Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer

2024/07/0301:04:33 regimen 1880

Today is the first day of the early summer. The arrival of the early winter means that the dog days of summer have officially arrived with humidity and heat.

According to calculations, this year's Dog Day period will last for 140 days. All parts of the country will enter "steamer mode". The continuously high temperatures and the sultry feeling caused by occasional rains will make people miserable.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

In order to get rid of the heat, people try their best to find some "coolness": drink cold drinks, swim, take cold showers, turn on the air conditioner... You can feel comfortable no matter how hard it is, but your body can't bear it.

Although the weather has been hot since entering the ambush, the number of patients with colds, fevers, and headaches in the hospital has gradually increased. Some middle-aged and elderly people have been hospitalized due to sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and are surrounded by dangers.

would like to remind everyone: the occurrence of all this is inseparable from incorrect "summer escape methods".

In the dog days of summer, you need to pay attention to "hot health care"

TCM health care, pay attention to according to the season. In the hot summer, you should be hot when it should be hot, sweat when you should sweat, follow the growth and release of your own yang energy, and take away the heat and humidity in the body, so that you can prepare for autumn and winter.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

At this time, if you do not follow the seasonal rules, blindly enjoy the coolness and do not sweat, you will be prone to some diseases. Therefore, to get rid of summer heat and maintain health, you should "use heat to remove heat".

1 Drink hot tea

Many people, especially young people, like to drink cold drinks in hot weather, thinking that this can relieve the body's hotness and cool down. But in fact, when cold drinks enter the body, they will cause blood vessels to constrict and reduce the speed of the body's heat dissipation.

In hot weather, a cup of hot tea is a good choice to relieve the heat. Hot tea can help the capillaries and sweat glands in the body to relax, dissipate body heat, thereby lowering the body temperature and helping to relieve heat.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

In addition, tea has low calories and is also rich in calcium, iron, potassium and other trace elements. Regular drinking will not only prevent the body from excess caloric intake, but also help us replenish some of the electrolytes that are taken away by heavy sweating. , maintain the electrolyte balance in the body.

Note: The temperature of drinking tea should not exceed Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews0℃.

2Eat hot food

The hot food here does not refer to "hot food", but to warm ingredients. The old saying goes, "If you eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, you don't need a doctor's prescription." It can be seen that eating warm foods in summer is good for health.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

Ginger is cheap and commonly available, making it a good choice for "hot food." In summer, when you often stay in an air-conditioned room, your body will suffer from severe dampness and coldness. You can usually cut some ginger into dishes or make soup for drinking. If you stick to it, you can relieve various discomforts caused by dampness and coldness.

In addition to ginger, beef and mutton, fennel, cinnamon, etc. are also warm and can be eaten in moderation in summer.

Attention : People who have a hot constitution or suffer from internal heat are advised to choose whether to consume it under the advice of a doctor.

3 Take a hot bath

In previous tweets, we have mentioned several cases of "sudden death due to vasoconstriction due to cold baths" in summer. It can be seen that casually taking cold baths on hot days is not a good choice.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

And it seems that "making people hotter" hot bath can actually help dispel summer heat. The same principle as drinking hot drinks, hot water can help blood vessels relax, open pores, and better dissipate heat, thereby achieving the purpose of cooling down and eliminating heat, and you will feel cooler after bathing.

But be careful to keep the water temperature around Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews0℃, so as not to burn the skin. Also pay attention to controlling the time of taking a hot bath and keeping the bathroom ventilated to avoid dizziness, hypoxia, etc. caused by too much heat.

4 Soak your feet in hot water

Many people have the habit of foot soaking in winter, but in the hot summer they are no longer willing to soak their feet in hot water. But in fact, there are many benefits to soaking your feet in summer.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

In addition to promoting blood circulation and speeding up metabolism, foot soaking in hot water in summer can also help remove dampness and cold accumulated due to long time in air-conditioned rooms and fans, and avoid colds; it can also help improve excessive sweating in summer. Symptoms of fungal infection include foot odor, itching, peeling and other symptoms.

Note: The water temperature of footbathing in summer should be kept at Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews2℃-45℃, and the time should be controlled at Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews5-20 minutes. The water level is 3/4 below the knee, which is good. Consciously sweating a little is enough. .

