In January this year, she discovered a "pimple" about the size of a soybean in the bald area. It was painful and itchy, and she couldn't help but scratch it. Research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute shows that the risk of lung cancer can be reduced by 39

2024/07/0216:26:32 regimen 1402

In January this year, she discovered a 5-year-old Sister Zhang was burned by a fire on the top of her head when she was a child. The wound took almost 4 months to heal, but there was still a scarred bald area where was burned..

In January this year, she discovered a "pimple" about the size of a soybean in her bald area. It was painful and itchy, and she couldn't help but scratch it. Every time he accidentally scratched it and caused bleeding and pus, he just applied alcohol to deal with it.

months ago, the "pimple" suddenly grew to the size of an egg. Sister Zhang was afraid that it was a tumor, so she hurried to the local tertiary hospital and performed a pathological biopsy of the head mass. The result showed that the skin was highly differentiated. Squamous cell carcinoma.

Speaking of " squamous cell carcinoma", many people may think of Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang died of squamous cell carcinoma on January 16, 2020.

Squamous cell carcinoma This cancer may sound strange, but it is actually very common in real life.

In January this year, she discovered a

1. What is "squamous cell carcinoma"? It may be more dangerous than you think

Squamous cell carcinoma, referred to as squamous cell carcinoma , is a malignant tumor that occurs in epidermal or adnexal cells. is more common in areas covered by squamous epithelium , such as skin, oral cavity, esophagus, cervix, vagina, etc. .

This is actually a pathological type, and there is no specific prevention and treatment method for it. It is necessary to combine the primary site, pathological type, stage and other information to determine the specific treatment plan. The incidence of

squamous cell carcinoma is related to ultraviolet exposure, chemical stimulation, precancerous lesions , and other chronic skin diseases etc.

It usually occurs in exposed parts such as the hands, back, and face of elderly people aged 50 to 60 years old. It first manifests as infiltrative morphea, which can rapidly enlarge, with the surface appearing cauliflower-shaped or the center rupturing to form ulcers.

At present, the more common clinical squamous cell carcinomas mainly include: skin squamous cell carcinoma, nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, lung squamous cell carcinoma, and cervical squamous cell carcinoma.

Among them, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma has the highest cure rate, and most of them can be cured through surgery. However, the lungs and esophagus are relatively hidden in their locations, so they are discovered late, and the prognosis will also be affected.

In January this year, she discovered a

2. These three types of scars have a higher risk of cancer

According to Li Tao, chief physician of the Department of Bone and Soft Tissue Surgery at the Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, skin squamous cell carcinoma mostly occurs on the basis of old scars from burns in childhood. In addition, Patients with chronic skin diseases are also prone to develop squamous cell carcinoma.

Why do old scars become cancerous?

Generally speaking, scars will not be higher than the surface of the skin after the wound heals, and they are considered normal scars. However, if excessive cell proliferation occurs during the healing process, resulting in thickening, redness, and swelling of the wound skin, or even deformity, pathological scars or heterogeneous scars will be formed.

On this basis, if the scar is repeatedly stimulated by scratching, inflammation, friction, etc., it will easily form ulcers, which will gradually worsen if it does not heal for a long time. In particular, these three types of scars have a high risk of cancer, so everyone should be more vigilant:

    . Hypertrophic scars

    This kind of scar has an irregular shape, uneven surface, and a solid and tough texture. It is often accompanied by unbearable itching, causing patients to relapse. Scratching can lead to infection.

    In January this year, she discovered a

  • . Keloid scars with recurrent infections

    These scars have obvious skin lesions, and may also be caused by acne or mosquito bites, and are prone to repeated irritation.

  • . Atrophic scars after severe burns Atrophic scars

    This kind of scar has a thin epidermis and a flat surface. Due to poor blood circulation, it will appear bright white. If the scar is on the active part of the joint, it can easily lead to repeated rupture and infection.

    3. What can we do to prevent "squamous cell carcinoma"?

    Many people may not have heard of squamous cell carcinoma, but its incidence rate is increasing every year. The occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma is directly related to lifestyle. So what triggers should we pay attention to in our daily life, and how can we prevent it?

    • Eat less hot food

    A study published in the sub-journal of "Nature" found that eating and drinking "hot mouth" increases the risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by up to nearly 4 times. The human body's esophagus has limited heat resistance. Freshly boiled soup or hot tea may be too hot and easily burn the esophagus. You may wish to wait until it cools down before drinking.

    In January this year, she discovered a

    • Protect yourself from the sun

    Long-term exposure of skin to the sun can easily cause chronic irritation and may also induce skin squamous cell carcinoma. It is very important to use sun protection every day when going out. There is an international ABC principle of sun protection:

    Avoid the sun : Try to stay indoors, or try to walk in the shade to avoid direct exposure to the sun.

    Blocking: When going out, wear sunglasses, sun protection clothing, and use a parasol.

    Sunscreen : Sunscreen is a supplement to A and B, used to assist in enhancing the sun protection effect.

    • Use public chopsticks

    EB virus is a herpes virus that is ubiquitous around the world. It can lurk in B lymphocytes for a long time. When the body's immune function is low, it will cause infection and eventually lead to nasopharyngeal cancer or It's other diseases.

    EB virus can be transmitted through saliva, so the key to prevention is to pay attention to oral hygiene, including using public chopsticks when dining together.

    In January this year, she discovered a

    • Injection of HPV vaccine

    Many squamous cell carcinomas are related to HPV virus infection, such as cervical cancer and oropharyngeal cancer. By vaccinating against the HPV virus, you can effectively prevent viral invasion and greatly reduce the risk of cancer.

    • Smoking less

    Smoking and air pollution can irritate the lungs and cause lung squamous cell carcinoma.

    Research published in the "Journal of the National Cancer Institute" shows that the risk of lung cancer can be reduced by 39% within 5 years of quitting smoking. Therefore, Xiaojiu still has to say: Please quit smoking!

    The key to the prevention and treatment of squamous cell carcinoma is, first, early screening, early detection and early treatment, and second, developing a good lifestyle. I hope that through this article, everyone can have a clearer understanding of this "unpopular cancer".

    In January this year, she discovered a


    [1] "How dangerous is squamous cell carcinoma?" 》. Xinhua News Agency . 2020-01-17

    [2]《Danger! These three types of scars on the body need to be dealt with immediately, as they may turn into cancer! Don’t be careless...". Popular Science China. 2021-06-21

    [3] "@ Smokers, quit smoking quickly. Even if you are diagnosed with lung cancer, you can reduce the risk of death! | ASCO2020》.Medical Cancer Friendship Association.2020-05-15

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