What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading

2020/12/1505:25:11 regimen 999

After waking up in the morning, a new day begins, and various choices are also coming-if you haven't slept well, consider whether to wait for a better night's sleep; hungry, thinking about what to eat for breakfast? Sporty people are entangled in whether to go out for a walk or go at night...

How to choose better? The following small suggestions may wish to refer to ~

1. What time should I have breakfast? Eat breakfast like an "emperor"?

Anyone who cares about health care knows the importance of eating breakfast, skipping breakfast will affect the metabolism , ​​ increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, cognitive dysfunction, stones, etc. !

But everyone wakes up at different times. Some people wake up early and eat early; some people wake up after ten o'clock. Is this still breakfast? What time is more appropriate to have breakfast?

What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading - DayDayNews

1, Recommended time: 7 or 8 o’clock in the morning

7 or 8 o’clock in the morning, even if you are still in bed, the body has actually started to change, , ​​the body temperature starts to rise, and the nerves start to increase, and the metabolism of starts to increase, and the nerves start to increase. Consumed overnight, the food in stomach has basically been metabolized , at this time the stomach is in the period when absorbs nutrients most efficiently, . It should be noted that breakfast is best not to eat later than 9:30, because it is too late to eat, too close to lunch time, affects lunch appetite , and the food does not have enough time to digest, easy to aggravate the stomach and intestines The burden is ; in addition, long-term eating late for breakfast, too long fasting, gallstones and other diseases may also come.

What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading - DayDayNews

2, The principle of eating breakfast

As the saying goes, "Breakfast should be eaten like an emperor", so many people’s breakfast is exceptionally rich, from buns, milk, and snacks to… Experts say that a good breakfast is not about many types, but rather full nutrition of . Eating too messy can be more harmful!

For breakfast, pay attention to two principles:

① Try to include buns and other staple foods , ​​eggs, milk and other high-quality protein, fresh fruits and vegetables 3zzzzzzz3 or 3z1zzzzzzz3 or 3zzzzzz3 1zzzzzzzz3 or 3z1zzz1 3; Fried foods, more sauces, leftovers, cold and exciting foods.

What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading - DayDayNews

2. Is it harmful to sleep?

Many people still feel sleepy when they wake up in the morning or even after breakfast, and want to stay in bed for a while. This is what we often call "return to sleep". And the net: the more you sleep back to the cage, the more harm to your body. is this real?

In fact, it’s not that exaggerated, but there are some benefits:

①Supplement sleep time : For people who don’t get enough sleep,People who work night shifts and have insomnia at night really need to properly supplement their sleep time during the day to ensure that the body is in a state of energetic .

②Adjust the body state : Many people are now forced to wake up by alarm clocks, mobile phones, etc., and after such unnatural waking up, the human body is often very sleepy and slow to respond. At this time, if you stay in bed for a while, you can help the body gradually recover .

What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading - DayDayNews

But if you often sleep , ​​you sleep for a long time ; or is not lack of sleep, simply because you are "lazy" and want to sleep again , ​​ itself is not recommended, but the body is more prone to sleep discomfort:


zz0 Sufficient, still continue, sleeps too much, will dizzy, headache . Because during sleep, the brain secretes a neurotransmitter serotonin, which makes people feel relaxed and comfortable; but if you sleep too much and the effect of serotonin is too much, it is easy to cause headaches.

People who often sleep back into the cage will break the rhythm of heart activity and brain work and rest, and will lead to weak heart contraction and body weakness . The long-term effect of the sleep center of the brain will slow down the functional effect of restoring activities, and the whole person will become lack of energy .

What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading - DayDayNews

In general, it is best to ensure adequate and high-quality sleep at night , in the morning develop a good habit of getting up regularly ~ if there are special circumstances, you can choose to sleep within half an hour of 21 Take a nap or take a nap.

3. Exercise on an empty stomach or after a meal? Morning or evening?

Exercising is an effective way to promote health, but many people will always struggle during exercise. Should I go after breakfast or go without eating? When should exercise be better?

1, Fasting exercise burns more calories, but it is not suitable for everyone

A study in the "British Journal of Nutrition" shows that: compared to exercise after breakfast, exercise before breakfast can burn 20% of 1zzzzzzzzzz1 . Therefore, for people who are obese in , ​​, ​​proper exercise on an empty stomach is a good choice for weight control~

but is for people with weak body and chronic diseases, , ​​ is prone to hypoglycemia, or even worse, . Illness and accident! So it is best to eat some bread and some milk before exercise.

What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading - DayDayNews

2, z1

2, z1, early or late, have their own advantages





But as far as big cities are concerned, air pollution in the morning may be more serious, so it is best to wait for 3z go out for exercise after the sun comes out; and the temperature of is low in the morning , For people with three highs, coronary heart disease and other basic diseases , blood pressure is easy to be unstable and accidents occur.

In addition, human body temperature is low in the morning, joints and muscles are relatively stiff, so it is suitable to engage in some exercises with low intensity , such as Tai Chi and yoga.

What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading - DayDayNews

② Peak physical energy at night, suitable for muscle gain

At dusk (17:00~19:00), especially when the sun goes down, the human body's exercise capacity reaches the highest peak of 3z, muscles and joints are more flexible, and the heart rate and blood pressure are the most stable. At this time, it is more suitable for strength training , and the chance of injury during exercise will be much smaller.

But pay attention to 3~4 hours before going to bed, exercise intensity should not be too large , so as not to cause insomnia due to excessive nervous system excitement.

What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading - DayDayNews

4. Should I open the window for ventilation after getting up?

When the weather is warm, many people like to open the windows and breathe fresh air after getting up; but after the winter, your windows should rarely be opened~ But as you know, the doors and windows are closed tightly, and indoor pollution may be more serious!

For new homes, some furniture, decorations, etc. will release a variety of volatile organic compounds, such as formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, etc.; and kitchen fume, dust mites, dander , etc. are for every family There will be in it. If the indoor air does not circulate, and the outdoor air exchange rate is low, these substances will accumulate , ​​ cause greater lethality ! What's more, in winter, a warm room is more conducive to the reproduction of bacteria and viruses.

What time is better for breakfast? Is it good to go back to sleep? Four questions, you won’t be confused after reading - DayDayNews

We usually open windows to ventilate the harmful substances floating in the indoor air.

1, The best time to open the window:

When the sun rises in the morning, when the temperature is highest at noon, or around three o’clock in the afternoon, we can open the window appropriately.

opens the window three times a day, , ​​ each time greater than fifteen minutes window opening time, is the standard of healthy ventilation. Of course, we must pay attention to keep warm and not catch cold, especially in families with elderly and children.

In special circumstances such as hazy days, wind and rain, or clusters of disease in the community, the number of window openings should be reduced.

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