouses."

However, if the mother-in-law helped the daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law should be kind to her. However, filial piety to the parents is also the obligation of the children.

"What's the use of an unfilial woman?" Despite her family's ugliness, the 51-year-old Uncle Lin complained to the people around his wife for "unfilial piety" in the fitness square at the gate of the community, and asked everyone to comment on him.

01. Serve her in confinement and bring her baby for 7 years, my mother is a good mother-in-law;

In Uncle Lin’s mouth, his mother is a good mother-in-law, indeed, according to his mother Judging from the way she treats her daughter-in-law, she is indeed a good mother-in-law.

Uncle Lin’s mother's surname is Zhao,I lived in our community for 7 years, just to help my son and daughter-in-law take care of their children.

"My wife gave birth to a daughter for the first time. My mother did not dislike her at all. She rushed over from a far away place and waited for her to confinement. She personally cooks, cleans, washes and cooks for her. Let my wife suffer. Later, my wife gave birth to a second child, a son, and my mother served her in confinement."

Aunt Lin has lived with her son for seven years and brought her grandson to the place where she can live. After the age of kindergarten, I returned to my hometown and reunited with my wife.

"It’s not that I said, like my mother, who worked tirelessly to take care of her daughter-in-law in confinement and help her daughter-in-law with her baby, it’s rare to see her. It was her blessing that she met. But my wife was conscientious. The dog has eaten."

02. My mother is sick, and my sister can’t come back, so I need to go to work;

A few days ago, Uncle Lin received a call from her sister, it turned out that Uncle Lin 'S mother has a medical condition, needs an operation, and needs to be hospitalized.

"Mom must take care of me after the operation. As you know my dad, I am used to relying on my mother. I expect him to take care of my wife. However, my mother-in-law and husband were bothered. They quarreled at home and said, if I don’t care about them, I won’t come back. Now, I can only rely on my sister-in-law.”

proposed to her sister Uncle Lin readily agreed to ask his wife to quit her job and go home to take care of her mother. He did not hesitate: "She is 49 years old, and both her son and daughter have graduated. She doesn't need us to support her. She doesn't need to work. Just to take care of my mother. It was originally the duty of the daughter-in-law to serve her mother-in-law. What's more, my mother helped her so much.She should go. "

learned that the mother-in-law is sick, and Uncle Lin's wife is also very worried, but is unwilling to resign: "Why, let's hire a caregiver!"

"How can nurses have their own daughter-in-law intimate? They can do as many things as they take. It's not reliable at all. It's better for you to go.

03. Is she not grateful or my request is too much?

Originally, Uncle Lin's wife was shaken and promised to go back to take care of her mother-in-law, but made a request: "Let me go back, it’s not impossible, but we have to say yes, before I retire, you have to give me a sum of money every month, so that I can control it freely. I don’t want to even buy a piece of clothing and have to reach out to you Asking for money, make you squint at me.

It turns out that Uncle Lin and his wife’s wages are on their own. His wife’s income is low, and sometimes the money is not enough. When he asks Uncle Lin for money, Uncle Lin not only refuses to give it, but can also blame it. The other party for a week.

Hearing his wife's request, Uncle Lin was angry: "My mother will wait for you to confinement and help you bring your baby. Shouldn't you go back to take care of her now?" Why are you embarrassed to ask me for money? It is a matter of course for a daughter-in-law to serve her mother-in-law. Why should I pay for it?

The wife was very angry and had a fight with Uncle Lin, and refused to resign and go home to take care of her mother-in-law. The couple fell into a cold war.

Uncle Lin5span's complaintUncle Lin's wife's dancing partner became angry and gave Uncle Lin a slap in the face.

"Help her bring her baby? I ask you, your children are surnamed Lin or Li? Whose species are they? If the child is not yours, would your mother kindly help strangers?"

"Let me ask you again, did your mother give birth to you or your wife? She brought you up, why didn't you quit and take care of her? Why did you force your wife to go?"

"There is still you Sister, she hasn't been raised by your mother, right? Mother-in-law and husband can't do without her? Her mother-in-law and husband are rubbish? Can't I take care of myself? Why stop my daughter-in-law from going home to take care of my mother?"

"To put it bluntly, in the eyes of you and your sister, your wife is just a free nanny."

Then, Uncle Lin and the aunt quarreled. "Daughter-in-law should serve her in-laws, otherwise it is unfilial", "The daughter who married out throws the water out, my sister is the one who married out", "It is not convenient for me to be a big man", Uncle Lin repeated these words over and over again. , Everyone saw that he was stubborn and didn't bother to say more.

Listening to neighbors’ gossip, Uncle Lin’s wife has already released the words: "Either ask a caregiver, or you can give me money to take care of it. If you want to get a divorce, you can, anyway, you can choose it!"

04. As a son, you are reluctant to take care of your parents, so why throw away your wife?

Yishu wrote in "City Story": "Man,When you ask a woman to look like a woman, ask yourself how many men look like.

Take care of in-laws for example. A man should ask himself three questions before asking a woman to treat your parents well.

First, your parents are to your wife Okay? The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is about love and repaying. If your parents treat your wife badly, don't expect your wife to be too kind to them. They didn't have your wife, so the daughter-in-law really has no obligation to take care of your in-laws.

Second, Have you fulfilled your obligation to be a son and assumed the main responsibility of caring for your parents? The duty of support and the duty of raising are linked. The parents are you, and you are the one who takes care of your parents. It’s the main force, you can’t get rid of this pot.

Third, Are you good to your father-in-law and mother-in-law? People’s hearts are long and you must compare your heart to your heart. If you, as a son-in-law, don’t fulfill your responsibilities, don’t treat each other’s parents. Seriously, where is your confidence to ask your wife to be nice to your parents?

Zang Hongfei said in " Wonders": "We need marriage, and we want to have someone who can be with us Against the world.

If the purpose of your marriage is to enjoy happiness and to shift your burdens, it will be difficult for you to have a happy marriage. No one will be so stupid as to spend your life to fulfill your selfishness.


Today’s topic: Do you think Uncle Lin’s wife should resign to take care of her mother-in-law? Welcome to share your views in the comments section.


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