5Do moxibustion

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the yang energy is strong in summer, and mugwort leaves are warming and clearing meridians medicines. In summer moxibustion, the two yangs are in sync with each other, and the strength of replenishing yang is the strongest.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

If you have asthma, habitual diarrhea, or people with cold constitution, you can choose moxibustion regularly in summer to achieve the effects of invigorating yang, warming and relieving pain.

6 Exercise warm-up

It is hot in summer and the comfort of exercise may be reduced, but the benefits of summer exercise cannot be denied. When performing moderate exercise in a high-temperature environment, in order to prevent the body temperature from rising too quickly, the blood vessels on the body surface will expand and the sweat glands will also open to increase heat dissipation.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

Research has found that if you exercise in a hot environment for 2 consecutive weeks, the human body will gradually adapt to the heat environment, which is called heat acclimatization (heat acclimatization). This adaptation is helpful to the body's body temperature regulation, water and salt metabolism, and cardiovascular function .

Note: When exercising in a high temperature environment, it is best to choose non-strenuous exercise such as jogging, brisk walking, etc., and choose to do it in the morning or evening.

Although summer health care requires "heating with heat", the hidden risks under high temperatures must be guarded against.

These two "high temperature diseases" have to be prevented

1 Heat stroke

Heat stroke is a physical disorder caused by the body losing a lot of water and salt in a high-heat environment. When heat production increases and heat dissipation decreases, heat stroke is likely to occur. For example, working in an environment with high temperature and humidity or staying in a high temperature environment for too long.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

If you find that you have fever, palpitation, or sweating a lot, you should be alert to whether it is heat stroke.At this time, you should stop working immediately, find a cool place to rest, take off sweaty clothes, and replenish water and electrolytes in a timely manner.

If the condition does not improve after a short rest, or even persists in high fever, convulsions, coma, etc., please seek medical treatment in time.

❖ Precautions:

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

Huoxiang Zhengqi water is commonly available in many families and will be used once symptoms of heatstroke occur. But in fact, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is only suitable for yin-shu symptoms caused by excessive greed for cold, while for yang-shu symptoms caused by long-term exposure to the sun, it is more suitable to use Rendan, Fengyoujing, etc.

Yin-shu symptoms : no sweat, chest tightness , fever and aversion to cold, body weight pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

Yang-shu symptoms : high fever, upset, chest tightness, thirst, short and red urine.

2 Air-conditioning disease

Air-conditioning disease, also known as "air conditioning syndrome", refers to nasal congestion, dizziness, sneezing, tinnitus, fatigue, memory loss, and limb muscles caused by long-term stay in an air-conditioned environment. A disease with symptoms such as joint pain .

The occurrence of this disease is related to the airtightness of the room when the air conditioner is turned on, the humidity and temperature of the room, etc. Studies have found that air-conditioned environments are more suitable for the reproduction of various microorganisms such as molds, bacteria, and viruses, making it easier for people to contract diseases caused by microorganisms.

Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews

In addition, being in an environment with too low temperature for a long time will slow down the blood circulation, and aggravate the discomfort of joints and muscles. If the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, there may even be a risk of sudden myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction due to vasoconstriction during frequent entry and exit.

❖ To stay away from air-conditioning sickness, pay attention to these things:

① The temperature is controlled at Today is the first day of the first day of summer. The arrival of the first day of summer means that the hot and humid days of summer have officially arrived. According to calculations, this year’s Dog Day period lasts for 40 days, and all parts of the country will enter “steamer - DayDayNews6℃. 26℃ is the most comfortable temperature for the human body, and it can ensure that the indoor and outdoor temperature difference is small, reducing the burden on the temperature regulation center .

② The air conditioning wind blows upward. Cold air will sink, so the upward wind can not only cool down, but also avoid headaches, dizziness and other problems caused by cold wind blowing directly on the body.

③ Pay attention to ventilation . Turning on the air conditioner for a long time will make the air drier. At the same time, due to the closed environment and lack of air circulation, respiratory diseases are more likely to occur. Therefore, it is recommended to open the windows for 15 minutes every hour and take a walk outside to breathe fresh air.

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