Author: Liu Liu After more than a week of high temperatures, the "dog days" finally began on July 16th! Sanfu is the collective name for the first, middle and last days, and is the hottest period of the year. The Dog Days appear every year from mid-July to mid-August in the Grego

2024/07/0304:58:32 regimen 1593

author: fluent

Author: Liu Liu After more than a week of high temperatures, the

After more than a week of high temperature, the "dog days of " finally started on July 16th! Sanfu is the collective name for the first, middle and last days, and is the hottest period of the year. The Dog Days appear every year from mid-July to mid-August in the Gregorian calendar. Its climate characteristics are high temperature, low pressure, high humidity, and low wind speed. This year's ambush time is from July 16 to August 25, a total of 40 days. After entering the dog days, you should try to reduce outdoor activities in high temperatures and avoid being exposed to the sun.

Author: Liu Liu After more than a week of high temperatures, the Author: Liu Liu After more than a week of high temperatures, the

People often say "eat radishes in the winter and ginger in the summer." Eating some ginger appropriately during the dog days can help remove dampness , speed up blood circulation, and dissipate heat in the body. Modern medical research shows that substances such as zingerone and zingiberenone contained in ginger have a good anti-nausea effect. In addition, ginger also contains volatile oils, gingerols , resins, starches, cellulose, etc...

Author: Liu Liu After more than a week of high temperatures, the

Ginger also has a certain inhibitory effect on many bacteria, such as Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts , molds, etc. . Ginger extract extracted by water leaching has varying degrees of inhibitory effects on different bacteria, such as typhoid bacilli, Vibrio cholerae, and fresh ginger juice has a greater inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli, brewer's yeast, and Penicillium . Obvious antibacterial effect. Therefore, ginger is often used in daily life to prevent the spoilage of meat products such as ham and sausages, as well as aquatic products.

In addition to ginger, you should try to eat less fatty, greasy, and fishy foods during the dog days of summer, and eat less spicy food to adapt to the digestive capacity of your gastrointestinal tract in summer. The diet is mainly light vegetarian, with fish, eggs, and milk to ensure the body's necessary supplement of water, salt water, calories, protein, minerals, vitamins and other substances. Pay attention to reducing going out and replenishing water in time. In addition to drinking plenty of water, you can also get fluids through your diet. Eat more water-rich foods such as soups, soups, and porridge.

Author: Liu Liu After more than a week of high temperatures, the

For this micro-diet therapy, the editor recommends a refreshing and delicious sweet and sour ginger slices , which not only conforms to the saying of eating more ginger in summer, but also allows everyone to eat happily without being spicy ~

Author: Liu Liu After more than a week of high temperatures, the


rice vinegar, white sugar, Young ginger and salt


Remove the fibrous roots of fresh young ginger and keep them for cooking.

Clean the tender parts, scrape off the skin and cut into thin slices.

Sprinkle in salt and mix well. The amount of salt used should be slightly more than that used for cooking.

Let it sit for half an hour and drain out the water.

Squeeze out the water from the pickled ginger slices and put them into a clean and oil-free container.

Boil vinegar and sugar in a ratio of 5:3.

After boiling, there is no need to let it cool. Pour it directly into the container, covering the ginger slices.

Let the ginger slices cool, seal them and put them in the refrigerator.

If you want to make pink ginger slices, just add a little safflower or perilla .

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